Moff Council Meeting Vol.1


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
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As recent events unfold, a new meeting of the Moff Council had been called. This time by the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Legion. And while he did not sit on the Dark Council, he was also holder of the Darth Title. Security was high, Stormtroopers of the 120nd Regiment, the one favored by the Supreme Commander patrolled, had security checkpoints set up. And even guarded the Moff Council chamber with blasters in hand, polished chrome armor reflected the stark walls and polished black floor. While there, it was more for the Supreme Commander's protection, the Moffs however would benefit from this as well. As an added caveat, the Supreme Commander's aides were on hand to see to the Moffs' needs as refreshments had been provided.

The Supreme Commander had called this meeting of the Moffs to discuss the ongoing cold war with the Mandalorians, the state of the Empire and the Army of Light and their Jedi warriors. The Empire may have been massive in size and power, but even such a beast could be felled by enemies on all sides. And it was so that this meeting had been announced, it was time to do something about their various enemies. The Supreme Commander, Caduceus Rhade had seated himself at the head of the Moff Council table, a chair on the opposing side had been set for one of the other Grand Moffs. While Rhade had called this meeting, the Grand Moff still held a position of power among his peers. The meeting itself had been set to be held on Korriban, a chamber for such discussion among those that oversaw the massive Empire having long since been added to the Academy.

The Supreme Commander had taken a small, silver case from his dress jacket pocket. Upon opening, he pulled forth a tube, to those who knew of such devices, it was called a vape pen. Preferring it over cigarettes, the man placed it between lips, and soon pulled in a lungful of smoke. The scent was floral almost, honey, spices, not cloying thankfully as he exhaled through the nose and waited for the meeting to begin in earnest. It was time for the Moffs to begin, the Council was in session.

@Dawnrider, @Dread, @Gamov, @Alhon, @Soverin, @Ecclessey, @Dmitri @Deviant

OOC: Just a head's up. The other Moff thread was voided by the FL/AFLs. This'll be the replacement.
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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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The hologram of Andredd flickered into existence into the room. He was in the Corporate Sector, busying final preparations for its annexation to attend in person. The retired Sith Lord gave a polite nod to the Supreme Commander.

The Moff was curious to see what would be divined in this meeting to finally crush the empire's enemies: the barbaric Mandalorians and heretical Jedi. They had been a thorn for too long. Hopefully with the Corporate Sector's resources they could have the advantage they finally needed to decimate their adversaries. However, technology would not be enough. Nothing was more potent than the Force itself.


I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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Korriban was not Daedalus' choice of vacation spots. It was hot, dirty, perpetually oppressive, and while standing on the planet, Daedalus always felt like he was going to vomit. Sith would probably attribute it to their Dark Side, Daedalus preferred to think of it as heatstroke. The location of the meeting room wasn't any better, if Korriban was his vacation, the Academy would be his resort, and he hated both. The Academy always seemed to have someone dying, crying or begging, it was not an atmosphere conducive to productive business.

Daedalus took a speeder from the space port to the Academy, it loomed in the distance, an overblown monument to the Empire. When he eventually reached the Academy the Sith guarding the place were as always quiet and menacing, though why this place needed guards Daedalus would never know, not like the Jedi will ever get here. Stormtroopers flooded the area, no doubt to provide security, but again, why would there need to be so many of them. Probably posturing, so as to intimidate the other Moffs, letting us know that whoever controls them has a lot of guns.

As Daedalus made his way through the large courtyard and into the main structure, he was pleasantly surprised to see only two of his three expectations were being fulfilled. Someone was dying and crying about it. Deciding to ignore this, Daedalus simply walked towards the assigned meeting place, conveniently "loosing" the top button on his uniform, letting the fabric fall slightly apart, while he moved his medals slightly lower than where they should be on his breast. The room was spacious, Daedalus seemed to be early, there were only two other figures in the room at this point, one a hologram, the other the supreme commander. Daedalus gave a half salute, not fully turning to regard the two respectfully, while at the same time only raising his arm almost to the customary height. He said nothing, and simply assumed his seat, taking a small flask of water, that was coloured to look like some kind of Correlian whisky, out of his pocket, he took a quick drink before recapping it and returning it to its customary place. His face was expressive, it was a well acted facade of concern and the hint that Daedalus had important business to deal with, something that he feels is more prudent than this meeting.

(ooc: lemme know if you want me to change anything)
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SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
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Contentedly puffing away at the electronic vice, Caduceus took note of the flickering beginnings of a Hologram. Noting who it was for the first time, the Supreme Commander offered an equally polite nod. It always paid to be polite, or so dear old mum and his advisors told him. The next to enter also caught his attention. Definitely not Sith stock, but from the cut, Legion, not rank and file. Likely someone new to the badge of command. He let the little half-salute go with a look of rebuke but smirked soon after. There was always time later to correct one's misconduct. But he was in a light-hearted, and now slightly light-headed mood thanks to the nifty device he puffed on. The concentrates a complex combination of nicotine and other mild euphoria-laced substances. Two down, several to go.

"Gentlemen, so good of you to make it ahead of the rest of the class!" with a snap of his fingers, the female aide stepped forward. Whispering in her ear, she bowed down just a tad to listen. Soon Caduceus was being served Caf, cream, and heaping spoons of sugar which he stirred with a vigor. "Now we simply wait for the tardies." tapping the side of his mug with a be-ringed hand. "Unless either of you have anything pressing to report?" he asked, seeming perfectly content where he was at.

@Dread, @Alhon, @Soverin, @Ecclessey, @Deviant



Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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Part of him hoped he'd see his daughter before arriving at the chamber, but he had no luck and it wasn't that surprising. Keeping track of her was near impossible with everything else that demanded his attention.

He was fairly late getting to the planet in the first place, let alone to the meeting chamber. Because of this he made sure to take his seat quietly, giving only a few nods back to Moffs he recognized. Settling in and turning his attention to the Supreme Commander.