Ask Raxus Loose Threads

Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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Dealing with traitors and informants was becoming an increasingly tiring endeavour since the outbreak of the Hutt incursion into Imperial space. With the bribes offered to flip being quite generous, the risk that some had taken them were already quite dangerous. It was less likely the higher echelons had flipped, with their buy in to the Empire being more complete, but the lower rungs of the ladder always had the wrong types clinging for dear life.

All it took was for someone to shake it and see what fell.

With the bombing of Czerka HQ being increasingly suspicious, any information that could lead them to catch the culprits would likewise be highly valuable. The trick, of course, was finding out whether this information was of any use or just simply rubbish made up to get the ISB off their back. In either case, Guin would start her review of a list of locals considered more at risk, with agents looking into their financials and communication histories.

Any red flags, and they'd be immediately put on a list for pick-up and a scheduled chat. It'd be a long day, for sure.


Kalique Baize


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Mar 21, 2023
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Wars were never fun, but this one kept her on her toes all day. The Hutts generous offers for traitors were dangerous, Squires had disappeared, some Knights as well, it looked worse in the military and controlling the flames of chaos of still a full time job.

While there was an insurmountable pile of bureaucracy, increasing Knight and military presence just as strengthening their planetary defense forces was a draining and a complicated matter, but step by step they did at least focus on doing everything they could to keep the capital safe.

This day, Kalique had scheduled a meeting with Guin because the Overseer had most certainly already gathered information on the Imperial Czerka incident that had kept Kalique up for nights. There were countless loose threads, and today she intended to tie up some of them, but she was uncertain about where this would lead.

The countless thoughts in her head made her head pound while she found her way enroute to meet Guin. Her expressions were neutral, the warm smile that crossed her lips as she hopped out of her transport was much fainter and more tired than it usually was as she approached the woman. "Hey". She knew Guin wasn't in a much better state...but perhaps today they'd manage to shed some light into the darkness that was all around.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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It had been sleepless night after night, waiting to hear through her younger sister that their parents were alright. Even in the chaos of, well, whatever you called this cartel incursion, their relationship struggled.

"Hey." She muttered back with a forced smile. They both understood the toll that the job placed upon them. A part of her wondered if Jon had it right, between Kali's promotion and her own, they were often away from friends and family. But the other part of her, duty bound, pulled her head back in.

Together they'd walk along a narrow bleak corridor until they arrived at a non descriptive room. Within sat a scruffy looking young adult human male, with obvious gang affiliation.

Turning to Kali, the Overseer rubbed her temples. "I doubt he knows much but he's willing to cut a deal since we caught him competing felonies. Maybe he'll point us in the right direction, at least." She paused to look at her friends face, it was never pleasant doing interrogations.

"What are you looking for?" She asked softly, but pointedly.

Roll: 11

Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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As they had a huge pile of work they had at least planned to tackle today ahead of them, Kalique wasn't keen on wasting time. She was craving some downtime with Guin as right now, whenever they met, they had work to focus on.

She was still grateful that they could work on those loose threads together as this meant she could at least check on her, but it also pained her to see that Guin struggled just as much with all of this madness around.

"Cut a deal? Hmm...I'd suggest we let him speak, I'll check whether he's lying or hiding more. If he's not willingly obeying, guess I'll make him" Kalique took no pleasure in this, but work was work and they needed the intel.

"Where did you find him? And do we only assume he has some information on the defections?". Perhaps, he was even related to Czerka...or know someone who was. This was all terribly convoluted and even deciding where to start was hard. "I'm ready whenever you are". She'd follow her inside once their plan was settled.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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Nodding slowly in agreement, such a thought had already crossed her mind. "He's just a thug with loose connections to suspected cartel activities. But you're right, maybe he'll flip and give us intel on someone more worth our time."

Offering to let Kali stay and watch through the one-way window or join her inside, the Overseer walked into the interrogation room with a folder in hand. At the other end of the table sat a rather uncomfortable man in tight security links and clearly wanting to be anywhere but here.

Calmly placing the folder on the table and opening it slowly, she underlined the man's alias and name with her finger before looking up at him with a stern look. "Armed robbery, attempted murder. These are some very serious crimes, you'll be collecting a pension before release, you realise?"

The gravity of his situation was clearly straining the young man. "I wasn't even meant to be there! Then Ralo dragged my ass in. I was supposed to just hold a weapon and well, the blaster went off on its own!" Whether he was telling the truth or lying, he certainly attempted to sell the story well. But in either case, whether he was the mastermind or the crew, he'd still broken imperial law.

Straightening her back, Guin glanced toward where Kali was before returning her attention to the man. "Tell me more about Ralo, and we'll see what we can do for you." Her face softened as she spoke, attempting to create an illusion of rapport. "He's trouble." The man said, clearly nervous.

"You're in trouble, Lan. But I can't help you unless you give me something to work with." She continued to try and pry the information out of him. "Well, they say he's an enforcer for the Cartel. He's been operating out of a warehouse in district 13 here on Raxus for a year now. I've only met him once, scary dude. Is that enough? Please, he'll kill me if he found out I talked."


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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While it remained to be seen whether the Hutts were ultimately involved with what happened on Czerka, but during those times, Kalique didn't doubt anything anymore. Guin's lead was great, so now they had to see what to make out of it - after all, the plan was also in a position to just be a random cog in the ever turning wheel of chaos.

As Guin walked in, Kalique watched the man closely from behind her window, sensing each and every motion, every slight change in temper that radiatiated off of him and studied the tiniest shifts in his whole presence through her highly aware senses. She immediately spotted the first lie from what she gathered and her assumption was that hr had at least deliberately shooted, but otherwise the man seemed afraid enough not to call the actual shots in this case.

What followed after seemed genuine enough and the part of him not knowing this Relo guy well seemed true. His heartbeat slowed down at Guin's proposition and as he mentioned the warehouse, he almost seemed relieved. "I believe he's honest enough...maybe the warehouse is where we should continue this", she mentally informed her, her emerald eyes not leaving the subject just yet.

While the case seemed convoluted enough, Kalique was in no mood for thoroughly planned, subtle and precise incisions the ISB and Knights could have planned - she wanted to head there right away, quickly scout the place and incapacitate everyone inside. Still, she'd leave the decision making to Guin.

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Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
Reaction score
The information the informant had provided would be tested that very day, as the pair would see to it themselves. If it didn't pan out the way, he said, well, he could kiss any sweetheart deal that he might swindle in their absence goodbye.

Excusing herself from the interrogation room once they had completed the interview, Guin made her way over to Kali with a stern look on her face. "It's bad enough we have to worry about flying pigs, but we cannot allow high level thugs operating freely on Raxus." Or at least, not without the ISB controlling their operations, she thought. They'd simply have to eliminate the threat if he couldn't be managed, and therefore having Kalique tag along was a huge boon for her own safety in such matters.

"Shall we begin?" She asked, pointing to the exit.


The pair sat quietly in the parked speeder having crossed the city in good time. A block down the way was the warehouse in question, which would give them multiple avenues forward. They could come in from above, practically roof running, and hopefully avoid any foot patrols.

The other two options were walking in the front door, or using the underground sewer system. All three options had their own risks, but at the same time had their own benefits. At the very least they knew what they were running into, as thermal scans revealed 12 heat signatures in the premise, although it wasn't clear yet on which level they were situated.

After providing the briefing, Guin asked for her friend's professional opinion. "Well, Lord Commander. What do you think?"

They could surely call in the cavalry, but chances are they'd either be too slow or, worse, compromised. This mission, it seemed, was up to them for now.


Roll: 12 enemies

Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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As Guin wrapped the interrogation up, Kalique rubbed her temples as a soft sigh escaped her. She doubted the task that laid ahead of them would be pleasant, but if they moved quickly and caught them off guard, the results were promising.

Guin rejoined her a moment later and she nodded. "Let's go". Kalique was everything but thrilled, but as soon as they were back out, she was in full focus mode already. They hopped into the speeder and immediately drove towards said district before Kalique double checked on her equipment.

She wasn't intending to let this get them into any melee situations, but with her lightsabers, she didn't even care in the end. Those were scumbags they were dealing with and if they had anything to do with the defections, they'd pray for death rather than having to undergo torture after all and Kalique was also certain she'd get those information before that.

"Guin...I find it impossible to trust anyone right now...thank you for not having left by now", it wasn't just the power was the constant state of change, the ever-existing chaos and this deal that had turned Raxus from the safest place in the Galaxy to the most unpredictable, explosive melting pot.

"Whatever lies ahead of us, just know that I won't let you down...". She didn't have to voice that Guin was excluded in all this - after all, she was all who was really left. It was upon them to mend what could be mended, but it was obvious that the task was as perilous as it was complex.

They arrived at their destination a while later and upon alighting, Kalique preemptively coiled the Force around her. "I say we take the some quick scouting, I'll then get us in quietly", she replied as she nodded for a metal staircase in the distance. They'd have to overcome quite some distances - but good thing the Force would allow them to move with ease.

"I don't think we should get anyone else involved. Let's find this so called boss and deal with him". It was a rather straightforward approach, but they couldn't afford having any of the disloyal bastards interfere. "Are you ready?" she'd ask her, nodding upwards with a softly encouraging smile. The intent was clear: she'd launch the Overseer with the Force so that she could reach the ladder.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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The trust between the two women had never been greater, not only from years of collaboration but a genuine kinship that had blossomed from what originally started so far apart.

They'd made good time heading in the direction of the warehouse, even managing to find reasonably easy access to the roof section before continuing forward. The final hurdle, as it were, was a rather large gap they'd have to cross between the buildings. While it was trivial for Kali, it was incredibly difficult for Guin, and she'd be entirely relying on the other to aid her ascent.

"No." She replied with a smirk, using humour to deflect from her worries. Still, if there was anyone who she could trust to have her back in this situation, it was Kali and therefore, before she could even convince herself otherwise, the blonde hurled herself forward toward the edge.

Just as the moment passed where she was adamant that she'd suddenly fall to ruinous injury, the strangely exciting 'lift' occurred and the Overseer landed on the other side with a soft thud. A mixture of bemusement and anxiety flushed over her as she watched Kali jump over to join her. With a simple nod, the pair climbed the ladder to the access point in question.

Being first in line, it was up to Guin to feel around its entrance for traps. A brief but thorough check later, she popped open the latch to swing the tiny port open for them to climb into. But what she couldn't predict was the tiny UV sensor that they tripped entering the warehouse, unfortunately alerting the entire group to their arrival.


Stealth Roll: 1

Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Kalique's lips curled into a genuine smirk before she gently grabbed her with the Force and carefully boosted her up. Once she was all safe and sound up there, she directed the Force into her legs before she leapt up with ease. That had been the easy part. Now they had go play this carefully.

While she covered Guin, she let her go first as she was locating the exact position of the ones inside. It was impossible to tell who exactly was the boss, but they were at least on different levels and so taking them out stealthily and one by one was most certainly their best best. Little did she know that just a moment later, a tiny sensor crashed their whole plans and Kalique had to make a decision within a split second.

If they ran, she'd stop them. If they called reinforcements, they'd have a little window before their thugs would arrive. They needed that leader now, so she wasn't going to hesitate a single moment. They were already inside by that time anyway, and so Kalique reached out to the two closest to them, on their level, and with one quick swipe of her palm, knocked them unconscious.

"Two coming up. They all know we're here but they have no idea whom they're dealing with" she said to her curtly, however rather hastily before Kalique focused her mind onto the next incoming foes. They'd have to fight their way down and even if she had to save some resources for unexpected turns, she was confident they'd have the situation under control in a moment, if they worked quickly.

"Can you handle the next two? I'll keep an eye on you" she still told her as she sped for the metal walkway ahead, knowing it would give her a clear sight on others they needed to take out quickly.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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Guin silently cursed as she had gotten so caught up in a physical trap that she had ignored the possibility that they had come well-equipped. The grand reveal ruined now would quickly become an ungraceful slug fest as the two parties came together to flex their respective strengths.

For team Empire, this was obviously imbued within the Lord-Commander, who undoubtably was the most powerful combatant, perhaps even on the entire planet. Guin herself had been training hard over the years and was no slouch, but against them was simply numbers.

Six to one (odds) were never great, even on a good day, though some quick thinking from Kali knocked that down to five. Drawing her blaster pistol with the stun setting, the Overseer paused to take care to properly aim her first few shots. The last two remaining foes on their level began firing lethal shots in their direction, but their recklessness meant none landed in the first volley.

Using the training Jon had drilled into her, Guin held her breath for a moment before pulling the trigger. A pair of stun bolts blasted heavy scorch marks upon the armorless chests of her targets, promptly causing them to ragdoll to the floor.

"Right behind you." She called after Kali, intending to cover her friends' descent.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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While Kalique had to weave her way into the minds of the now alerted and pretty angry (however also partly panicked) thugs, she was carefully operating the Force with her full focus on dulling the senses of the ones close enough. Killing them would have been easier, but who knew how useful they could all be in the end?

Kalique's emerald gaze flicked to Guin after a while, ensuring the Overseer was doing alright, yet as she skillfully stunned the next pair, they had the upper levels cleared. "The rest is down there" she informed her with a nod towards the down left, sensing their presences rushing upwards.

For now, it seemed like no one was fleeing, which was good, and Kalique was also relatively certain that her Force use was undetected still which meant they still had the element of surprise in some regards. As Guin confirmed she was good to go, Kalique started her descend, swiftly hurrying down the next flight of stairs before another pair of guards came into sight.

"Drop your weapons and yield. You'll get one chance" she yelled down, her eyes narrowed in focus in case either tried shit. Perhaps there was a way to make this even easier and judging from the fear that suddenly flooded the next two as they rounded a corner and found a motionless body of an associate, they did at least freeze up.

"Who the kriff are you?!", a Duros demanded to know, but even if they slowed down, Kalique sensed they were here to surrender. "We want to talk. Where's your boss?" she replied rather calmly, prepared to knock them out in a split second if needed. Relying on the tiny chance of them actually considering the offer, Kalique still waited for another moment, knowing they were still a level below them without any possible lines of sight.



Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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Guin took careful watch as Kali made her way down the stairs, confronting the visibly concerned bad guys. They surely were considering their career path and how they went from serving the toughest kid on the block to literally confronting the most intimidating and confident person they'd met.

Plus the Lord Commander was rather intimidating too, Guin chuckled internally as she slid down to ground level. An unmistakable aura of appreciation followed them wherever they went, as each woman had the other's back, always.

The two thugs stared at the pair of women before them, clearly weighing up the option between getting their asses kicked and whether they could take their opponents. "He's over there." The first waved his hand vaguely, trying to draw the attention away from the blaster he tried to raise at Kali, before firing at her chest and catching the second thug off guard.

Opting to not let the other do the same, Guin raised her blaster and fired a stun bolt, striking the male in the chest and knocking him down as Kali dealt with the first. A worried look barely held behind her stern face, they'd hear the scuffling and shouting of several more boots approaching.

The Enforcer held a medium blaster in hand as he barked orders for the rest of his crew to take up defensive positions. They'd wait for the approaching Imperials and blast 'em from range.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Usually, avoiding such close quarter combat scenarios was Kali's preferred way, but after the triggered alarm, they had to make this work regardless of the disadvantages circumstances. As they moved on, Kalique was serious about her offer, but obviously, the scum wasn't going to take the bait.

A slight sigh escaped her just as she already sensed the lie through the peak of anxiousness and so the blaster bolt was zooming right back at the causer with a quick flick of her wrist while Guin handled the second. The boss was indeed not hard to find right after and Kalique was slowly losing her patience with these jerks, but she knew they needed the boss alive at least.

"You had your chance", she hissed, the anger that was boiling inside her making it only easier for her though to coil the Force directly around the boss and force him into unconsciousness before he even raised his arm. While the majority of the thugs briefly turned their head to stare at the boss in horror, Kalique used the brief moment of distraction to use her other hand to shoot a cone of fire in their direction.

The fire didn't just break their line of sight, but also burn the ones too close to the boss (who laid sprawled across the floor already) so that while they were ablaze, Guin had the chance to shoot the ones that started piling in from the left.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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In most cases, employees would lay in one of two camps when it came to their employers. On the one hand, you had those who were just showing up to take the paycheck or maybe just enjoyed the work but didn't mind who for. In some cases you might encounter some who are ardent loyalists to a fault, whose loyalties were either bought through fear, coin or some heroism past seen.

But watching your giant, tough boss get instantly knocked out without any visible signs sent a fleeting shiver up their spines. Quick to respond, Guin took aim at the few that were not within the target zone from Kali's attack, sending several rounds down range. The incoming fire sprayed dangerously close, forcing her to duck a stray bolt from one of their guns.

Fortunately, seeing their boss fold and a handful of others turning to burnt toast was a highly motivating factor in causing the few remaining stragglers to choose wisely. "Girl, you're getting strong." Guin suppressed a laugh, considering the situation. While Kali covered, the Overseer moved in to secure the handful of knocked out prisoners they'd taken.

A majority would be likely free by the end of the shift, but the big boy would be going down for a while, as his rap sheet was thicker than his damn neck.

Once their backup had arrived and taken care of the captured, Guin made her way back to Kalique. "How are you holding up? Thanks by the way. You saved my ass yet again."


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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in perfect unison, the blonde duo took out the rest as those ablaze would soon find themselves a unconscious as the others through the skilled application of the Force. Once they had them all secured and rounded up, Kalique threw the Overseer a smirk before she answered, "Well, I barely recognize the agent from Desevro either".

Kalique remembered their first meeting well- it had been the first year after the New Order had been founded and one of the first missions where an ISB agent had been working with a Knight so closely. Even without knowing each other, the two had been a great duo then, and throughout all those years, they had both just grown much better.


The thugs soon got taken in by their backup and the boss was the first on the list for thorough questioning- if he had any ties to the Hutts and if he was involved with the deserters, the truth serum would tell them soon enough. "Always" Kalique replied at first, focusing on what she said last as she met her gaze again.

While the building was being searched, the two women walked out, having at least a moment to not only catch their breaths but exchange a few words as well. "I'm...surviving" she said with a somewhat bittersweet smile. She had a feeling she wasn't just referring to the moment after their heated encounter, and work never ceased.

"You?". With everyththat was going on, it was sometimes hard to keep in touch, but with the defections, it seemed like it was changing a little.


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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It was hard to imagine the people they once were, who they were now, and perhaps the people they would need to become—had the foundations they had built formed the bastion of a new Empire? One forged in their name, or would it wither away under the steady assault of outsiders?

"You've always been a survivor, Kali." Guin smiled. She had been one of the staunchest Imperials the Overseer had ever known. Constantly throwing herself into danger at the flick of a finger, saving worlds and containing danger. Together with the other monumental actions committed, they allowed the Imperial Knights to regain their prestige within the Empire. At least as far as Guin was concerned.

Even as they sat there alone, it was hard to put her thoughts into words. "I feel like I know what to do, but at the same time it is very tempting to just simply disappear back to the farm with you and Jon." The blonde frowned momentarily. "If you had a big decision to make, how would you approach it?" She asked, cryptically.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Guin often found ways to touch her with her words and this wasn't any different. She knew Guin thought highly of her, but that wasn't because they were close - it was because from the very first moment they had met, they had learned how to work together in perfect harmony.

Guin had been with her when Kali had made some important decisions for the future course of Knights and Guin was a loyal friend and supporters- the exact person you needed in times like this. A genuine, warm, however perhaps slightly sad smile crossed her lips at her remark before they sat in silence for a moment.

Kalique pondered on the question she posed after she had chosen to break the silence again before she let out a quiet sigh. She wasn't entirely sure where the question was headed, but she'd get a truthful answer regardless.

"While I draw strength from emotions, you know that I don't just listen to my heart..." she answered just as cryptically, before she straightened her back and elaborated. "I know what you mean..." Kalique had struggled with doubts as well, but she had never truly considered leaving.

"There are countless lives at stake...peace and stability is once again threatened. Not just there, but in general it is logic that gives me answers...and that deep sense of duty that's always influencing my choices". She knew Guin shared those traits...just like her ambitions.

"I've learned that sometimes thinking different scenarios through helps...and writing arguments down" she added, giving her an answer that was somewhat more open. "It's not always easy...every choice has consequences, positives and negative ones, but in the end, it's that inner voice that confirms whether a decision was right or not".


Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

Character Profile
Apr 3, 2023
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The methods used by force users to draw focus and bring themselves into harmony were far beyond any comprehension that Guin could muster. Well, at least to the practical effect. In theory, she understood the concept in part due to their late-night conversations that would linger into avid detail.

Despite lacking that connection, Kali found a way to connect with Guin and together they shared a sisterhood unlike any other. Listening closely, the explanation given was one that anyone could relate to. But that was just the kind of person she was, always there for others in the way they needed.

"I like that very much." She stated plainly. Life was never so simple within the ISB and with the direction and path before her, there would be many challenges and obstacles to overcome. Worse, the person she would have to be to make it work, was there ever coming back from such decisions?

Guin had always put the Empire first and worked hard to ensure its security, even as others discarded it. "I might be up for promotion soon." Her voice came with a faint smile. Kali would understand the implication and the support she was asking for considering their position and recent events. She just hoped that they wouldn't come to realize later that Jon had the right way about it all along.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Kalique reciprocated that faint, however somewhat warm smile that crossed the Overseer's lips. They shared so much more than just their values, and Kalique knew that the two of them often offered necessary counsel for the other in difficult times. Perhaps Guin had needed to hear such things.

As Guin suddenly revealed that she was potentially up for a promotion, her eyes widened in excitement. "Ohh really? I mean, Guin, honestly, this doesn't come as a surprise. You've worked so hard lately" still hearing such great news were worth a hug, and so Kali wrapped her arms around the blonde.

"You'd deserve this...I can't even put into words how grateful I am for our collaboration, but it's not just that. You keep making the Empire a safer know I'd support that decision, and I'm not saying this because we're so close. You're making a difference every single day".

And she had grown so much..Kalique remembered the young agent she had met on Desevro and she knew what she had become. Just like her, she had always put the Empire and its safety first.
