Ask In The Middle Of It

Prani Shalrazi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2024
Reaction score

Prani’s eyes widened even more as he outright said he wanted to ask her out. Her entire perception of everything came crashing down at once. So he didn’t see her as just another friend? He felt the same way? Her heart was thundering against her chest and she was certain she could feel the pulse in her ears somehow. Prani’s face was beet red, the Force manifesting around her as little vines began to protrude from the makeshift nests below the bell. The intricate little vines were rapidly weaving together, securing the nest even more and creating a natural bowl. Tiny dandelions began to appear. All of this was happening without her having a clue.

“Stop talkin’ Shaw!” Prani practically screeched, waving her hands frantically to cut off the verbal diarrhea, “Yes. Yes I’ll go out with ya,” She added quickly before he could incorrectly assume that she cut off his theatrics for a negative reason. Prani was surprised at herself, but it came from having desired the same thing for some time. It was perhaps the first time they were addressing a nagging feeling neither wanted to acknowledge and it took Shaw fumbling his way into it to finally open that door.

“I…I didn’t know ya felt that way..” Prani said, chewing on her lip, “Yer always surrounded by all them girls so I thought.. And I’m..” She began to spiral into self-deprecating language, but she caught herself. She knew Shaw didn’t like when she did it, and he was right. Prani needed to change her perspective. She needed to follow his example of being comfortable in her own skin.

“AMARIS!” Shaw’s radio crackled to life, “Get your ASS to the transport. You’re the holdup!”

Prani sighed to herself. Before the moment could truly slip, she closed the distance and pulled Shaw into a hug. It was the first time she actually embraced him. The clouds began to roll in and thunder erupted, but she just tightly held him, burying her face against his chest. There was no other place she wanted to be and it was a moment she wanted to freeze in time.

“I like you too, Shaw,” She muttered, her voice slightly muffled. After a moment, she drew back and smiled at him.

“Now go be a hero somewhere else,” Prani said, watching him fondly until he left. She remained behind, leaning against the railing as the first drops of rain began to smatter against the tower.

No storm could wipe the smile off her face today.


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
Prani screeched and Shaw shut up. If she hadn't had his whole attention before, she certainly did now. He had never heard her make a sound like that before, and it got his attention real quick. He couldn't tear his eyes off of her, waiting to hear what she had to say next. Mercifully she didn't keep him waiting for long, so his mind didn't have time to go down the rabbit hole to pull from the worst case scenarios. Shaw would just hear her say yes.

"Really?" he asked, eyes wide and glowing as if she couldn't believe it at first. Then an infectious grin spread across his lips that lit up his whole face. Not even the warbled voice of one of his commanding Jedi Knights coming through the radio at his waist could put a dent in the mood Prani had just put him in. As if it was a sales pitch, he added, "Don't worry! You'll have a really good time! I'll make sure of—"

But she cut him off again, pulling him into a hug. Shaw's heart skipped a beat at the initial contact, but he wasn't as nervous as he might have imagined he would be. This just felt right somehow, and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her, sweeping her off her feet and spinning in place once. He knew Prani was small, but had she always been this small? Maybe he really had gotten taller.

Her voice brought him back to reality, and he set her back down. He wished they could have stayed there a little while longer. He didn't think he would ever get tired of hearing her say 'I like you,' and he wanted to say it a few times himself, but there wasn't time.

"Right. Gotta go. I'll... see ya around?" He grinned when he realized there was no doubt about it. "Yeah, I'll see you around." The teenager vaulted over the belfry's railing and jumped from one windowsill to the next until he reached the bottom. Had all these vines and dandelions been there the whole time? In his excitement he slipped on the last windowsill and hit the ground with a thud, but he jumped right back up and kept running toward the rendezvous point like nothing had happened. Shaw didn't care. He would be smiling for days. @Sreeya

/ end of thread​