Laser Shark Cloning Facility


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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Current draft:

The Republic First Fleet: Serve Your Galaxy!


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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Episode I


A NEW ORDER begins in the Galaxy! With the SITH EMPIRE in disarray, the GALACTIC REPUBLIC is reborn from its ashes. The REPUBLIC FLEET is assembled from across the Core Worlds, outfitted with ships from the old Imperial Armada.

Hounded by PIRATE ATTACKS and the lingering armies of the Sith, the FIRST FLEET is responsible for the defense of the Core Worlds and the promotion of PEACE and DEMOCRACY across the Galaxy.

Aboard the starship EMPRESS TETA, a valiant crew patrol the-Galaxy's most dangerous trade-lanes. Led by Commander Tals, a veteran of the MANDALORIAN CRUSADE, Tals hopes to train his inexperienced officers for the Galactic conflict he fears will come.


What is the First Fleet?
This is designed as an NPC faction for the establishment of player-crewed ships in the Republic naval arsenal. The majority of the First Fleet is overseen by NPC crews and commanders, and is subject to the wishes of the Republic leadership. Within the Fleet there is a chance for players to play roles on individual vessels- specifically the Empress Teta, without yet being in command of capital ships themselves.

Within the Fleet framework, I hope to engage interest for Republic Army and Navy characters to join in the kinds of fleet battles and planetary invasions that the Star Wars series is known for.

The Empress Teta
The Empress Teta is a Malfeasance-Class corvette, serving as a picket ship and patrol craft to provide the fleet with advance warning of threats. It serves as a simple starting-point for fresh Navy characters to make their mark on the galaxy.

The crew compliment is as follows:
• Commander - Varrick Tals (NPC)
• First Officer - Alema Torr
• Helmsman - Open
• Gunner - Open
• Chief Engineer - Open

Current Threads:

Completed Threads:

Recruitment - Open!

If you're interested in playing with us, drop me a line in this thread. Post your character profile and what you want them to do. Don't worry too much if you have a different idea from what's on the list right now. I picked what I thought were the most obvious roles, but any crew is good crew.

Specifically looking for:
Fighter Pilot(s)
Chief Engineer

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SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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[fancybox4=] Daven Rha[/fancybox4]

NAME: Daven Rha
AGE: 34
SPECIES: Twi'lek

FACTION: Independent
PLANET: Ryloth

HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 160 lbs
SKIN COLOR: Burnt Orange

Character Information

  • To understand the history of any Twi'lek you have to understand the Twi'lek clans. Families are formed, grow, and splinter over centuries of time. When they grow, they build cities, towns, warrens of stone-hewn buildings deep below the terrible deserts. When they splinter, they take with them the things that make them unique: names, histories, and especially colors. The tapestry of Twi'lek life is woven in with vibrant threads, and Clan Rha is no exception. What makes them unique is their color: hues that range from a floral yellow to the dusty orange of desert soil. Rha is the color of Daven, and Rha is the color of Tanni. Rha is the color of the sun as it peeks over the dunes in the morning. Rha is the color of hope.

    Daven Rha was born on Ryloth, and worked hard in the mines co-owned by his clan. Unlike the wealthier Spice Miners, who had nearly all lost their claims to the corporations, the Rha and Darap clans had joined their string of ore-mining claims together into a stable business. Though the work was hard, and the margins were small, the business gave them security. Their holdings were distant enough from the capital that they had their own small spaceport, and a few free traders were their life-line, trading offworld goods and cold hard flan for local ores and handmade Twi'leki crafts.

    As a young cargo-jockey, Daven came to know all of the regulars by name. When he was 17 he hired on with a tramp freighter out of Corellia, and by the time he was 20 he'd worked the Corellian Run forward and back a hundred times. He rarely thought of returning to Ryloth in those days, though he sometimes missed feeling the sun on his face and the warmth of the clan dining hall. It was better out in space. Really, it was so much more fun!

    Four more years found him the captain of his own ship, plying the Corellian Run on his own. He grew to love the job, but hated the things he saw. On every world his people were exploited, viewed as mere entertainment or worse. He began cultivating ties in the underground, dealing with like-minded smugglers, Wookies, and others who viewed slavery as a moral wrong. Over the next few years he developed a reputation as both a fair and honest trader and a staunch anti-slavery crusader. He participated in raids on the Zygerrian slave corridor, as well as smash-and-grab rescues of captives in Trandoshan hunting tournaments.

    It was in one of these raids that he met the girl who would change his life. In the belly of a Zygerrian slave transport, Daven found a Twi'lek girl. Half-Twi'lek, to be exact. She had no name, and, since she was raised mostly in captivity, hardly any recollection of her family. As the only native Ryl speaker Daven did his best to help her get comfortable on the ship, and in the months of travel it took to return each of the slaves to their homeworlds they became the best of friends. The normally lonely trader found that having the girl on board filled him with a sense of meaning, and the traumatized girl opened up to him as a surrogate father.

    When they reached port, the girl refused to leave with the others. She demanded in Ryl that she be allowed to stay, because she had no-one else to turn to. It was a turning point for Daven, and he feels that his choice back then was the best one he ever made. He returned to his clan's home on Ryloth to an astonished family. It took plenty of explaining to get through that no, he hadn't had a love-child, and that yes, he wanted to quit flying for a while and adopt the girl as his own. The clan elders re-christened her Tanni, which stands for "Hope" in Ryl and the rest is, as they say, history.

    Now that Tanni is in her teen years, Daven has chosen to take her into the stars again. Partly it's to satisfy his wanderlust, partly to earn a good nest egg for retirement, and partly because he sees in his daughter the same adventurous spirit that took him into the stars. Sure it might be dangerous, but she's nearly as old as he was when he first started and as long as he's around she can't get into too much trouble.

  • Daven is a man of conflicting appearances. In a private setting he is boisterous and quick to laugh, loving towards those close to him and supremely loyal to his family. On the other hand, he treats his legitimate business seriously and his smuggling even more so. He much prefers to manage delicate tasks on his own, and if he isn't the one laying out the plans it's in the hands of someone he trusts with his life.

    Major Traits:

    • Man of Action - Given the chance, Daven prefers to pursue action rather than inaction. He finds it difficult to let an injustice go, and will often go out of his way to rectify things he sees as evil, such as slavery or greed.
    • MacTwi'ver - Daven cut his teeth crewing some of the worst boats in the galaxy, and that means a lot of close calls with technology. Given a toolbox and a problem, there's just about no mechanical issue he can't fix (at least temporarily).
    • Brick-Thrower - Pilots often say piloting a freighter is like flying a brick. Daven is damn fine with a brick, if he says so himself. Life on the fringes has taught him a thing or two about how to evade pirates, and even get the drop on them if he's lucky. There are a whole lot of dastardly tricks you can pull in a freighter.
    • Family Loyalty - As a loving father, Daven's family is his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. Threatening his daughter (or his crew) is probably the only way to force his hand, but anyone who does is consigning themselves to a long walk down a short airlock.

    • Thing 1
    • Thing 2
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SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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SRE - Shark Roll Engine

Combat rolls:
Level 1 (Padawan/Acolyte): 3 HP, D20
Level 2 (Knight/Lord): 5 HP, D20, main combat skill +5, noncombat group +5
Level 3 (Master/Darth): 8 HP, D20, main combat skill +10, secondary +5, noncombat group +10
Level 4 (Emperor/Grandmaster): 10 HP, D20, main combat skill +15, secondary +10, noncombat group +15 //Allowing higher leveled characters to have secondary weapon skills feels like a good compromise for people getting better at covering their weaknesses. It might not make it to the final build if it ends up coming out broken in playtesting.

//HP values might need to be adjusted down, and this playtest doesn't really consider armor at all. I considered giving the 3 tiers of armor the capability of adding +1, +2, or +3 to HP, but I would have to reduce HP values across the board to compensate and I want to see how long battles take before I tweak any of those things.

Combat skills are divided into Blasters, Melee Weapons, Vehicles, and Unarmed. //This is to encourage specialization. Fighting someone outside their comfort zone is going to be easier than fighting them with their main weapon.

Rolling the Dice

This is a simple one-roll system. Before you post your first attack, roll 2 D20 and add your modifiers. The first roll is for your attack, and the second is for your defense. This allows posting to progress smoothly as the opponent can post both their reaction and their counterattack in one go. When they post, their attack roll will be what you compare your defense roll against and so on until someone reaches 0 HP or the combatants flee.

There are two special outcomes to a combat roll: a natural 1 to defense, and a natural 20 to attack. These occur when the dice rolled come up on that face before modifiers are added. When you roll a natural 1 to defense and the attacker beats your roll (after modifiers are added), you suffer a mishap that cripples your ability to avoid or deflect the attack. You suffer 2 damage instead of 1 from the attack. //I had considered also adding a choice to defense too, where you lower damage but suffer a debility in ongoing combat, but in my experience most HP-based systems take ages to resolve and a forum is not conducive to the amount of rolling in a long tabletop combat. The ideal length of these combats going into it is 3-4 days of regular posting at Padawan level, and I hope to tweak it to conform to player tastes.

When you roll a natural 20 to attack, and you beat your opponent's roll (after modifiers are added), you may choose to exploit their weakness for one of the following effects: Disarm the opponent for at least one round (unless they are already not wielding a weapon), deal 2 damage to the opponent, or forfeit your damage so you or an ally may immediately escape combat.

In fights between players, the maximum amount of damage you can take in a single hit is 2, even if a natural 1 and a natural 20 were rolled for the same hit.

What is HP?

HP or "Hit Points" are a measure of your character's capacity to keep fighting. It's a necessary abstraction that includes such things as stamina, sustained injuries, and basically everything else involved in a complicated battle. How you play it is up to you, with the only concrete element being that hitting 0 HP means you're out of the fight.

Hitting zero HP does not mean you have died, however. Rather, it means that you have become unable to put up a defense against the enemy. Unless you have decided otherwise, when only one side's combatants remain, any characters at 0 HP still present are now captives of the victor. As a victorious player you should try to come to an equitable compromise with the other players in the thread about what happens to the captive characters. However, defeated characters are ultimately at your mercy.

Noncombat skills are represented by a "skill group" or background, which generally represents what kinds of things you're good at. A Slicer is obviously good at slicing, but they can most likely repair tech and do all kinds of technical and fine-manipulation work too. A doctor knows a lot about healing people, but they're likely going to be capable xenobiologists too. This is basically just for PvE threads, and I don't think it needs to be more than a general specialty. You're not really going to find senators doing much petty theft, but there's room for an expanded system there if it ends up mattering.

//This is meant as a usable alternative to the PvE roll system, but with a focus on PvP also. The ultimate idea is to cut a lot of the kruft out of tech and loadout rules by attacking the opposite side of the problem: combat itself.

//I have a less-well-structured idea for difficulty settings for PvE, but I hope to expound on that later. The general idea is that can have a set of skill challenges to overcome with a set difficulty number (this works well in other tabletop settings) and a limited "difficulty HP" the party has representing the number of failures you can accrue before you have to pull out. More dangerous missions leave room for fewer failures. Theoretically missions could be ranked by difficulty check, so you get more rewards for doing something you're more likely to fail at.
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SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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► 12​
► Twi'lek​
► 4'8"​
► 80 lbs​
► Cyan​
► N/A​
► Unknown​
► Female​
► Independent
(Rha Interstellar)​
► N/A​
► Yes​
Tanni's past is less of a mystery than her foster family thinks, but she isn't interested in dredging up bad feelings. Her mother was a slave, her father was a slaver, and she was born for something more than that. She would much rather let her memories fade and embrace the new life she's been given. As far as she's concerned she was born a Rha, and the moment she was taken out of the cargo hold by Daven is the moment she became someone.

Living on Ryloth was a lot of fun, but she was always looking towards the stars. She's touched by the same wanderlust as her father, and to her that's even more evidence that she was born to be in his family. Whatever the galaxy has in store for her, she's going to take it head on.


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
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► 200? Maybe?​
► Loadlifter Droid​
► 8'3"​
► 300lbs. unladen​
► N/A​
► N/A​
► Unknown​
► Male​
► Independent
(Rha Interstellar)​
► N/A​
► N/A​
Most droids have a long story they don't tell. BARX loves to tell. His booming bass vocoder can often be heard chatting up dock workers about a raucous history of daring escapes, murders, battles, orbital bombardments, and all manner of wild encounters dating back to the days of the Galactic Civil War. The only problem is, nobody is really sure whether he's old enough to have seen any of them, let alone who would let a cargo droid do any of those things.

Right now BARX is under the employ of Rha Interstellar, a small freight and cargo company out of Ryloth. Unusually for a cargo droid, BARX is actually emancipated and earns an income - which he feels is well deserved, considering he's not only the ship's quartermaster, but the only cargo loader they have.


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2019
Reaction score


► 23​
► Astromech Droid​
► 4'​
► 70 lbs.​
► N/A​
► N/A​
► Unknown​
► Male​
► Independent
(Rha Interstellar)​
► N/A​
► N/A​
R2-Z0, or Zeeo, as he's known to the crew, started out life as the navigator for a corporate liner. When the corporation went under he was sold around to other passenger transport companies, making his way further and further out into the Rim. At some point in the recent past he was hired on by Daven Rha to sere as a navigator on board the transport Summer Moon, which he considers a notable downgrade from his original employer.

Nevertheless, Zeeo is an R2 unit, from a product line that produces loyal and hard-working droids with a risk-taking nature. Even though he will opine in binary about the negative qualities of backwater transport work, there's nothing that invigorates this droid like a firefight.

The crewmember he respects the most is Barx.