Luu Karr Rhulain


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
Reaction score


Luu Karr Rhulain

Biographical information



Physical description

Hair color
Eye color
Force Sensitive

29 years old
2 meters
88 kilograms

Political information

The Galactic Alliance
Jedi Padawan


From the day of his birth, Luu Karr Rhulain lived a life shaped by struggle. Iridonia was a harsh world; pools of acid that would bubble and froth and burn through exposed flesh to the bone before you could think to scream. Sprawling jagged canyons littered the Wastes outside of the cities, and in those twisting passages, the winds could howl fiercely enough to rend flesh and shatter stone. Deadly beasts prowled the Wastes, hunting all those foolish enough to stray from the safety of civilization. Iridonia was an arid Death-World, and the Iridonian Zabraks reveled in the challenge. They were a warrior culture on par with the likes of the Echani or the Mandalorians, feared and respected in equal measure for their brutality and martial skill. From a young age, Luu was trained in the martial skills and philosophies of his people by exacting taskmasters with an expectation of perfection; and none more so than his own Grandfather. Bao Len Rhulain had served with distinction in the system security forces defending their colonies and earned wealth and fame as a mercenary beyond their space. He retired to his homeworld and opened a school reputed for training the fiercest warriors in centuries.

Bearing the weight of his grandfather's expectation, Luu Karr pushed himself to heights he believed impossible and then pushed himself further. As a young boy, he was often pitted against teenagers and even grown men in the dueling ring, his grandfather's words barking cruely from the sidelines as he was beaten to the ground and forced to rise again against opponents twice his age and thrice his size.

"You are only as weak or as strong as you allow yourself to be! Steel your hearts, cast off the fear, and raise your sword; the Rhulain do not accept defeat!"

His life was regimented, more soldier than a child, with combat and survival training dominating his mornings and afternoon while topics such as astrogation, engineering repair, and philosophical subjects focusing on the balance between the body and soul took up the evenings. At the age of fifteen Luu Karr was told that the time had come for him to put his training into action. Brought to the edge of the city on the outskirts of the wastes, he was handed a single sword and tasked with retrieving a tablet from deep within the wastes and returning to the city with the tablet intact. The look on his grandfather's face was telling; if he could not complete the task than he may as well not return.

Months passed and as he navigated the Wastes, beset on all sides by the relentless beasts that haunted the rocky steppes, Luu came to realize a certain sense of kinship with the beasts. He envied them their freedom; when they were tired, they slept. When they were hungry, they hunted. He witnessed predators spend lazy days lounging against the sun-baked stones only to find himself running before the ferocity of the same beasts under the light of the moon. He was hunted by them and, in time, Luu hunted them in return. That kinship grew into a bond and soon Luu could almost swear that he could feel their instincts and desires, a sixth sense as to whether a beast wanted to fight or would allow him to peaceably pass by. Nearly a year had gone by when Luu Karr emerged from the wastes, nearly unrecognizable due to his now towering height and hard eyes beneath a curtain of long dirty hair, clad in armor made of furs and hide and chitin and carrying a spear made of bone with a broken sword blade and hilt lashed to the end.

Delivering the tablet to his grandfather Luu sat unflinchingly as he received the facial and body tattoos marking the successful completion of his rite of adulthood, then disappeared into the family compound. Emerging from the home a few hours later clean with a shaved head and wearing comfortable clothing under a bukk leather overcoat with a pack on his back and a sword and pistol at his hip, Luu pressed a kiss to his mother's forehead and then headbutt his grandfather before walking out of the compound in the direction of the spaceport without looking back. Iridonia had become too small, too tame, and a whole galaxy of danger waited beyond the atmosphere. Purchasing a beat up starfighter with an intact hyperdrive, Luu Karr Rhulain left Iridonia behind and became a drifter, visiting planet after planet in the far reaches of the outer rim, planting roots long enough to resupply and make repairs to his ship, the Ashracer, by offering his services as a mechanic or protection for the out of the way colonies and then leaving again in pursuit of a nameless tugging at his hearts that kept him moving across the galaxy.

Luu joining the insurgency against the Empire itself was more happenstance than deliberate choice; years after leaving Iridonia during a spell spent as a mechanic on a little moon outside of Hutt Space that didn't even have a name, the Zabrak found himself unknowingly fighting alongside a secret Alliance cell working to establish a listening post in the nearby asteroid field when the settlement was attacked by a band of marauding Zygerrians. Outnumbered and outgunned in his relic of a starfighter, Luu was able to keep the transports from landing long enough for three ships to appear on the horizon and even the odds. In the last moments of the fight, a wild shot struck his fighter's stabilizer and the Ashracer plummeted toward the ground. When Luu woke up he found himself bandaged and bruised but alive with a pretty Pantoran standing over him. Her name was Linara, she was the leader of their pack of misfits on the operation and she was the one who'd given the order that he be retrieved and cared for in their limited infirmary before the Imperial sector patrol arrived to investigate the aftermath of the battle.

Luu admired them for protecting the settlement, something the systems garrison had not been willing to do as it was a majority non-human colony and decided to stick around and help them; his ship was wrecked, he had nowhere else to go with the Imperials searching for the identity of the fighters who'd thrown back the pirates, and he very quickly realized that the five-man cell did not have an ounce of real mechanical know-how between them.

Eventually, he went from being a patient to a nuisance that wouldn't leave to a full-fledged member of the cell, serving as a mechanic, back-up pilot, or an extra blaster, blade, or intimidating mountain of muscle depending on what the situation called for. He had been with the Rebels for a year when the cell completed their mission and the time came for them to return to the Fleet. Given the choice to return to the restless life he'd led as a drifter or continuing the fight against the Empire, Luu made the decision to commit fully and join the Galactic Alliance. After several years and many adventures within the Alliance, Luu was approached by a figure wearing a hooded cloak during a patrol around a new base and offered the chance to be trained as a Jedi.

Luu Karr is a loyal, headstrong, and highly independent individual. He is a man of intense passions and action - a state of mind that conflicts with much of what he is being taught as a Jedi. For Luu Karr, meditation to the point of inaction is anathema - sometimes the only choice is to plant your feet and take action - and this mindset has earned him a few worried glances from the older Jedi. Still, he holds loyalty above all things and if you have gained his friendship you have earned it for life.

Restless energy defines Luu Karr Rhulain. His hands are always itching for some part to repair or the comforting weight of a weapon pressed against his palm, and he grows anxious at being in the same place for too long. What he first dismissed as a unnaturally strong Wanderlust he now knows to be the currents of the Force, pulling him on a seemingly endless journey often for reasons that elude all understanding until after the purpose for his presence has been achieved and he feels the stirring behind his hearts again.

The long years spent traveling on his own have left Luu in the curious position of craving contact with other beings but preferring solitude out of habit. He has a wicked sense of humor and a love of eclectic curiosities, but is not the best at opening up to people and showing that side of himself. He developed the habit of talking to himself to fill the silence and is often embarrassed when he lapses into an outloud internal monolog without realizing it.

Luu speaks his mother tongue Iridonian, as well as being fluent in Basic and Bocce. He has a passable understanding of Shyrrrwook and can curse in Mando'a and Huttese. He also religiously writes his 'Ma' on the comms and proudly wears the armor and clothing she crafts and sends to him.

Ever since he began his training to master the ways of the Force, Luu has excelled in the aspects of Control and Alter. Particularly skilled with inventive applications of telekinesis, he has devoted much of his training to learning how to use and enhance his body with the Force to increase his speed, strength, and reaction time. He has little skill with telepathy and outright refuses to learn the Jedi Mind Trick - in his view, the mind is sacred and even the relatively benign suggestive nature of the Mind Trick feels too close to removing free will for the notoriously independent Zabrak to accept.

Luu also has a natural gift for Animal Friendship, the first inkling of the power that lay dormant within him so many years ago, and can often be found developing bonds with creatures from the lowly insectoid to the mightiest predators.

The years spent training on Iridonia and the years that followed navigating the fringes of civilized space alone and then with the Alliance have honed Luu's fighting skills greatly; while his melee and hand to hand fighting still exemplify the flowing strength of the Iridonian styles, the Zabrak has spent the last decade and change learning to shoot and throw down with the smugglers, pirates, and gunslingers of the Outer Rim, and he has learned many of the tricks his Grandfather once dismissed as dishonorable. Joining the Alliance gave him more familiarity with the rifle and carbine, but his preference for shooting is still the reliability of a good blaster pistol at your hip.

The years drifting through the galaxy taught Luu many necessary skills; his skills as a mechanic often decided whether he'd make enough money for the fuel to his next destination or a meal. Everything from vaporators to droids to speeders and ships; if it was mechanical, Luu Karr could fix it. Luu was also a gifted and daring pilot both as an independent spacer and as a pilot for the Alliance; the adrenaline rush of pulling risky maneuvers at high speeds with the feeling of his ship humming around him like a second skin filled the Zabrak with a sense of freedom and purpose that nothing else came close to emulating.



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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score