Kai Sera


The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score

-As Padawan


-As Knight​

"I must not fear
Fear is the mind-killer
I will face my fear
And let it pass through me
After the fear
There will be nothing
Only I will remain"

*Kai is currently going through a bit of an update. Please excuse the mess.*

Kai's Theme 1 2 3

Species: Human
Faction: Jedi
Rank: Master; Councilor
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Homeworld: Naboo
Height: 1.77 meters
Weight: 72 kilos
Hair: Black, Short
Eyes: Dark Grey
Skin: White, Slightly golden olive tan
Force Sensitive: Yes
Master(s): Master Lutomi Renelo
Apprentice(s): N/A
Aliases/Nicknames: None
Distinguishing Marks: None

Physical Description: Kai is rather average for a human standing slightly below average for a male with a somewhat lean build. He has cut his very long straight hair so that it is now short, but his seemingly delicate features belies the strength and agility contained in his small frame. As of late Kai has finally started to grow into his body so he looks less feminine and slightly more masculine now that he's older. Being born into a well-to-do family on Naboo Kai is not used to doing physical labor and his body reflects this lifestyle. Only after joining the Jedi Order has he started to gain any real mass due to his daily training. His build is thin being mostly muscle and bone and very little fat (although not for a lack of food, he just has an ectomorphic body).


Strength: Kai has gained some strength as he has grown since joining the Order, but he is still rather thin and therefore not particularly strong, that is not to say he is weak, however. He would be best described as average in strength. Most of his weight is lean muscle and therefore gives him a surprising strength. Kai is not the person one goes to when looking for muscle, but he can hold his own in a fist fight against an opponent slightly bigger and stronger than he. Developed from years of gymnastics, parkour, and fencing Kai can utilize his strength to the fullest.

Dexterity: Perhaps his one true advantage, Kai has excellent dexterity and this reflects in superb hand-eye coordination and reflexes as well as having a natural talent for jumps and flips. Developed from years of gymnastic experience and free-running, Kai can easily clear obstacles and climb short walls. His exceptional dexterity gives him the ability to dodge punches, grabs, and even blade strikes if he has the capability of detecting them in time.

Constitution: Rather surprising to the ignorant, but Kai is quite hale and hardy for a young man of his size and shape. Years of physical exercise has trained and toned his body to deal with pain and the mental resilience to match his physical fortitude. Kai can take quite a punishing, and his body will probably give up sooner than his will. His excellent constitution allows him to work or fight longer (if not harder) than others before tiring.

Intelligence: While not exceptionally smart (at least not when compared to other geniuses) Kai does possess a keen mind well suited to solving puzzles and thinking outside the box. When it comes to martial arts and computers, his two great joys, Kai finds himself to be even smarter than your average layperson, and can understand things about those faster than those who only have basic knowledge of such things. Kai is capable of coming up with unique ideas instinctively while fighting to help him win. While he may appear smarter when it comes to fighting and computers, Kai is less refined in other areas such as physiology or politics.

Wisdom: Kai is no sage, but he does on occasion have a few words of wisdom to offer on a matter that seems wise beyond his years. While his young age and relative lack of experience prevents him from having more knowledge and tales, this does not stop him from listening more than speaking and providing very keen insights from time to time. As a person Kai is quiet and typically cautious, often thinking things over before acting.

Charisma: Growing up, Kai learned the intricacies of conversation. Whether he is meeting a shady contact in an alley way or blending in at a high society party on Naboo, Kai can do both almost effortlessly (if not rather nervously). Kai is not the kind of person who is spoiled or always gets what he wants, but rather he knows the kind of things he needs to say and do to convince people to help him as he uses both his intelligence and his wisdom to help him make a reasonable and logical argument. This process is always easier if Kai knows the person well. Of course, this does not mean Kai is always successful in convincing another person to help, and often Kai finds himself to be much less of a smooth-talker than he thought. This overconfidence will probably one day land him in trouble.

Excellent with a blade
Smooth Talker
Decent (but aspiring) Pilot
Proficient Gunslinger
Excellent Free-Runner
Proficient Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Has learned to rely on the Force for strength and Guidance
Slow to Anger
Especially Resilient to Mental Attacks due to constant training and use of Telepathy.

Known Lightsaber Forms/Styles:
Ataru - Kai enjoys the energetic and acrobatic attacks employed by Ataru as well as the ability to mix in strikes with his limbs. He uses it with the Force to enhance his meager strength and overwhelm his opponent's opening.

Soresu - Learning this defensive style to balance Ataru's natural shortcomings, Kai combines he basic blaster bolt deflection he learned from Shien to accurately reflect blaster bolts as well as create a solid defense he can use to create openings in his opponent's guard which he can exploit with Force Powers or with Ataru.

Makashi - Kai learned this style to help give him some simpler and more grounded lightsaber skills to compliment his training in Soresu better than Ataru.

Kai often employs certain techniques and strategies like saber throws and Sokan during his fights as well as telekinetic and telepathic assaults to help him maintain an edge. He also also started using Jar'Kai and Trakata to give him an extra edge.



Core Powers

- Control:

Force Concealment
Force Speed
Force of Will
Force Heal

- Sense:

Force Sight
Force Empathy

- Alter:

Affect Mind
Force Resistance
Force Illusion
Force Stun
Protection Barrier Skills
Disable Droid
Electric Judgment
Force Cloak
Plant Surge

Known Languages:
Basic (Fluent)
Huttese (Conversational)
Binary (Comprehension)

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Experienced swordsmen
+Knows how to turn a phrase and convince people to do things
+Confident in himself
+Excellent at navigating terrain on foot
-Not very strong physically
-Can overestimate his abilities
-Can be too cautious



1 Silver Solari-Crystal Lightsaber
1 Pearlescent Crystal Lightsaber
1 Verpine Shatter Gun (Pistol) firing .40 caliber rounds
Set of black clothes and coat
Modernized T-65 X-Wing
Jedi Holocron
MRAS.14A1 Infantry Armor (Picture)

Droid: R3-4U1
Green and white with clear dome

Personality: Kai never knew his father, whether he died when he was an infant, before he was born, or if he just left Kai is unsure of as his mother never spoke of him. This led to him having an almost apathetic opinion of his father; he neither likes the man nor dislikes him, he just didn't really care. Normally, Kai is very laid back and reserved, keeping to himself unless spoken to. However, most people find him to be a warm and welcoming individual who would put aside his own problems to help a friend in need. Kai hates seeing people being abused, taken advantage of, or hurt, and will often attempt to stop things which he finds to be either distasteful or even evil. During sparing or even in a real fight Kai has a cold, calm, and determined expression on his face that warns both friend and foe alike to stay out of his way. After learning he was Force Sensitive Kai became much more spiritual and began meditating more on the nature of things and of the Force. This led to him becoming more quiet and listening, but also more proactive, for once he had listened he made a decision on what to do. Humorously, while Kai had a few female friends before joining the Order, he found it rather difficult to interact with members of the fairer sex, this problem wass compounded when he found the female physically attractive. However, after joining the Jedi Kai has found it easier to talk to girls, he his still largely oblivious when it comes to flirting and how to act around those he likes, but given that most of his friends in the Order are female it would be sage to assume Kai isn't completely inept when it comes to females.

As Kai has grown and matured he has become slow to anger as his naturally calm demeanor has been augmented by regular meditation. This makes him hard to provoke into doing foolish actions, especially in a duel where he prefers to stay as the eye of the storm in regards to his emotions and mental state. As a Jedi Kai believes in helping the weak and defending the innocent. To this end Kai will always try and stop those who take advantage of their power and position whether they be Sith, Jedi, mercenary, or politician. While Kai prefers to avoid direct conflict he is more than willing to draw his blade in the defense of others or himself, although he tends to use this only as a last resort. Instead, Kai prefers to use diplomacy and the Force to diffuse or resolve a situation.

Spending almost all of his time with his fellow Jedi and working with the Force Kai has found to fully trust in the Force in all things. Kai also enjoys spending a great amount of his time with his fellow Padawans doing his best to learn, improve, and teach. When he becomes a knight he hopes to be able to teach the other Padawans everything he knows. As a rather social and caring individual Kai does his best to get to know others and involve himself in their lives and their training.

The Counselor: Introspective, caring, sensitive, and complex. Strive for peace and seek to develop and guide others. Value self-control and the pursuit of the greater good. Live their lives with a great purpose, and devoted to the causes they believe in. Characterized by the ability to connect with the essence of others and to identify their strengths.


Kai using his lightsaber for the first time.

Biography: Having been born into a well-off family on Naboo during the waning days of the Galactic Alliance Kai has never known hardship or suffering like so many other people do. For the first ten years of his life Kai's life was easy. He went to school, he learned how to fence and fight and do great twirls, and when he got home he would tinker on his own personal computer. Growing up Kai only had a few friends whom he saw on a regular basis and shared many adventures with. After the fall of Coruscant and the collapse of the Alliance life continued on almost normally for Kai; he was too young to truly grasp what was happening in the Galaxy. At age 12 he and his friends began to free-run around the town he lived in, climbing up wall and jumping from house to house. His life changed drastically at the age of 14.

On the eve of his 14th birthday an old female Miralukan Jedi stopped by his house saying she had a gift to give him. Her gift was the ability to see through the Force for a few moments, revealing to him that he was sensitive to the Force. When Kai told his mother of what happened she burst into tears for she had long suspected that he was Force Sensitive as she believed his father was a Jedi and her family had many members become Jedi. She was worried that Kai would run off and join the Jedi and be hunted by the Sith, or worse, that the Sith would discover him and whisk him away never to be seen again. However, she agreed that now that he knew he could use the Force, that he should train to use it, and so he began his tutelage under the Miraluka who had shown him the Force. For nearly two years Kai began training in the ways of the Force after school so no one would grow suspicious (the Miraluka was said to be an old nanny). Kai learned many things over the following months concerning the Jedi and the nature of the Force and the Galaxy. He learned of the Jedi Code and what it meant to the Jedi as well as the basic aspects of both the Living and Unifying Force. The philosophy and spirituality of the Jedi suited Kai's personality well, however, he chaffed under the restrictions. He wanted to use the powers he had learned (insignificant as they were) to help people. One night Kai decided he had had enough and went out into town looking for crime to fight with his friends. During their "patrol" they found a small gang of men attempting to mug an elderly man. Thinking to use his new powers Kai intervened. In the ensuing scuffle both Kai and one of his friends were injured, but the muggers had been chased off. When Kai's mother and his teacher found out what he did, both disciplined him harshly. What he did was foolish and nearly got people killed. It was not the way of the Jedi, his teacher told him, to march in the middle of the street at night flaunting his abilities and looking for trouble. After the incident Kai was forced to meditate for two full months. His training came to a halt as he was forbidden to use the Force at all during that time.

A little before his 15th birthday Kai began flight training when his mother suggested he sign up for classes. He found it was something he rather enjoyed much like fencing and computers. Within a few months, after daily lessons, Kai had mastered the basics of speeders like the modernized T-16 and T-47 before moving onto a civilian V-Wing. With his flight instructor satisfied, and with his mother's permission, Kai began training in flying starships and after a few more months began learning the basics of hyperspace travel. At around this time Kai began learning how to properly and accurately fire both blasters and slugthrowers after one of his friends took him out hunting for a week. During this trip Kai was handed a hunting rifle and a low-powered blaster pistol for protection. On his trip Kai subtly used the Force as his teacher had shown him to reach out with his feelings and sense the world around him. This gave him a slight edge during the hunt and he was able to bring down a large beast from well over a hundred meters away. Returning from this hunt Kai began practicing with whatever he could get his hands on when he wasn't in school or training in the Force.

On his 16th birthday Kai was told he was ready to construct his own lightsaber by his teacher. Providing him with the basic parts required and a furnace for the crystal Kai spent the next several days in a deep meditative trance as he assembled his hilt and forged his crystals. When he emerged from his room he held in his hands a darkened grey and silvered cylinder that when activated shot forth a violet blade. Showing the blade off to his mother she happily announced that she had bought him another present for when he finished his lightsaber. Leading him to the family's small hanger he quickly recognized a refurbished T-65 X-Wing sitting on the landing pad, next to it was a green and white R3 astromech droid. Kai felt ready to bring justice to where it was needed, however his teacher had other plans for him. She told him that their time together had ended, that her time in the Galaxy was drawing to a close (for she was old and growing weary), and that if Kai was serious about being a Jedi he would take his new ship and go search out the remnants of the New Jedi Order where he could become a full-fledged knight. She informed him that Naboo was a place the Jedi could train in relative safety, and it would be a trial to find a member of the Order without drawing the attention of the Order's enemies. To further his search she provided him with a short list of names, descriptions, and general locations of Jedi and those friendly to the Order on the planet that he would need to memorize (she destroyed the physical copy after he memorized it). She then reminded him that he would need to retain everything he had learned in the past two years if he wanted to be a true Jedi. And with that she left his home to places unknown. Giving his mother a hug and promise to return Kai boarded his X-Wing with a small pack of clothes, some money, his new lightsaber, an old pistol, and his R3 to go search for where the Jedi were and to continue his training.

Cram Session on Lamaredd - Kai receives training from Jedi Master Lutomi Renelo in some of the basics along with several of his fellow Padawans. He practices his bladework with Rane, as well as using Force Speed and expanding his abilities of Force Sense as well.

The Promise of Peacekeepers - Kai attends the Wrea Convention, and while he does not play a significant part in it, he does listen to what the many masters have to say.

Strengthening the Core - In the forests of Arbra Jedi Master Von Raythe has Kai, Jade, Xicar, and Trass push their abilities in the Force to the limit as she runs them through a gauntlet of exercises aimed to test their resolve and push their boundries. Kai ends up learning how to use his powers more effectively and more efficiently as well as learning how to use the power Tapas.

The Building of Walls - Under the instruction of Jedi Master Reland Gil, Kai learns how to use the Force to create a physical barrier to prevent harm known as protection bubble with Padawans Jax and Jade. It is a difficult exercise for Kai to do, but with dogged determination and help from the Force he manages to hold his bubble up long enough to complete the task.

Domination and Compassion* - Kai learns the basics of Shien and Djem So from Master Von Raythe on the beaches of Lamaredd, Kai has a little trouble at first, but is able to eventually trust in the Force and begins to excel at the techniques being shown to him.

Chit-Chatting the Night Away - Kai meets some Jedi on Utapau and makes some new friends.

To Seek - Kai meets Jade and another Padawan named Kess by happen chance on Naboo while visiting the town of Moenia. They eventually head to a restaurant and start the beginning of a close friendship with each other.

Diamond in the Ruff - While touring Theed, Kai and Jade find a girl named Miranda in an orphanage and convince her to join the Jedi.

Practice with Stone* - Kai meets a young girl on Naboo.

Tutaminis - Kai learns how to use the Force to absorb and redirect blaster bolts with Jedi Master Lutomi Renelo and several other padawans. It is an ability he is sure will see much practice in the future.

It Followed Me Home - On a trip to Felacat Kai and Jade meet a young Feles named Jacen.

To See Without* - Kai gets some practice with Force Sight from his friend Miranda.

The Force is with us ALWAYS - Kai is taken as Master Lutomi Renelo's apprentice. On their first outing together they come across a station that is having issues. Apparently the station had a Vornksr and Yslamiri infestation which the Jedi have to clear out without their ability to use the Force. It is a great learning experience for Kai as he works with his master he understands that even though he can't feel the Force it is still with him, guiding him.

Passing on Knowledge - Kai and Jade are sent to Onderon to learn how to construct a holocron by Jedi Master Gosei, a Feeorin who lives alone in the jungles. After making their way to the hut and learning the information they were sent to gather they discover they have an odd connection through the Force.

How to Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses - Kai and his new Master Lutomi Renelo practice Force powers that confuse the mind, such as the powers of Affect Mind and Illusion, as well as his ability to counter such abilities, and the essential power of Force Stealth. It is a difficult and trying practice for Kai as he falls for his master's powerful illusion and believes that the outpost is under attack. Believing a Sith to have taken his lightsaber, Kai puts his trust in the Force rather than his physical abilities taking a step towards relying on the Force as his ally.

Peaceful Clashes* - Kai meets a Jedi Padawan and the have a quick sparring session.

Lightsabers and the Force - Kai goes to an open mat practice where he meets a new Padawan by the name of Mjou. He also meets a Knight by the name of Raleigh who seems to dislike his attitude.

Shadow Crystals - Accompanying Jade to Eriadu where they intend to meet a contact of hers to buy some materials, Kai is horrified when his best friend murders a mercenary for trying to betray her. Unsure of what to do about her actions Kai begins to wonder if his friend is all right.

A Jedi Icon in Peril - Kai helps Master Lutomi as she learns about the capture of her Master, Larik Novan.

Help Me Obi-Wan! - After hearing that someone is searching for Jedi, Kai hesitantly meets with the mysterious, yet beautiful Evelyn Dray. She requests his help to track down a Sith. Kai does his best but is unable to find very much information on this Sith, but hopes to be of help in the future.

Polar Opposites in the Force - Traveling to the moon of Galtea with Master Lutomi and fellow Padawan Khelsea Vong they discover an ancient and abandoned Jedi structure. Being separated from his Master the Padawans have to face Dark Side Doppelgangers of themselves and have to overcome their inner fears by putting their trust in the Light Side of the Force. Once they do this the Force gives to each of them a gift. In Kai's case he receives a Jedi Holocron.

Into the Jungles - With his friend and fellow Padawan Khelsea, Kai explores the jungles of Lamaredd for signs of suspicious activity. While they travel, Khelsea and Kai get to know each other better. Kai also teaches Khelsea how to use the Force to conceal her presence and the basics of the art of movement. They also run into some slavers where Kai believes that as a Jedi they should free their captured slaves. Using the Force to cover Khelsea they free the slaves and escape back to the outpost where they tell Lutomi.

Making Light in the Night - Kai helps Khelsea construct her first lightsaber providing support and encouragement during the rather difficult process.

Defense with the Blade and with the Force

Mental Fortification Class

To Strive - Getting a call from Kess, a beautiful Zeltron girl that he had met the last time he was in Moenia, Kai goes to visit her at her Master's estate. Leaving for some greener pastures not too far away from the estate, the two flirt and practice several skills including Force related abilities and lightsaber combat. At the end of it the pair share a kiss and Kai wonders what the future has in store for them.

Sand Trapped (Duel) - While following up a lead on Tatooine Kai encounters a Sith acolyte named Jorath. Once the Sith discovered that Kai was there he took a hostage to force him to fight. Engaging the Sith, Kai uses a combination of blade work, Force abilities, and intuition to force the giant Sith to flee the fight.

State Dinner

Black Meets White - Kai meets Iris Elphida on Arbra while going there to meditate. He feels a strong pull to her in the Force and believes that the Force is leading him to begin her training in the Force, so he decides to bring her back to the Order.

A Friend in Theed

Times of Life

Cram Session on the Beach

Expanding Horizons

A Morning on the Lake

*Signifies Abandoned or on Indefinite Hold
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The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, once I saw Kirito's GGO Avatar I was like "He's just a Jedi without awesome Force Powers." And thus the idea for this character was born. Haha.


Reality needs Fantasy.
SWRP Writer
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
I hate this. I saw a cute girl. Then it was ruined when I found out that she's a He. Then it came from SAO. God damn it.


Internet Hate Machine
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
So is he physically strong, or physically weak? Profile kinda paints him as being both at the same time.


Reality needs Fantasy.
SWRP Writer
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
That's a girl

-.- That's what I said. That's literally what I said. I said She turned into a He for me. Because at first I assumed it was a girl. But then I had a revelation. So you just preached to the converted, in other words.


The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Haha this is so perfect. Just like in SAO. Just keep this up when I roleplay with him. Also 90% of the fan art for that avatar is him as a chick.

Bee, he's comparatively weak to your average human, but he's stronger than he looks (since he looks like a skinny teenage girl). Or he looks weaker than he. Say he looks like a 3/10 but is closer to a 4.5/10 if that makes sense. Can you quote the parts in question so I can clarify for future reference?


Not nearly as Prissy as Padme
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score



The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score


Reality needs Fantasy.
SWRP Writer
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
Marik just been accepted by the NJO: If ye want, I could do it fer you.


The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Ooh that's an idea. I might do that. Still waiting on being accepted though, haha.


SWRP Writer
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score

Regarding Profile Approvals

Please note that we do not require you to have your character profile approved by an administrator. As soon as you post your character profile, you are free to begin role-playing whenever you want.

Uuh.... you're going to be waiting a long, long time for that >.>


The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I think he means accepted into the ranks of the NJO

Ahahaha that^

I mean none of my other characters were technically "approved" but I need GABA to approve my character or suggest needed changes so I can reapply before I'm technically a member of the Order.


SWRP Writer
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Well of course he does. But what fun would that be? It's kind of difficult to tease him about that, after all >.>