Kaltos Amalthea


Legal Enough
SWRP Writer
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score

NAME: Kaltos Amalthea
FACTION: Republic Military (Discharged), Bounty Hunters Guild (Hopeful)

RANK: N/A (Currently)
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 6'5"
WEIGHT: 240 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Caucasian
CREDITS: 1,000

STRENGTH: Very strong. His large musculature makes him more than a match for almost any human in a contest of sheer physical strength.
DEXTERITY: Average dexterity. Kaltos focuses on strength.
CONSTITUTION: Very healthy. Able to take a great deal of damage, as most of his vital organs are covered by heavy layers of muscle.
INTELLIGENCE: Quite intelligent. Since he didn't want to fall into the stereotype of a big dumb idiot, Kaltos has studied many subjects.
WISDOM: Somewhat wise. After a four year stint as a soldier, Kaltos is wise in the ways of the universe and of combat.
CHARISMA: Average charisma. People either hate him or love him, very few have neutral feelings towards him.


  • Close Quarters Combat-

    • Fistfighting - Weaponless combat. Essentially the same as boxing. With his great strength, this is often all that is necessary in a fight. He can simply tackle someone to the ground, hold them down, and pummel them to his hearts content.
    • Full Body Combat - Using his hands, feet, elbows, knuckles, and even his head in combat, Kaltos can quickly overpower an unarmed opponent, and beat them into submission or unconsciousness. Whichever comes first.
    • Bladed Combat - Kaltos, as a warrior, has some experience with blades. Knives and swords feel like natural extensions of his body, and he often augments his combat with their use.
  • Gunfighting - Preferring to use slugthrowers, due to their more violent appeal, Kaltos is a skilled marksman, and trained to use both heavy and light weaponry.
  • Piloting - Kaltos, by trade, must know how the basics of piloting. He spends most of his time on his personal ship, the Void-Hunter.
  • Repair - Living out of a starship, Kaltos has to be skilled with a hydrospanner, and he often improves upon the machinery in his spare time.
  • Explosives - Trained in the use and creation of explosives as part of his training, Kaltos is somewhat skilled in the use of grenades, mines, and traps.
  • Psychometry – A relatively uncommon Kiffar ability (1/100), Kaltos can “see” or “read” the past by touching inanimate objects. This can come in handy when he has to determine the habits of acquisitions, or review his past fights.
  • Military Style - Designed to be efficient in both power and accuracy, Kaltos' style can vary depending on his mentality at the time. If he's aggressive, the strikes are fast-paced and violent, and used to simply overpower an opponent. If he's being cautious, he will focus mainly on defense and counter-attacking.
Kaltos is incredibly athletic. After spending four years as a soldier, he is a skilled combatant, and believes that most problems can be solved with violence. However, he fights only when he has to, but he keeps himself in excellent condition. His large musculature can cause him to tire after an extended period, serves to make him a bigger target, and he is more noticeable in a crowd, which can be a hindrance if he needs to blend in.

  • Custom .50 mm Slugthrower Rifle
    • Primary Ammunition: High Penetration Slugs
    • Secondary Ammunition: Shot
    • Magazine Capacity: 30 rounds (slugs), 20 rounds (shot)
    • Reloading: In order to reload, hit the magazine release, eject the empty mag, and insert another. Ammunition types come in different magazines, and are stored connected to each other.
    • Includes: x20 scope, Sound Suppressor, Side-by-side clip magazines
  • Custom .48 mm Slugthrower Sidearm

    • Custom Sidearm
    • Primary Ammunition: High Impact Ammunition
    • Secondary Ammunition: Various Darts
    • Magazine Capacity: 6 rounds
    • Reloading: Hit magazine release, swing out cylinder, remove spent casings, insert more ammunition, snap cylinder back into place.
    • Includes: Red-Dot Sight, x4 scope
  • Combat Knife
  • Longsword

SHIP: Kaltos lives and travels in a heavily modified freighter, dubbed the Void-Hunter. It can comfortably accommodate up to eight passengers (if they don't mind sleeping in auto-locking, bare quarters), including the pilot. As far as offensive capabilities, it is equipped with ten laser turrets, and an isolated cargo hold can be filled with charges, which can be released in flight and detonated remotely. Defenses include a shield generator, sturdy hull, and good maneuverability. Average speed, equipped with hyperspace engines, and outfitted to suit long trips. There is also an AI system that can perform basic flight, calculations, and knows several hundred songs from various cultures. Kaltos calls it "Sue."
The Void Hunter


PERSONALITY: Kaltos is strong, self-reliant, and has a firm sense of honor. He has some experience in combat, and he's taken many lives. His personal belief is that anyone can improve themselves, but very few actually try to do so. He hates children, if not for their volume and their defenselessness, then for their inability to defend themselves. He has seen dead children during his campaign, and he sees them every time he sees one that lives. One of the reasons he does what he does, is so that he can at least attempt to make the galaxy a better place. That being said, he’s very competitive, and he loves to be the best at anything he does.

HISTORY: Born to an average, unassuming family on Kiffu. Kaltos always knew he was destined to become a warrior. Not because of his early growth spurts, making him as tall as his father at age fourteen. Nor because of his enjoyment of exercise, which increased his muscle mass to the point of scaring others when he made an angry face at them. It was because of his competitive nature. His Psychometry added a bit of an unfair advantage, but no one ever bothered him too much about it. Probably because he never told them. He loved his ability, until it showed him more than he wanted to see. After joining the military, it did this with alarming frequency.

At age fifteen, Kaltos knew that he wanted to become a warrior. His body had grown larger than those of most of his friends, and he could only see that it was a useful trait in combat. His reach would be great, and his strength would be told of wherever he went, once he trained it properly. So, he began to exercise, concentrating on muscle building and body hardening. He wanted to have a singular purpose in the military, which he planned to enlist in after reaching adulthood. He had never considered a career as a Guardian, because he wanted to see more of the galaxy, instead of dealing with inmates all day, every day.

When he joined the Republic military at eighteen, Kaltos was quickly shoved onto the front lines, the higher ups hoping that his bulk would deter enemies from attacking whatever he was standing next to. After serving for several years, and growing more and more bitter at the thought of continuing, Kaltos did the only thing that he was sure would secure his discharge: He walked up to his commanding officer, and asked him politely. He was denied, and he then proceeded to brutalize the man, sending him to the infirmary. Kaltos then got what he asked for, and was expelled from service. He gladly paid off what debts he owed, and he decided to get started with a new life. However, the warrior nature within him didn’t rest as easily as he would have liked. So, after thinking on the subject for quite some time, he decided to try his hand at bounty hunting...




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