Jahn Nors


SWRP Writer
Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score

Jahn Nors
AGE: 18
FACTION: Independant
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown, Curly, Shoulder-length
SKIN: Fair
CREDITS: 1,000

STRENGTH: Above average for someone his age.
DEXTERITY: Deft. Quick, and has a slick hand.
CONSTITUTION: Solid. Taking enough beatings eventually makes you sturdier than most.
INTELLIGENCE: Sharp. Thinking on his feet is his specialty...that and his natural snark.
WISDOM: Still has a lot to learn...about everything, really.
CHARISMA: So-so. He has a sort of natural charm to him...he just doesn't know how to use it that well.

Oft described as a, "pretty boy" Jahn has naturally good looks. So it's kind of a shame he doesn't know how to use them to his advantage in the slightest. His curly dark brown locks hang freely, framing his scruffy face at any given time. His build is lean, as the struggle of day-to-day life on Nar Shadaa keeps him generally fit. His eyes are brown as well and nearly as dark as his hair. As for attire, Jahn favors dark colors, preferring to wear black or grey. His wardrobe is what you'd expect from any rapscallion, favoring basic shirts, vests, pants, and a comfortable pair of boots.

Jahn's a conundrum. Solemn and perceptive by nature, but roguish by circumstance. Growing up alone on Nar Shadaa caused him to mature much quicker than most boys his age. His default mood seems to be somber (and for good reason). He's not wise in the traditional sense of the word, but has accrued enough street smarts over the years to survive, and that counts for a hell of a lot in this galaxy. He's not too big on relying on others and he certainly doesn't accept handouts. He adheres to his own code of honor. He's not above pilfering belongings off merchants or fencing stolen goods to earn creds, but to say he's a no-good thief would be inaccurate. He only steals from people who deserve it...and on the smuggler's moon, that's every 9/10 people. Seriously though, Jahn has a good heart. And even before himself he's usually looking out for the orphans and street rats on Nar Shadaa because he used to be one of them (and honestly isn't that much more than one at present). He has no problem going against the grain to do what he thinks is right. Whether that's breaking the law to help out a friend or standing up to some two-bit gangster to protect his own.

When Jahn was still an infant his father walked out on him and his mother, never to be seen again. Even before he could recognize it his life was steeped in sadness. He was raised by his mother, who did her best to provide for the both of them by working several jobs at any one time. Despite her best efforts, Jahn grew up with a bitterness inside. Even from an early age he resented his father for leaving them. His mother did the the best she could with what she had, but seeing the toll the constant years of work took on her made Jahn despise his father even more. Jahn adored and admired his mother. Their life wasn't glorious by any means and they were constantly drifting from place to place, but her and Jahn were content with wherever they wound up as long as they had each other. Unfortunately that was cut short when she fell horribly ill when he was only seven years old. Jahn did what he could and begged and pleaded local doctors to help his mother, but they were far too poor to afford any of the medications offered let alone the treatments. All he could do stay by her side and watch as her condition worsened. It only took a few weeks for the illness to progress to the point of no return. And one night in a grubby shelter on Nar Shadaa, the boy watched his mother pass away. When not discussing his father, Jahn was a relatively happy child...up until that night. From then on until the present day he'd be described on multiple occasions as "sullen" and even "brooding" at times. It was his natural state. Life after her death was rough. And loneliness seemed to be his only friend. Luckily some of the other homeless took pity on him or the kid would've starved to death. He was lost. Couldn't even beg for food he was so stricken with grief. Everything he knew...the only person that ever mattered to him was gone. What was he was to do? If you guessed, "resort to petty theft and learn how to not get caught" you'd be correct. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. And months into years. Somehow and against all odds Jahn managed to keep a decent head on his shoulders. That didn't come without its drawbacks, however. He's attracted a bit of a following among the orphans and the unlucky of Nar Shadaa. On multiple occasions he's even stuck his neck out for their well being. That doesn't come without its share of heat, both from law enforcement and local gangs. So far he's managed to stay out of too much trouble...but the way things are going, that won't last for too much longer.

None, as of yet. Has no idea that he's Force sensitive.

Growing up on Nar Shadaa has offered Jahn a very unique set of a skills, and a perfect environment in which to hone them. He has extremely deft hands and is a proficient pickpocket. He knows his way around a fight due to years of run-ins with local gangs. Consequently, he can also take one hell of a beating. He can slice a terminal or a door with varying degrees of difficulty (with the more complex stuff taking longer). Jahn's no marksman by any means, but he's a decent shot with a blaster pistol. And most importantly? He's snarky as all hell. Sometimes even not on purpose.

- Basic (Fluent)
- Binary (Conversational)
- Huttese (Conversational)


+ Good in a brawl
+ Quick Thinker/Perceptive
+ Adaptive
- Bad at talking himself out of trouble
- Prideful
- Loner

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol

- A surprisingly reliable old blaster Jahn bought used for cheap.

- A standard vibroknife he keeps in a sheath on his belt.
Belt Rig

- A leather belt that holds a holster for Jahn's blaster and a sheath for his knife. Has compartments for extra power packs as well.



None so far.

None so far.
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