Maura Holst


SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2017
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NAME: Maura Holst
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Student
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, basic training

Maura is slightly under the average human height standing at just 5' 3" tall. Maura's physical build is athletic and slim with the noticeable exception of her prosthetic leg which is a bit bulkier than the rest of her body. Like her mother, Maura has a medium tan complexion and dark black hair that reaches just past her collarbone. Her eyes are brown and due to her deafness is often extremely expressive with them. Aside from the use of Sign and perhaps the different sized legs, the first person people may notice about Maura is her bubbly, friendly demeanor.

Both her parents, Nora and Romny, are very introverted. Strangely, Maura developed a very extroverted personality. From a young age she was always talking and getting into mischief. Her parents were academics and praised curiosity which allowed Maura to develop an inquisitive mind. This curiosity has gotten her into trouble a number of times. Curiosity and extroversion has made her enjoyable company to some and a nuisance to others. She is especially curious about aspects of the Force, history, and personal affairs.

After an animal attack, Maura lost her hearing and a leg which changed her life forever. The bubbly little girl became reclusive and very nearly depressed. She could not do the things that she used to be able to do-- like communicate with people. However, with the help of her parents she learned ways to overcome her obstacles. After learning how to Sign and read lips, Maura was able to become verbal again. Overcoming her hearing loss taught the young woman to be fearless in the face of adversity. She has no shame and is sometimes overly confident in herself and her abilities. And if her abilities prove to be under-qualified for a situation Maura will work hard to improve them....or find someone else who can do it for her.

Being close to her parents and having that strong supportive bond is what got Maura through all the hardship in her youth. However, remaining under their roof has created some tension between Nora and Romny and Maura. It has also caused social problems for the young woman. Within the safety of the homestead and even of Alderaan Maura can safely function without much help but in the bigger galaxy these safety nets do not exist. While she's traveled a lot with her parents, she's never gone on a trip alone and can be naive.

Before Maura was even born her mother, Nora Synge, was a Jedi. The young Nora grew up in the Order and found great purpose in the ranks. Her Jedi path took her down a more scholarly path than the typical knight. Nora studied to be an anthropologist. With the Jedi she spent a great deal of time studying ruins and new and emerging cultures throughout the galaxy. During her time as a Jedi she continuously ran into a botanist from Alderaan. The man, Romny Holst, was a professor of environmental systems and botany who had a habit of finding himself in unfortunate situations in the field. At first the two were merely occasional team members, though as time went on it seemed fate pushed them together. After spending a great deal of time together, the connection between the two was undeniable. Nora left the Order in order to start a family with Romny on Alderaan. A few years after the move Nora found employment at the university as an adjunct professor in the fields of cultural anthropology and archaeology.

Maura was the couple's only child. The couple worked together on research expeditions which left them little time to think about having more than one child. Often, they would take their young daughter with them. Throughout her early childhood, Maura's closest companions were her parents as they rarely stayed on any planet long enough for long lasting friendships to take place. Still, moving around forced Maura to form bonds quickly. Her parents' different sites became her classroom and she learned a great deal about cultures, language, and most importantly botany. In addition to plant science, her parents taught her what they knew of the Force. Her training focused primarily on learning to control her abilities. There were times when Maura expressed a desire to learn more about her mother's Jedi skills. Nora had no real desire to train her daughter as a Jedi-- especially when it came to skills that could be used in battle. It was her opinion that a connection to the Force and philosophy were more important. However, this focus changed after a horrible accident.

The couple and their now seven year old daughter were allowed by the Cerean government to travel to Cerea in order to study their pristine world and unique culture. Cerea is a world with very little pollution and unique plant life. The culture was also of interest to Nora who ventured into the more rural areas with Maura. While in the company of some fellow children from a nearby town, Maura was attacked by a native creature. The other children were able to bring her back to the village and to her mother. Since the Cerean people were opposed to technology, there was very little in the way of medical supplies. Nora and Romny healed their daughter to the best of their ability. Too afraid to move her, the couple kept Maura in the village until she improved. This proved to be an error as the injuries to her right leg became infected. The infection caused Maura to have a high fever that left her drifting in and out of consciousness. In an impulsive move, Nora amputated her daughter's leg to keep the infection from causing more damage. The leg was badly damaged and was unlikely to be fully healed anyway. With one leg gone, Romny and Nora took Maura to the nearest city and sought further medical support. The removal of the leg might have saved her life but also affected her in an unexpected way. The infection, fever, medications, or some combination of the three had caused severe hearing loss. The hearing loss was not realized due to how gravely ill Maura had been for several days. Over the next several months Maura's hearing deteriorated until she was completely deaf. At seven she was too young to undergo any sort of surgery to correct the disability. In the mean time her parents fitted her growing body with a prosthetic leg and taught her Galactic Sign Language. Additionally, Nora attempted to train herself and her daughter to better use telepathy and lip reading as a way to communicate with others.

It took Maura a long time to recover from her traumatic injuries. For a long time she feared animals and was rather antisocial. Though, through her parent's coaxing she learned to overcome her anxieties and bounced back. Despite being a deaf amputee, Maura's outgoing personality and resilience allowed her to live a healthy adolescence. As she got older, her parents entrusted her education to the Alderaan public education system. While bittersweet, Maura enjoyed spending time with people her own age. In her teenage years she started to become more independent of her parents and sought more and more freedom. This typical adolescence behavior frightened her parents and they kept her closer to home. During this time her parents took fewer off world missions in order to focus more on teaching and Romny's new business. Romny opened a plant nursery while also teaching classes about botany and agriculture. When not in school Maura worked in the shop and assisted her father in classes. By this time she was more than old enough to undergo the implant process to regain her hearing. However, Maura opted to not go through with the procedure, much to the surprise of friends and family. Having lost her leg, Maura believed that like the prosthetic, the implant might give her some hearing but it would never be the same as it had been before the accident. Both Nora and Romny supported their daughter's decision even while others did not.

Into her early twenties Maura lived on her parent's homestead and worked alongside her father while also attending the University. Maura had wanted to go out on her own on several occasions but had stayed at her parents' insistence. It was never said, but Maura believed that her parents were afraid of her ability to live completely alone. To spare their feelings, she remained tight lipped about her suspicions but secretly wished for a way to convince them to let her go. A month after Maura's twenty third birthday, Both Nora and Romny left Alderaan on a research trip for the university. They left their daughter behind to mind the shop and promised to be back within two weeks. For the first leg of the journey her parents remained in contact, however communication abruptly shut off. Maura was worried but ignored her feelings believing them to be silly. However, as the three week mark passed both the university and Maura became worried about the fate of Nora and Romny. Maura had a feeling something bad had happened, though was sure they weren't dead. Eager to find her parents and to embark on an adventure, Maura left Alderaan to find them.

-Lip Reading
-Galactic Sign Language (GSL)
-Extensive knowledge of botany especially for medicinal purposes
-Basic prosthetic repair

-Basic tool kit
-Blaster pistol


-- The Content Below is Optional, but Encouraged!--

Nora Holst-- Mother
Romny Holst-- Father







SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Love the character, let's Rp sometime!


Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Pretty unique character - I like it!



nEw M3mBer
SWRP Writer
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
I like the idea of having your character start off with a mission! Both my zabrak brothers are doing what they can to free their parents. Let me know if you ever want to start a thread!


SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2018
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At first I read she lost her hearing in an "anime" attack and I got excited. Still good though