Modified R-PK Droid


Resident Small Bird of Chaos
SWRP Writer
Dec 11, 2019
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I am very new to online rp and am still learning. If this does not need to be approved or has been done, I am sorry as I was unable to find something to copy it off of so I had to quote the format from another member.

RP-K Droid “L4D”

None/ Independent

Cybot Galactica

Maintenance, (Simple) Security Droid

Singular Wheel
Power Supply:
Rechargeable power cell, 48 hour duration

1x photoreceptor
1x audio sensor
1x thermal sensor


Permasteel Composite with Plasteen Visual Embellishments

Tools and Equipment:
  • Built-in security monitor to inform owner of any living being within two meters when security protocols are enabled.
  • Built-in Temperature reader (for the original purpose of controlling lab settings).
  • Port to offload logged data about audio, photo, and thermal data onto data pads to conserve limited memory

The not uncommon RP-K droids were found across the galaxy at the time of the Clone Wars. They served mainly as private surveillance droids for homes, corporations, and private organization. Frequently, these droids would simply do rounds around the property, scanning with their sensors for any unidentified sign of life. The RP-Ks have basic facial recognition, meaning they will not alert to beings who are programmed as “safe” when security protocols are turned on. This normally is the owner, members of the family, and employees.
The droids could also be modified for certain jobs, for example safeguarding a certain object or checking controlled areas, such as laboratories or medical centers.

As time went on, better security droids were developed and used by major companies, but RP series droids were produced in large quantities and were affordable and fairly reliable. Therefore, smaller businesses would buy them for security and simple tasks. The droids can become possessive and over protective if they are assigned to one task for too long, so typically they are cycled around a facility and have data wipes every few years. One of the other disadvantages of this older model of droid is its limited memory. It can only have 112 standard hours of data logged at any given time. If the data is essential, it can be offloaded via a port on the belly of the droid.

RP-K droids were build for durability in controlled, indoor environments or level terrain outdoors. They are not armored and are very maneuverable due to their mono wheel. They are not notable and are fairly unnoticeable, making them good at spotting intruders before they are spotted and destroyed or simply tagging around town. Just be mindful no one trips over it. It has a simple transmission antenna that allows com transmission and it can vocalize through the occasional chirp and hum of binary. Occasionally, modifications would be made to droids, adding extra tension to their wheel, adding a sensor, and so on, but often the modifications were more expensive than the droid and therefore not worth the purchase. L4D has a bronze colored body and a light blue stripe across his head. He previously monitored a bacta processing plant. However, after a pressurized vacuum of cereal bacta exploded, the plant closed down. He is very friendly and is obsessed with analyzing substances to make sure they are stable and not liable to explode. He is mediocre at security work.

Legal. The droid possesses no weapons and posses no apparent threat.

The droid could serve as a companion for any character, providing simple security services and assessing and logging surroundings. The droid is more an added to world-build and be a companion than to play a part in any plot.




SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
When you quote for formatting, simply remove the to post it as is.

But for submissions like tech, plots and other things that require a format, the format is normally within the sub-forum as a stickied topic. Tech templates are here, this droid would fall under the droid template.

Typically unless a piece of tech falls under the advanced category, is a canon piece of tech or something totally new in star wars it is safe to be posted in the generic tech sub, where it does not need approval.

Just wanted to throw that in and say welcome to SWRP!
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Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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I do appreciate your earnestness in jumping right in! I do hope you have a great time here, and if you have any questions, definitely let me or one of the other staff know, and we'll try to help you as best we can!

In the meantime, I'm afraid the piece of tech you quoted isn't actually approved on the site yet; it looks like maybe you got it from someone's workshop. Stuff from those threads isn't ready to be used yet, and needs to be formally submitted before it can be.

Generally things that belong to individuals - named ships and droids, for example - are fine to be posted in Generic Tech, so long as they have an approved write-up for their non-unique version.

I'll be archiving this, but I do encourage you to make a player workshop of your own and get some practice making your own tech! Hope to see your own submissions in the future!