My Hoard


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Seventh Timeline Workshop


This is where all of my workshop related subjects will reside for the 7th SWRP TL. please refrain from commenting here as this is purely here for my own brainstorming and spit balling ideas before I potentially submit it. even if you are asked to look at this please do not comment here. thank you.
this is also where i'm going to dump some of my signature stuff so it doesn't bother people and if you see something that belongs to you I will probably just be tweaking it cuz i like the code.

Your Supernatural GIFs disgust me, Dara. I demand you leave immediately or I will attempt to be super mean 'n stuff.:^(
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Links That Lead To Things

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Full Name
Ba'kir Kannar



__Jedi (resigned)

__(Ex-)Jedi Knight

__Nickle One (Roche Asteroid Field)




__1.65 m


Hair Color

Eye Color







__F105 "Hound" Drone
__M-series Astro-droid

Notable Possessions

__CMBP-12 "Brawler Blaster"
__Various Mechanical Repair Equipment
__Q-34 Surveillance Bugs


__Gentleman & A Scholar
__Street Smart
__Badass Bookworm
__Combat Medic

Important People

__Lav Savak






Voice Sample

As an insectoid by nature Ba'kir shares many traits one might expect a Verpine to display. His curiosity is highly susceptible to complex machinery and even more so to the workings of force related and mystical artifacts and even extends to biology. stoic and often focused his most extreme emotional states are either curiosity, melancholic or a mildly chipper. since childhood he has seen emotions as often a hindrance and so at first he learned how to hide them so as to complete and focus a task at hand to the utmost efficiency and objectivity but this after a time turned into a lack of feeling all together. the extremes of emotions and sensations are mostly memories that he finds nostalgic but for the most part are irrelevant though on occasion he has moments of a more normal, more empathetic sense of feeling.

though he doesn’t show a great deal of emotion he does still have a desire to help others though mostly this is more of an immediate and leveled view as well as a differing moral compass than what some may consider humane. this is one reason he left the jedi order along with his master as well as why they were not as unhappy to see him go as other more “idealistic” knights may have been seen. Ba’kir also desires to learn a great deal, simply learning for the sake of knowledge and perhaps using this wealth as a tool to attain more prosperous and fair existence in the galaxy as a whole.

the verpine is still young compared to many and has a life different than most common republic citizens. because of this he sometimes comes off as condescending or corrective in other people's speech. this may rub some people the wrong way and forces Ba'kir to keep quiet more often than not. ironically there is a great deal of a normal individual's life that he has no concept of due to always focused on the mission or a project he devotes himself to.

Ba'kir never intentionally insults anyone, even those he had been charged with bringing in on behalf of the jedi order despite their less than proper attitudes. it is only when something is a lie or a falsehood that he truly gets annoyed. when someone is illogical in their decision making it is not what they do that bothers the verpine but rather why they do it and so he will sometimes conduct himself more aggressively when attempting to correct such issues though never breaking his own manners and diplomacy when doing so, how ever unique they may be.

sometimes seen in a very wise and speculative light by himself but when next to his master, Lav Savak, he seems to be much more akin to a youth. this is because his master is both akin to an older sibling as well as somewhat of a fatherly figure to him as well as a life mentor whom he holds in high regard. the two often balance one another out and when the other is more impatient or emotional the other is more rational and stoic.


Born into a regular life amongst his fellow verpine in the Roche asteroid system. Though he didn’t realize it at an early age Ba’kir was gifted with force sensitivity greater than the average individual. he learned a great deal from his early time in the asteroids, observing and processing everything that was said around him, shown to him and left for him to experience.

A merchant came to the Roche asteroid system one day to trade but what he was trading were sith artifacts. one of them was purchased but unknowingly to the verpine who purchased it the item has a failsafe of sorts. any who touched it would be driven mad and forced into a blind rage and driven insane in the process. the verpine who purchased it did just that and killed the merchant in the process. he was the only one that knew of the location and procurement of these objects. the mad verpine was eventually subdued and a day later the jedi order arrived to claim and secure the sith artifacts. this was where Ba’kir Kannar met his future mentor and master, knight Savak. Lav Savak recognized the young Ba’kir for having force sensitivity above that of even normal jedi initiates.

it wasn’t long before he was inducted into the jedi order and became the padawan of Lav. together they forged bonds over the years and traveled the galaxy as mentor and pupil. sharing a great deal in common Ba’kir learned a great deal from the various tests his master put him through, the training and the real world obstacles that various assignments he overcame. Ba’kir learned quickly and soon surpassed the expectations of those observing his process. but humble and stoic by nature he didn’t want special treatment despite his deserved merit. he learned medical science, and studied various scholastic subjects on his spare time.

the day he became a jedi knight his mentor also became a jedi master. as time passed on and his independence was permitted he grew more and more skeptical of the jedi order as a whole. before he had spent most of his time focusing on the past, reading records, archives and learning about subjects that had nothing to do with any relevance to current events such as physics and engineering. now with more activity in the field having to be a leading face of the jedi order and direct contact with the events the jedi needed to act on, he felt the jedi were not acting the best interest of the galaxy. he and his master pointed these flaws out and tried to reason with those in jedi order but the methods and view the two had brought before the council and other members were shot down and dismissed for various reasons. seeing that trying to change the jedi order from within was near impossible the two decided to leave and start their own endeavor to bring a new era to the galaxy.


(capable -> advanced -> expert -> master)

Marksmanship(various weapons) - Capable
Hand to Hand Combat - Expert
Languages /Basic - Expert
General Mechanics / Engineering - Advanced
Botany - Advanced
First Aid - Expert
Chemistry - Advanced
Medical Surgery / Healing - Advanced
Cybernetic Hacking / Application - Advanced


clear pic
waist up
tweaking portrait
redeye beygor
collar portrait

#5FF111 Audiowide
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Dedric Ryker

Ossein Jazaq Lvl 1 Outer Space Non-Force Sensitivity
Morganian Male 28 1.88 m 78 kg
Dark Brown Fair Azure
Ian Somerhalder Theme


"Whatever doesn't kill me better run."
If you end up crossing paths with Dedric Ryker you will not soon forget him. Civil interactions range from witty quips and insults to thoughtful commentary. While he is comfortable appearing as nothing more than a classy partier the man is a bit of a scholar even going so far as to enjoy reading books. Not just text on a data-pad or terminal but actual physical books that likes to collect. Dedric prefers something physical that he can touch rather than just some image of light. This gives those that are close to him the impression that he is a sentimental and novel being.

Never afraid to speak his mind Dedric has learned that if he does not wish to upset others he just does not say anything. To him the truth is important and while it is not always pleasant or welcome that does not mean it is not a fact. Truth is one of his values though he differs from others believing half truths are simply selective emission. Bluffing follows the same lines as he is no stranger to gambling in more than just card games.

Dedric has a tendency to fly fast and live even faster. While he comes off as a rascal he is perfectly aware of his rudeness. Sarcastic, curt and stubborn are all description befitting the morganian's description. The pilot hates wasting time as every moment in life is to be spent on something productive or fullfilling. If something is neither than he sees no point in doing it or will at least voice his displeasure in it.

While he can be a jerk to many he often has respect for those that catch his eye. He does not hate anyone before he gets to know them personally. Enjoying drink and the selective company of others it is no surprise that people will rarely see the gentlemanly side of him. Dedric doesn't allow outright injustice to go unanswered if he can help it. He judges people based on their actions more than what they are and does not expect anything from others that he would not expect of himself.


"Don't kill your demons. It pays to keep them on a leash."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.

Skills and Abilities

"I could tell you another joke but I don't feel like talking about you."
The life of a spacer is not something many planet bound individuals think about let alone speak. Aside from the occasional 'i was sitting in this cantina when this pilot...' type of story people just think of the void as an area of the galaxy that is just traveled through and not really inhabitated but there are trials and travals that exist there that can form the lifestyle of many. Dedric is one such person that was shaped by his environment early on. Prolonged life in space meant learning how your ship works and maintain it on the go was a matter of life and death. While he is first a pilot dedric is also a knowledgeable mechanic and has learned a great deal of second hand engineering. While this doesn't come in handy every day it has saved his skin and helped him get where he is today.

Traveling means seeing places not normally visited by more stationary people. There are the lawful core worlds which have their seedy underworlds, there are the lush and wild backwaters, then there are the dangerous outer rim territories that can be riddled with lawless chaos. Dedric has traveled to all of these places and so it was paramount to know how to defend himself. The close quarters of ship life also encouraged learning wrestling and other forms of hand to hand combat usually for non-lethal take downs. Plus when one of your squad got himself into trouble you were expected to be a dutiful wingman and back him up, though it helped if you were able to at least try with words first.

His fists are not the only thing he can fight with. Blaster weapons and other military grade weapons come and go in the corners of the galaxy. It is imperative to know how to not shoot yourself in the foot. While the closed corridors of a ship might make things easier it's better to hit the enemy on the first and only shot than the last of several. On the other hand he respects there is a time to avoid conflict and use words. As well as having mixed with numerous cultures he has become an adept polyglot.

First and foremost though are his skills at piloting. One might not not be able to fly properly if they did not know how to navigate. For so long he has taken in and absorbed all facets of space-faring that it has become subconcious knowledge. What people have to conciously make an effort to calculate or realize comes second nature to him. Gravitational pulls from orbital bodies, approach vectors and spacial awareness are just some of the things that come to him fairly easily. Repetition and no small amount of luck and honed skill have made him into a master of the sky and void.


"I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why? Because it sends a message."
Nomadic lifestyles leave a lot of values behind along with the idea of stationary habitation. Dedric owns his own starfighter and it is his pride and joy. He talks to it and treats it like it's a living steed and extension of himself. He has had it for nearly a decade and thus far has not been disappointed by the symbiotic relationship he has with the vessel. It reflects himself in every meaning of the term.

Not one to keep a large among of clothes he keeps it rather simple. Most of his outfits are dark in color with a few exceptions. The wardrobe he possess is both functional and still flattering for his physique and purposes. Outside of casual clothes he has a flight suit, a set of moderate body Armour as well as a personally owned void-suit.

In terms of armament he owns a reliable blaster pistol and a simple survival knife. Thus far he's only been forced to use it in desperate situations and hopes it to remain that way. A few none-lethal grenades because if he were to use them inside one of his own family's ship it could cause serious damage.

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

Habibah Grata

(Ha-beeb-ah Gr-ah-ta)


Species: Echani
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Citizenship: Eshan
Profession: Gangsta #1
Force Sensitive: N/A
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel
Rank: Enforcer
Level: 1

this article is about the individual, Habibah Grata. for other uses, see Chiffon (disambiguation)

Habibah Grata (born ____ BBY) is a Echani bounty hunter and vocalist. Also known proffesionally as Chiffon. She was born and raised in the slums of Eshan to the name Jarvinia Dauer. She has achieved limited success early on in her career as a vocalist with such groups as Gundank and Wreck Rake. She has not performed with any known groups since her time on Eshan. In the years following her move to Hutt space she was trained by bounty hunter ____ of moderate renown.

Mostly working on Nar Shadda during her apprenticeship she assisted in over a dozen bounties. After her teacher retired she resumed her career in music and performance. Limited success and opportunity on her own in terms of bounty hunting and music had her allegedly commit crimes. However no files were charged and no records remain of these events save for hearsay among the citizens of Hutt space.

Attestations indicate she was involved in dozen various bounties primarily in Hutt space during her solo career. Limited sightings and gathered information suggest underhanded means have led to what success she has achieved thus far. Bounties of opportunity more than ones of planned capture is what more seasoned hunters say.

Violence is not something she has tried to avoid according to public accounts from the numerous bars and nightclubs she has frequented. She has made it a point in her more recent appearances to seem wild and unpredictable. Whether this is a tactic or her true nature it cannot be decided. Few take interest in a low end bounty hunter who primarily gets by with body guard duty. As it stands the records on Habibah Grata are sparse at best requiring numerous second hand accounts to make any semblance of truth.


    • Biography
      • Early Years
      • Joining Faxon
      • Roots in Hutt Space
    • Personality and Traits
    • Abilities and Skills
      • Gangster
      • Bounty Hunter
      • Performer
    • Equipment
    • Ship
    • Threads


Early Years

Born Jarvinia Dauer, in the slums of Eshan's primary metropolitan area. She grew up along two older brothers, named Laphay and Farrah. Her father was not in the picture and her mother tended to not talk about him. Jarvinia's mother's name was Johar and did her and supported her children by working numerous jobs. This period of time left both Jarvinia with minimal adult supervision. The slums were not an easy place to live in by far. Kids made their own cliques and groups and over time they soon turned into loose gangs. Both Laphay and Farrah did their best to stay away from the violence and criminal activity. By their early teens they had each been arrest twice.

Jarvinia did not conform to the societal expectations of her local community nor society. Instead at an early age she struck out on her own. She tagged abandoned buildings and vandalized public property with street art. Others did this as well but she never did it in the name of a gang. Her early years were not well recorded or documented meaning there was not any known arrests of Jarvinia. Local law enforcement have stated not crime is recorded and that it is not unheard of documentation tampering.

Her school records indicated that even with a sparse attendance record she completed all her courses with just below top marks. It could be speculated that she either earned them through hard work outside of school. On the other hand more skeptical individuals may say it would be easier if she bribed, black mailed or just cheated her school work. Some individuals and administators at the time strongly believed it unlikely for someone who missed at least four to five days of school each month if not more. When asked about where she was people would say they saw her just walking around town on her own before seeming to disappear.

When she graduated two years early she began working as a forensic morgue technician. Jarvinia kept to herself at this time and cut off all ties to any associates she had outside of her family. She started frequenting lounges and cantinas to see the performances and hear the music. At age eighteen she started going into the more affluent districts to attend higher class performances. Whether it was sneaking in or bribing her way backstage Jarvinia was able to get sporadic lessons from random entertainers. She did not just pay attention to the performers. Jarvania made a point to learn about entertainment from the work-hands, the makeup artists, fashion designers.

Meeting Faxon

One week Javinia found herself processing a large number of bodies in the morgue. Many of which she recognized as gang members and a few belonged to police officers. Faxon Arkan was the bounty hunter that had killed the gangsters who had in turn killed the police officers. Faxon had taken it upon himself to wipe a crew that had a bounty out on it. He was unable to take them all out at once and had trouble tracking the last members down. However Javinia knew the area and had a lay of the land. She chose to use what she had gathered from the corpses to bargain her way a ride off world. He refused at first but Javinia offered to give the information to the local law enforcement and they would get the gangsters first. That would mean Faxon would not be able to get the full reward for the bounty so he then agreed to her terms.

Two days later Faxon held up his end of the bargain and Javinia boarded his ship. Faxon was Shorak and had some connections with the Hutts back on Nal Hutta. In route Javinia questioned him and watched him much to his annoyance. Faxon thought he would not have to deal with her after landing on the swamp planet. However she followed him to where he would collect the deal. Observing from a short distance she could see the deal was going south. There was only a small number of the corsairs there but Faxon was able to read the signs and defended himself. In the heat of the fight he was caught off balance by one of the corsairs. Javinia was able to knock the pirate long enough for Faxon to turn the tables.

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

With his Hutt Master noticing - despite his advancing age - that Darren was getting more and more flamboyant in his dress, and more fluid with his money, a new head of security was assigned to oversee the next attempt at securing a palace alongside Darren. Formally of the Serreno Intelligence Services, the new hardheaded human security honcho was suspicious of Darren from the very start of the assignment.

Darren had decided to try and break into the Hutts former palace, now overrun by scum and other lowlifes, only to see his latest con foiled by the arrival of the new security chief. Diverting his efforts into the removal of the new man on the scene, Darren rewired his Droids to explode, and arranged for them to do so in hyperspace - whilst he made his escape in a pod. It worked flawlessly, cancelling the project and leaven Darren to make a battered return to his master, bemoaning the quality of hyperdrive systems these days.

Understanding that his days most likely were numbered, Darren broke into his aging Masters vault and stole away in the dead of the night with a small number of Kyber Crystals from his Masters private collection - breaking his ship out of containment and fleeing Hutt Space, but not before overloading the Palaces generator to explode, taking out his former master and most of his staff in the process.

His cons covered, and he himself presumed dead in the inferno of his own making, he lept into hyperspace, making for the Planet Alderaan, at which his next scheme lay in wait.

Adventures on Alderaan

Darrens time on Alderaan marks something of a high point in his career, in which he successfully conned a significant number of the planets nobility into thinking he was a wealthy noble from offworld. Marrying into one of the houses, before stealing away in his wedding barge, on the day of his marriage - he made off with the dowry, Bounty Hunters hot on his tail.

Attending to a King

Arriving on Alderaan mere weeks after the death of his former Hutt Master, Darren made sure to cut quite the image upon his arrival and made immediately for some of the higher end private clubs in the nearest major settlement - the Alderaanian Royal Capitol. Styling himself as an Off-World Baron, who had made his fortune in the Kyber Mining Trade (backing this up with his stolen crystals) it did not take long for him to get his foot in the door, and soon he was invited to stay in the palace of one of the local nobles - who was keen himself on making some inroads into the mining business.

Ensuring he could bluff his way out of any actual commitments, Darren made a show of his nobility, citing issues with his inheritance, and many a jealous rival as reasons to why he could not ensure his host could access the mining market just yet. His host gullible enough to believe him, allowed him to stay on at his pleasure and expense, and for a time Darren lived as a socialite - soon wooing a young Alderaanian Maiden, and becoming engaged.

Continuing the courtship and making arrangements for the wedding the be hosted on a private yacht, which served as part of the dowry, he hired some contractors, and stole away in the ship the day before the wedding - selling the crew to a nearby slavers on the border with Hutt Space, before returning to his dock to find the yacht impounded, and his contractors detained.

Shockingly, Darren was soon arrested himself - despite his protests that he was a victim of kidnapping, which was only slightly undermined by the fact that a large purse of credits fell out of his pocket midway through his arrest. He was immediately escorted back into Alderaanian Space, but not before he had managed to send an emergency broadcast to his Father - in a long shot that he would receive it and come to his rescue.

Back on the straight and narrow

Imprisoned within a deepspace cell, having been moved from a less secure jail for inciting no less than three riots in as many weeks, he was rescued mid transit by his Father - who arrived at the head of a small horde of smuggling vessels to rescue his son. Thanking his Father by stealing his ship and leaving behind a brief note, he jumped into hyperspace and returned to Nar Shaddaa to take on a few Smuggling Contracts.

The Harp of Sardan

Having spent nearly six months running smuggling missions in a large and unwielding freighter, Darren picked up some rumours of a Hutt looking for an ancestral heirloom - know as the Harp of Sardan. Never one to miss an opportunity, he finished his current job and diverted course for the rumoured location of the Harp.

After nearly a year of digging and searching, and several expired loans and millions of credits later - he came to the conclusion that actually finding the harp was to hard, and decided just to forge a fake one. Paying a few thousands for a forger, he quickly recouped his losses by selling the harp to a delighted Hutt collector, who paid of his Bounties with the Alderaanian Authorities on top of his actual payment.

Fortunately for Darren, the Hutt died of an overdose that evening - and was thus never around to see the forgery exposed by one of his guards, who Darren paid off, and then shot for good measure.

The Gambling Circuit

As a newly monied man, Darren took to the world of Canto Bight, opening a Casino in a joint venture with a number of Crime Lords, Smugglers and fellow swindlers - intending to make it one of the most unsuccessful Casinos in the system, as part of a wide spanning con to fleece the local authorities out of a significant amount of money. The con was a long one, which required that the Casino appear popular, before declaring bankruptcy and the investors recouping their property investment by selling the failed business to the Government, which under local custom would be required to pay full price for it.

Lacking the patience for such a con, Darren agreed to hold the money of the collective investors, and promptly stole it all and fled the planet to pay off some of his other debts, tipping of the authorities to his collaborators plans - as being in jail would hinder their ability to have him killed.

Returning back into Hutt Space and taking on a few small smuggling jobs whilst keeping his ear to the ground for the next heist, Darren paid down his debts from previous work - and pretty much found himself back at square one.

Personality and Traits

Throughout his life, Darren has been a smuggler, rogue and a conman. Personally, he has always preferred to be called a ‘Entrepreneur’ and often times a Hero, although the legality of such claims is heavily subjective and contested. In many ways this is mirrored by his nature and attitude, being a shallow and self centered person; prone to taking risks and all to quick to double cross people. Despite, or perhaps because, of this he purposefully covers up his past, keeping people guessing as to his true nature, ever a man of smiles and charm when trying to get what he wants. He enjoys the art of the deal, the thrill of the chase and the daredevil nature or risk taking and bets, and often claims to be a man of honesty and integrity, although this is far from the truth.

Preferring to take a back seat when surrounded by others, and merely wait for a time to shine or an opportunity to exploit a situation to his personal gain - Darren does not shy away from leadership if the situation is dire. Likewise, he is seen as headstrong when under pressure, and prone to acts of brazen and shameless self aggrandizement - often seeking to make himself the center of attention when nobody else steps up to the mark. When it comes to romantic relationships - he often seeks women out for their money and influence, and the benefit it can bring to him, and as such as never been able to hold a relationship down.

Abilities and Skills

Darren considers himself to be a man of many and diverse talents, ranging from simple card tricks through to advanced data slicing. He is fluent in several languages, including Shyriiwook, Sullstese, Basic and Droid Speak - although he is unable to speak Huttese he can understand it. Broadly speaking, his skills can be split based on his professions as follows.


Despite his risk oriented life, he is not proud of his skills with a sidearm - although he can boast a keen aim and a swift draw with a side arm. When it comes to hand to hand combat, he prefers to avoid it entirely, defending such a practice by claiming ‘Gentlemen fight with pistols, or not at all.’.

Learning piloting skills from his father, and honing them through his service with the Hutts, Darren is a talented pilot although is ready to admit that he is far from the greatest stuntman in the Galaxy. He is proud of his use of unconventional tactics within the arena of war, as well as his talents for concealing items in odd places on his - and other - vessels, meaning he has rarely seen an item stolen when on a job.


A skilled Pazaak and Sabaac player, with knowledge of the rules and traditions - and how to break them - of many similar games, he is well versed in how to relieve people of their money over a game of cards. With ample skill at card dealing and fixing, he has control enough to stop overreaching around the tables. Skilled on the bluff, he is able to conceal his true intentions with ease - staying several steps ahead of his rivals and keeping them on their toes.

Darren has a keen business sense, thanks to his previous roles with the Hutts, and his personal financial and business acumen, having run several successful ventures over the years. This is aided by his common sense, and natural way with words, which has served him well on numerous occasions. He is talented with quick confidence tricks, aided by his slight of hand abilities - meaning he can often conceal items with little difficulty.


Darren prefers to travel light making it easier to run away so as to avoid appearing to flamboyant. To that end he normally is armed with a simple blaster pistol, which he prefers to keep in a hip holster, and a further holdout blaster which he conceals in the back of his belt, Hiding a small security kit in his boot, he makes use of a personal datapad and normally does not make use of armour - as he tries to avoid violence whenever possible.

He does make use of several wrist mounted items, normally hidden underneath his sleeve and often mounts his datapad on one to distract people from what lies beneath. Currently he makes use of a small wrist mounted dart thrower, which he uses as the ultimate underhand trick. dabum, tscch. He makes use of several security spikes, which he normally stores in his top pocket of his jacket.

Of course, he has a pack of Sabaac and Pazaak Cards - as well as a few fake or mirrored holocards, as well as a set of loaded dice stored on his belt. Stored within his belt can also be found a few servings of bacta, as well as a small communications jammer and a personal communications device, alongside a small rebreather and grappling rope.

Aside from his personal affects, Darren has a Piloting and Logistics Droid which he purchased second hand a while back, as well as an Astromech Unit which he took with him from his time spent as a Majordomo to the Hutts. Both are unarmed.


Over the course of his life Darren has piloted, owned and stolen several ships and trade vessels - however rumours of any such grand theft auto he stringently denies. Starting out with his own personal vessel, which he then lost in a trade off with the Hutts, before moving onto other client owned ships and even at one point a merchant caravan he liberated from his father - he has been behind the wheel of many a vessel.

His first ever ship was an unremarkable trading vessel owned by a Corellian Businessman, which he borrowed full time and with no intention to return with the assistance of his father, modifying the ships engines and attaching two point-defence cannons. Intended to run smuggling jobs, Darren formed a strong attachment to the ship - only to quickly sell it one three years later to pay down gambling debts accrued on Hutta.

His next stint in the Captain's Chair took him to the helm of the Hutt Pleasure Yacht Boontana, a ship he served as Pilot and Commander of for nearly a full year. Highly unwieldy, and protected by a team of three small fighter ships - the vessel itself was completely unarmed, and manoeuvred terribly. The ship was lost in a freak accident some years after Darren finished serving as its Captain.

Briefly, Darren took command of a small commercial ship to cover for his supposed double life as a ‘Baron of Serrenno’, before trading this vessel in for a Royally Commission Alderaanian Yacht, which he borrowed the night before his wedding to its owner's daughter. Stealing away with the ship, and its crew - he sold both to Zygerrian Slavers before his arrest and subsequent imprisonment.

Following his rescue by his Father, Darren made off with three of his Father's largest smuggling transportation ships, having inspired and tricked their crews to join him instead, and served for a short while as a treasure Hunter. The three ships served him well, as did their crews - before he offered the vessels up as collateral on a loan to enable him to buy into a Casino group.

When the Casino folded, the ships (and several members of their Crew) found themselves seized by his creditors, with Darren himself making all due haste for the nearest Starport with his ill-gotten gains, and purchasing his next vessel to jump planet in. Downsizing considerably, and possibly against his will, Darren purchased a standard frieghter - one clearly intended for ’Free Traders’, and modified it for his own personal use, clearing out one of the rooms for his private bedroom and office - and bringing on his Astromech and Piloting Droids.

Contacts and Affiliates

Jared Reed - Father - A famed smuggler Captain, who stands at the head of a modest collection of ships, Jared has been known to condemn and to support his son in equal measure. They have a rocky relationship, with the last interaction they had seeing Darren make off with his Father’s ship.

Former Affiliations

Over the course of his cons and various jobs, Darren has held several real and fake positions which are recorded here:

      • Anjurip Family - Pilot
      • Anjurip Family - Majordomo
      • Fabricated Serrenno Noble House - Baron
      • Casino - Founding Partner

originally acquired from norbs

Habibah Grata

(Ha-beeb-ah Gr-ah-ta)

[FONT=Times New Roman]Species: Echani
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Citizenship: Eshan
Profession: Gangsta #1
Force Sensitive: N/A
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel
Rank: Enforcer
Level: 1

this article is about the individual, Habibah Grata. for other uses, see Chiffon (disambiguation)

Habibah Grata  (born ____ BBY)  is a Echani bounty hunter and vocalist. Also known proffesionally as Chiffon. She was born and raised in the slums of Eshan to the name Jarvinia Dauer. She has achieved limited success early on in her career as a vocalist with such groups as Gundank and Wreck Rake. She has not performed with any known groups since her time on Eshan. In the years following her move to Hutt space she was trained by bounty hunter  ____ of moderate renown.

Mostly working on Nar Shadda during her apprenticeship she assisted in over a dozen bounties. After her teacher retired she resumed her career in music and performance. Limited success and opportunity on her own in terms of bounty hunting and music had her allegedly commit crimes. However no files were charged and no records remain of these events save for hearsay among the citizens of Hutt space.

Attestations indicate she was involved in dozen various bounties primarily in Hutt space during her solo career. Limited sightings and gathered information suggest underhanded means have led to what success she has achieved thus far. Bounties of opportunity more than ones of planned capture is what more seasoned hunters say.

Violence is not something she has tried to avoid according to public accounts from the numerous bars and nightclubs she has frequented. She has made it a point in her more recent appearances to seem wild and unpredictable. Whether this is a tactic or her true nature it cannot be decided. Few take interest in a low end bounty hunter who primarily gets by with body guard duty. As it stands the records on Habibah Grata are sparse at best requiring numerous second hand accounts to make any semblance of truth.

[*]Early Years
[*]Working for the Hutts
[*]Pilot to a Lorda
[*]New Homes
[*]Horror at Holoworld
[*]Mining for Gizka
[*]Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
[*]Adventures on Alderaan
[*]Attending a King
[*]Back on the straight and narrow
[*]The Harp of Sardan
[*]The Gambling Circuit
[*]Personality and Traits
[*]Abilities and Skills


Born and raised in the slums of Eshan with two other siblings. Jarvinia Dauer, was the name bestowed upon her at birth. She would continue to go by this name throughout her time on Eshan but would change it once she left. Her early life was not well documented and greatly affected by a planetary recession that affected previous generations.

Early Years

Working with the Hutts

Returning to Hutt Space, with his full cargo and a few rounds worth of stories - which naturally got exaggerated with each telling - Darren returned to the Court of a Hutt of the Anjurip Family, in which he took up residence as a Gambler and Thug - sponging off the free drinks and food of the Palace whilst looking for the next opportunity.

Pilot to a Lorda

Opportunity was to come knocking following the execution of the Hutts Pilot, a young Rodian that went by the name Reelo. Stepping up to the mark, and figuring that Piloting a pleasure barge couldn’t be that tricky, Darren offered his services to his new master - who gladly agreed based on the young rogues overstated past achievements and skills.

Introduced to his new ship, Darren was found in fits of laughter after seeing what he had to work with, an utterly colossal pleasure vessel that moved (according to Darren) ‘slower than its owner and twice as graciously’. His master, who clearly did not understand human humor, found this hilarious, and had the quote cast in metal and placed over his throne within the vessel.

Darren ran a collection of missions for his Master, slowly working to ingratiate himself more and more with the Hutts inner circle of servants, and naturally, the garrulous slug himself. Striking up a relationship with the Hutts head of security, a young Twi’lek Gunslinger, and making friends with his master's current Majordomo, he did his best to impress his Lorda in readiness for his next great plan.

In what Darren maintains was a complete stroke of genius, he pushed the Majordomo out of an airlock, and then put himself forwards as a replacement. Seeing no other viable option, the Hutt Lorda appointed him as Majordomo soon after - and Darren set to work on making the most out of his new position.

New Homes

One of his first tasks as Majordomo to his Hutt Master was to secure a new palace, as the previous Majordomo had died taking the security passwords for the current one with him. Bragging about how wonderfully talented in the field of real estate he was, Darren set to work - hiring (and skimming a little off the top for himself) a team of location scouts to track down a suitable venue.

Horror at Holoworld

With the first location passing the screening tests, Darren headed out to make the arrangements for the renovations. Arriving at the Holonet Fun World, a closed down Holo Theme park on one of the Hutt Worlds, Darren splashed out a few million credits on security and construction staff, and set to work demolishing some of the older rides. However, as time went on, the young Rogue soon realised that there was a great deal of money to be made if the construction failed as the Hutt had assigned the credits based on the project, paid up front - not reclaimed.

As such, he set to work on making sure that the construction effort failed - orchestrating, with the assistance of some reprogrammed construction droids, a series of construction accidents that left many of the staff under the superstition that the park was haunted. Not one to allow such opportunities to pass unexploited, Darren made use of the holoprojectors from the demolished rides to conjure images of fictional creatures on the evening of his workers most superstitious public holiday, and soon sent them packing - raving about ghosts - back to his master.

So as to avoid embarrassment, his master shut down the project, leaving Darren to pocket the remainder of the budget - his master none the wiser as to his involvement. Pouring the money into offworld accounts, and some wearable gemstones for safekeeping, Darren set about finding a new location for his masters vices.

Mining for Gizka

With the failure of the first project still fresh in his mind, Darren was presented with a second possible location - an asteroid in orbit around one of the Hutt throne worlds. Previously serving as a safehouse for some of the enforcers of the Besadii Clan, the Asteroid had long since fallen into disrepair, and was being sold on the cheap by the Besadii - looking to get rid of an asset that was costing far in excess than it was netting them.

Snapping the Asteroid up for an absolute steal, Darren made haste to bring in the team and set to work ensuring that the location would be commended and deemed unsuitable - enabling him to make off with the money once more. Overstating costs by an obscene ratio, Darren had to kill off one of his Masters inspectors in a freak drilling accident to avoid arousing suspicion before arriving at a suitable method to have the location written off.


Purchasing, through a third party, a large shipment of Gizka Eggs, he had his reprogrammed droid partners place them in barrels throughout the mining complex, ready for germination and release. Naturally, with the rate at which they reproduced, it did not take long for the perfidious pests to pollute the entire location, leading to Darren bringing in flamethrower support to burn them out.

The resulting horrific stench, and tunnel collapse - which left one of his closest rivals and his Twi’lek lover buried under three-hundred tonnes of raw ore - ensured the abandonment of the project soon after, and Darren was once again recalled to Hutt Space to continue his search for the next suitable location.

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

With his Hutt Master noticing - despite his advancing age - that Darren was getting more and more flamboyant in his dress, and more fluid with his money, a new head of security was assigned to oversee the next attempt at securing a palace alongside Darren. Formally of the Serreno Intelligence Services, the new hardheaded human security honcho was suspicious of Darren from the very start of the assignment.

Darren had decided to try and break into the Hutts former palace, now overrun by scum and other lowlifes, only to see his latest con foiled by the arrival of the new security chief. Diverting his efforts into the removal of the new man on the scene, Darren rewired his Droids to explode, and arranged for them to do so in hyperspace - whilst he made his escape in a pod. It worked flawlessly, cancelling the project and leaven Darren to make a battered return to his master, bemoaning the quality of hyperdrive systems these days.

Understanding that his days most likely were numbered, Darren broke into his aging Masters vault and stole away in the dead of the night with a small number of Kyber Crystals from his Masters private collection - breaking his ship out of containment and fleeing Hutt Space, but not before overloading the Palaces generator to explode, taking out his former master and most of his staff in the process.

His cons covered, and he himself presumed dead in the inferno of his own making, he lept into hyperspace, making for the Planet Alderaan, at which his next scheme lay in wait.

Adventures on Alderaan

Darrens time on Alderaan marks something of a high point in his career, in which he successfully conned a significant number of the planets nobility into thinking he was a wealthy noble from offworld. Marrying into one of the houses, before stealing away in his wedding barge, on the day of his marriage - he made off with the dowry, Bounty Hunters hot on his tail.

Attending to a King

Arriving on Alderaan mere weeks after the death of his former Hutt Master, Darren  made sure to cut quite the image upon his arrival and made immediately for some of the higher end private clubs in the nearest major settlement - the Alderaanian Royal Capitol. Styling himself as an Off-World Baron, who had made his fortune in the Kyber Mining Trade (backing this up with his stolen crystals) it did not take long for him to get his foot in the door, and soon he was invited to stay in the palace of one of the local nobles - who was keen himself on making some inroads into the mining business.

Ensuring he could bluff his way out of any actual commitments, Darren made a show of his nobility, citing issues with his inheritance, and many a jealous rival as reasons to why he could not ensure his host could access the mining market just yet. His host gullible enough to believe him, allowed him to stay on at his pleasure and expense, and for a time Darren lived as a socialite - soon wooing a young Alderaanian Maiden, and becoming engaged.

Continuing the courtship and making arrangements for the wedding the be hosted on a private yacht, which served as part of the dowry, he hired some contractors, and stole away in the ship the day before the wedding - selling the crew to a nearby slavers on the border with Hutt Space, before returning to his dock to find the yacht impounded, and his contractors detained.


Shockingly, Darren was soon arrested himself - despite his protests that he was a victim of kidnapping, which was only slightly undermined by the fact that a large purse of credits fell out of his pocket midway through his arrest. He was immediately escorted back into Alderaanian Space, but not before he had managed to send an emergency broadcast to his Father - in a long shot that he would receive it and come to his rescue.

Back on the straight and narrow

Imprisoned within a deepspace cell, having been moved from a less secure jail for inciting no less than three riots in as many weeks, he was rescued mid transit by his Father - who arrived at the head of a small horde of smuggling vessels to rescue his son. Thanking his Father by stealing his ship and leaving behind a brief note, he jumped into hyperspace and returned to Nar Shaddaa to take on a few Smuggling Contracts.

The Harp of Sardan

Having spent nearly six months running smuggling missions in a large and unwielding freighter, Darren picked up some rumours of a Hutt looking for an ancestral heirloom - know as the Harp of Sardan. Never one to miss an opportunity, he finished his current job and diverted course for the rumoured location of the Harp.

After nearly a year of digging and searching, and several expired loans and millions of credits later - he came to the conclusion that actually finding the harp was to hard, and decided just to forge a fake one. Paying a few thousands for a forger, he quickly recouped his losses by selling the harp to a delighted Hutt collector, who paid of his Bounties with the Alderaanian Authorities on top of his actual payment.

Fortunately for Darren, the Hutt died of an overdose that evening - and was thus never around to see the forgery exposed by one of his guards, who Darren paid off, and then shot for good measure.

The Gambling Circuit

As a newly monied man, Darren took to the world of Canto Bight, opening a Casino in a joint venture with a number of Crime Lords, Smugglers and fellow swindlers - intending to make it one of the most unsuccessful Casinos in the system, as part of a wide spanning con to fleece the local authorities out of a significant amount of money. The con was a long one, which required that the Casino appear popular, before declaring bankruptcy and the investors recouping their property investment by selling the failed business to the Government, which under local custom would be required to pay full price for it.

Lacking the patience for such a con, Darren agreed to hold the money of the collective investors, and promptly stole it all and fled the planet to pay off some of his other debts, tipping of the authorities to his collaborators plans - as being in jail would hinder their ability to have him killed.

Returning back into Hutt Space and taking on a few small smuggling jobs whilst keeping his ear to the ground for the next heist, Darren paid down his debts from previous work - and pretty much found himself back at square one.

Personality and Traits

Throughout his life, Darren has been a smuggler, rogue and a conman. Personally, he has always preferred to be called a ‘Entrepreneur’ and often times a Hero, although the legality of such claims is heavily subjective and contested. In many ways this is mirrored by his nature and attitude, being a shallow and self centered person; prone to taking risks and all to quick to double cross people. Despite, or perhaps because, of this he purposefully covers up his past, keeping people guessing as to his true nature, ever a man of smiles and charm when trying to get what he wants. He enjoys the art of the deal, the thrill of the chase and the daredevil nature or risk taking and bets, and often claims to be a man of honesty and integrity, although this is far from the truth.


Preferring to take a back seat when surrounded by others, and merely wait for a time to shine or an opportunity to exploit a situation to his personal gain - Darren does not shy away from leadership if the situation is dire. Likewise, he is seen as headstrong when under pressure, and prone to acts of brazen and shameless self aggrandizement - often seeking to make himself the center of attention when nobody else steps up to the mark. When it comes to romantic relationships - he often seeks women out for their money and influence, and the benefit it can bring to him, and as such as never been able to hold a relationship down.

Abilities and Skills

Darren considers himself to be a man of many and diverse talents, ranging from simple card tricks through to advanced data slicing. He is fluent in several languages, including Shyriiwook, Sullstese, Basic and Droid Speak - although he is unable to speak Huttese he can understand it. Broadly speaking, his skills can be split based on his professions as follows.


Despite his risk oriented life, he is not proud of his skills with a sidearm - although he can boast a keen aim and a swift draw with a side arm. When it comes to hand to hand combat, he prefers to avoid it entirely, defending such a practice by claiming ‘Gentlemen fight with pistols, or not at all.’.

Learning piloting skills from his father, and honing them through his service with the Hutts, Darren is a talented pilot although is ready to admit that he is far from the greatest stuntman in the Galaxy. He is proud of his use of unconventional tactics within the arena of war, as well as his talents for concealing items in odd places on his - and other - vessels, meaning he has rarely seen an item stolen when on a job.


A skilled Pazaak and Sabaac player, with knowledge of the rules and traditions - and how to break them - of many similar games, he is well versed in how to relieve people of their money over a game of cards. With ample skill at card dealing and fixing, he has control enough to stop overreaching around the tables. Skilled on the bluff, he is able to conceal his true intentions with ease - staying several steps ahead of his rivals and keeping them on their toes.

Darren has a keen business sense, thanks to his previous roles with the Hutts, and his personal financial and business acumen, having run several successful ventures over the years. This is aided by his common sense, and natural way with words, which has served him well on numerous occasions. He is talented with quick confidence tricks, aided by his slight of hand abilities - meaning he can often conceal items with little difficulty.


Darren prefers to travel light making it easier to run away so as to avoid appearing to flamboyant. To that end he normally is armed with a simple blaster pistol, which he prefers to keep in a hip holster, and a further holdout blaster which he conceals in the back of his belt, Hiding a small security kit in his boot, he makes use of a personal datapad and normally does not make use of armour - as he tries to avoid violence whenever possible.

He does make use of several wrist mounted items, normally hidden underneath his sleeve and often mounts his datapad on one to distract people from what lies beneath. Currently he makes use of a small wrist mounted dart thrower, which he uses as the ultimate underhand trick. dabum, tscch. He makes use of several security spikes, which he normally stores in his top pocket of his jacket.

Of course, he has a pack of Sabaac and Pazaak Cards - as well as a few fake or mirrored holocards, as well as a set of loaded dice stored on his belt. Stored within his belt can also be found a few servings of bacta, as well as a small communications jammer and a personal communications device, alongside a small rebreather and grappling rope.

Aside from his personal affects, Darren has a Piloting and Logistics Droid which he purchased second hand a while back, as well as an Astromech Unit which he took with him from his time spent as a Majordomo to the Hutts. Both are unarmed.


Over the course of his life Darren has piloted, owned and stolen several ships and trade vessels - however rumours of any such grand theft auto he stringently denies. Starting out with his own personal vessel, which he then lost in a trade off with the Hutts, before moving onto other client owned ships and even at one point a merchant caravan he liberated from his father - he has been behind the wheel of many a vessel.

His first ever ship was an unremarkable trading vessel owned by a Corellian Businessman, which he borrowed full time and with no intention to return with the assistance of his father, modifying the ships engines and attaching two point-defence cannons. Intended to run smuggling jobs, Darren formed a strong attachment to the ship - only to quickly sell it one three years later to pay down gambling debts accrued on Hutta.


His next stint in the Captain's Chair took him to the helm of the Hutt Pleasure Yacht Boontana, a ship he served as Pilot and Commander of for nearly a full year. Highly unwieldy, and protected by a team of three small fighter ships - the vessel itself was completely unarmed, and manoeuvred terribly. The ship was lost in a freak accident some years after Darren finished serving as its Captain.

Briefly, Darren took command of a small commercial ship to cover for his supposed double life as a ‘Baron of Serrenno’, before trading this vessel in for a Royally Commission Alderaanian Yacht, which he borrowed the night before his wedding to its owner's daughter. Stealing away with the ship, and its crew - he sold both to Zygerrian Slavers before his arrest and subsequent imprisonment.


Following his rescue by his Father, Darren made off with three of his Father's largest smuggling transportation ships, having inspired and tricked their crews to join him instead, and served for a short while as a treasure Hunter. The three ships served him well, as did their crews - before he offered the vessels up as collateral on a loan to enable him to buy into a Casino group.

When the Casino folded, the ships (and several members of their Crew) found themselves seized by his creditors, with Darren himself making all due haste for the nearest Starport with his ill-gotten gains, and purchasing his next vessel to jump planet in. Downsizing considerably, and possibly against his will, Darren purchased a standard frieghter - one clearly intended for ’Free Traders’, and modified it for his own personal use, clearing out one of the rooms for his private bedroom and office - and bringing on his Astromech and Piloting Droids.

Contacts and Affiliates

Jared Reed - Father - A famed smuggler Captain, who stands at the head of a modest collection of ships, Jared has been known to condemn and to support his son in equal measure. They have a rocky relationship, with the last interaction they had seeing Darren make off with his Father’s ship.

Former Affiliations

Over the course of his cons and various jobs, Darren has held several real and fake positions which are recorded here:

[*]Anjurip Family - Pilot
[*]Anjurip Family - Majordomo
[*]Fabricated Serrenno Noble House - Baron
[*]Casino - Founding Partner

originally acquired from norbs
Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score


"The greatest curses are often disguised as welcomed gifts."
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Morling
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 200 kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Homeworld: Morda
Residence: Concord Dawn
Faction: Mandalorian Dominion

Rank: Commando

  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>

  • There are many words that can be used to describe Burkhart's physical description. However to get the full measure of the man one must stand in his presence themselves. A striking height of approximately two meters is the first thing people notice. Second is the muscular frame that stands stoicly. Arms of considerable girth at either side make people think twice of coming within arms reach. Burkhart has a thin coating of fur over most of his body. Most of this is a dark ashen color while others are thinned grey that expose the patched dark and light skin color underneath.

    The face of the mandalorian sits atop a stocky torso connected by a muscular neck. The canine features are only emphasized when he opens his mouth to expose the characteristic teeth of his species. Twin yellow irises strike contrast on his otherwise rough appearance. Numerous scars criss cross his body but his skin is tough and while some would have killed lesser men they have only made him seem that much more intimidating. The ears on his head are nipped and have cuts on the edges. A large cut stretching from where his left shoulder meets his chest all the way down to his right upper abdominal muscles is his most prominent scar. Both of his hands have built up moderate calusces from his regular sparing and training.

    Each digit on either hand has a mild pointed nail that can cut shallow lacerations on an oponent if he wishes. Burkhart's feet have larger claws than his hands and he prefers to walk bare foot if possible. Most of the time he will wear nothing but trousers in a casual setting. He has no special preference towards fashion and would don something that has pragmatic uses most of the time.

    Burkhart's voice is deep and measured most of the time. When aggrivated it can spike to a higher pitch for arguments. His words will often be accented by tones of barks and growls with certain sounds that would not normally come from human biology. Still this is a rare occasion and speaks casually though with fewer words than most.

  • The type of wise and equally measured bar keep is the type of individual Berkhart is often seen. The fact that he is a brew-master and his overall demeanor only reinforces this perception. Not necessarily reserved he is not a boastful being. Far from jovial he is a cool and calm warrior most of the time. But people aren't so simple as to just be described as one type of personality. For berkhart this is true as even his seemingly simple personality is a spectrum of characteristics that define him.

    Berkhart was raised in the Mandalorian way of life from day one. This has been instilled in him just like any other being from the warrior culture. However he was also born on the planet of Concord Dawn where life is even harsher than the sister planet. He does not believe in luck or karma. Such things are for the ignorant and desperate. However Berkhart understands there is chaos and chance in the universe and some individuals are just randomly more fortunate.

    While the Morling Mandalorian is as tough as they come he has a soft side. His passion lies in his work and the farm he owns. Wine, spirits and drink in general is a subject he loves. Chemistry is a science he has shown an aptitude for and his schooling has shown his motivation to be impressive enough to put him at the top of his class at the Corsin University.

  • oamwata was born on the Herglic homeworld of Giju as per the norm for his species. for all intents and purposes his life was fairly typical other than his parent's violent tendencies. both parents moved around in a nomadic life style from world to world that had significant ocean space. but at a young age both parents separated forcing him and his six brothers to spend time with both parents on separate planets from time to time which was stressful to say the least. Toamwata had been a late bloomer in childhood and had looked up to his brothers. As a result he recieved shielding on occasion from his older siblings but it didn't do much good. The youngster still showed promise and compensated for it but didn't earn any praise, at least not from his parents.

    It was rumored that his mother's side of the family had been cursed by some off world. his mother acted foolishly when he was with her and sold not only Tomwata but also his six brothers into slavery. she had tricked them into coming with her and kept it a secret from their father. this was not the typical type of servitude he had been forced into nor were his brothers. they were purchased by a group of scientists that wanted specimens to toy with. thus he and his siblings were subject to numerous experiments, tortures and surgical changes at a young age. many of which involved trying to combine the mass of a herglic with the benefits with of the slim and agile Karkarodon species. the procedures changed them in appearance to things unlike their former appearance. originally they had appeared more predatory for a species of their kind but now they looked more like ocean predators meant for killing.

    the Herglics were eventually able to break from their confinement. their father having found them attacked the laboratory and killed many of the scientists. some of the security were able to mortally wound their father. the Carcharo brothers didn't waste the sacrifice their father had made and escaped the imprisonment without risking being killed by the attackers as well or taken for their own projects and be sold again. they had only been confined for a year but the scientists had not completed their work making them all look hideous as unfinished products. they were all angry, not only at those that had taken their freedom but their own horrendous mother. returning to her home they found she had relocated to a more lavish lifestyle on a paradise world. the Carcharo brothers focused their efforts on tracking down and avenging their fathers as well as their own plight.

    Shaukat led them despite not being the oldest, nor strongest. he had been the one that had brought them together and had been the primary one to get them all out of the facility they had been kept in. their father had seen that Shaukat had the greatest potential and had told him to take care of his brothers. following his lead they seven siblings arrived on Dorumaa. when their mother were alone the siblings caught her unawares forcing her to confess to her wrongs. she could barely recognize them due to the changes they had recieved from the augmentations and surgeries. later the local authorities would state it was a wild animal attack that had killed a Herglic. the funds that his mother had received from the scientific group were enough for his brothers to split amongst one another as well as what their father left them. they returned to their father's home until they were old enough and experienced enough to go out into the galaxy independently.

    Years went by and Taomwata became a mercenary of fair reputation. He banded to a group of mandalorians for awhile in their endeavors. Their skill and comraderie made Toamwata feel like he had a family again. He stuck with them for awhile before eventually being accepted into the clan. Afterwards the brothers and sisters he was with were tasked with taking on aquatic locations specifically. Toamwata earned even greater reputation amongst the Dominion as a marine berserker. both republic and sith enemies were being driven from the worlds the dominion were conquering and any that tried to attack the ones the predatory warrior protected paid heavily. Now he owns a small villa on the water front of Jartra Lake on Concord Dawn.

  • Lover
    None | Relation | Status

    FamilyShaukat | Brother | Actively Bounty Hunting
    Ikatyr | Brother | Actively Bounty Hunting
    Roungot| Brother | Herbologist
    Urmaok | Brother | Retired
    Pau | Brother | Mercenary
    Jakity | Brother | Missing
    Pyungoy | Mother | Deceased
    Sharnak | Father | Deceased

    None yet | Relation | Status

  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>

      • Melee
        • None!
          • he is the weapon

      • Firearms
        • SHR-1 "Meteor" | Heavy Repeating Rifle | 1x reloads
        • ACR 4-26 | Sonic Blaster Rifle | 2x reloads
        • modified MD-12 | shotgun blaster with custom grip | 4x reloads
        • B0-0M | Pulse Rifle With grenade launcher | 3 x reloads
        • AA-19 "cerberus" | scatter rifle | 6x reloads
        • X-2 Defender | Stun blaster pistol | 1x reload
        • SA-23 Carnifex | Heavy Repeater | 1x reload


      • Explosives
        • Thermal Detonators | High Explosives
        • EMP | Electro magnetic pulse

      • Armor
        • Tiger P.A.K. | Heavy Armour | aquatic armour
        • Sentinel series body armor | light armour

      • The Ivory Crest

        • Customized Centaur heavy freighter.
          • onboard M-series astromech, G3 utility droid with pilot and protocol functions, crisp-0 donut droid with carnivorous prioritized menu options. survival kit in escape pods.

      • A lake house on the coast of Jartra Lake, Concord Dawn.

  • Strength
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  • Unskilled - Novice - Adept - Expert - Master​

  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>

  • [tr2][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Summary[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]
    [tr1][td]Creator's Cusp[/td][td]Mando mission on moon of Leth[/td][td]ASK/ongoing[/td][td] link [/td][/tr1]

  • [tr2][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Summary[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]
    [tr1][td]Battle of Ord Cestus[/td][td]Space combat victory[/td][td] Complete [/td][td] Link [/td][/tr1]

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Speech Color: #BB7733
Face Claim: TBD
Burkhart's Baggage


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

NAME: Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

ALIAS: Scar-mouth, Itza, Xho


RANK: Apprentice (lvl 1)

HOMEWORLD: Tiss'sharl


SPECIES: Tiss'shar (unknown Subspecies)


HEIGHT: 1.9 m

WEIGHT: 86 kg

AGE: 22

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Various Plumage

SKIN: Feldgrau

APPEARANCE: If someone can recognize Cyzyn's species he discends from they would be surprised at his abnormal size considering the average height of a Tiss'shar is only 1.8 m. Vertical size is not the only thing that he possesses that is abnormal as his muscle definition is more pronounced than others. The muted colors of his scales are almost greyish green in hue. Multiple horns and spikes protrude from his head and spine giving the appearance of a barbed predator. Usually he has a cloak that hides his abnormal appearance revealing only his bright blue eyes that almost seem to burn with blue flames. A scar runs across his snout acquired long ago from a monstrous beast. Underneath his cloak he wears only belts and sometimes armor plates of ornate design. Overall his appearance is changed by the dark side of the force. It has made him larger, stronger, more predatory and shows no sign of stopping.

LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic Standard, Sith, Tiss'shar, Shyriiwook, and Huttese.

  • The Diary of Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    there is more that i will add here that will be either in diary format or it will be a scripture as if someone from the future were looking back and reading legends of this person.

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

[beebox2=100%]Ashlyn Sera

” I Feel The Pull Again - The Pull Toward The Light ”


Born on Felucia, Ashlyn Sera was caught in the fires of war between the Republic and the Empire. During a slaving raid on her village the young eleven year old was blinded in an explosion which also had robbed her of her parents. She crawled away from the wreckage desperately calling for her parents to save her. Hearing her calls, some of the other more fortunate villagers came to her and picked her up before the Ziost soldiers came to collect them. With nowhere to go and no way to fight they surrendered themselves knowing full well their lives would never be the same. Luckily for Ashlyn's sake a fellow human was on Felucia that day. Her name was Angela Aldaine, a Sith from Nar Shadaa. Like Ashlyn, she had been taken into slavery at a young age only to be rescued by a Sith and then turned to the Dark side. Whatever Angela saw in the young Ashlyn she liked because she spared her life and took her in as her own apprentice.

Over the years Angela showed Ashlyn many things about the Force. She first off learned to see the world around her without the use of her eyes. It wasn't perfect, but she did grasp a stronger perspective about her than most others. Due to her hearing and sense of smell which had both been heightened, along with the extra help of the Force, Ashlyn was able to see the world in a more three dimensional way. This was attributed to her fighting with a lightsaber. Like her mistress, she hand crafted a double edged lightsaber that emitted purple beams. When fighting with her duel saber, she typically fought with the seventh Form of lightsaber combat known as Juyo: The Ferocity Form. The fierce yet elegant style allowed Ashlyn to jump or vault over her blade to get around someone and attack them from different angles. Her advanced sense of direction gave her a powerful edge in combat.

As her training continued, Ashlyn would get a request to join a Sith church located in the outer territories of Sith space. This Priesthood of Tund was a cult of sorts that celebrated their power in the Dark side through zeal. By believing in the truth of its Dark nature and embracing oneself truly into the teachings they were able to become stronger than other Sith. The church saw the Brotherhood as foolish warriors when they tried to take the Dark side under their control. The Force was not a tool. Its divine power was meant to be worshiped. The Church sought to spread that faith throughout the galaxy, and that meant along with their brethren. But Ashlyn knew nothing of belief or faith, only the teachings her mistress had shown her. She was challenged by one of the other priestesses, a woman named Alexia Morr. The Red witch, as she was called, was a woman who had a deeply troubled path, at least how Ashlyn saw her. She was raised in the Dark side and lived in its punishing hands. Alexia felt that Ashlyn was not worthy of the power of the Force and challenged her to a duel. Being far superior in fighting and killing, Alexia brought Ashlyn to her knees and tortured her by turning the Force into bolts of lightning. Her screams were heard by the leader of the cult, Darth Cain. But the Dark lord was not there to save Ashlyn. Instead, he turned his anger on Alexia for harming one of their own. Punishing both girls for their separate and individual mindsets he sought to teach them a valuable lesson. Lord Cain performed a ceremony of great power and control by ripping their very souls from the bodies and binding them to one another. The ritual would forever merge the lives of the two girls. What one felt, the other felt. Only together could they learn to strengthen the bound and become the greatest of allies. Lest they fall to their own short comings and perish together.

Five years would pass. The Sith had successfully brought the Republic to its knees and let it crumble to pieces. The Empire took hold of most of the known galaxy, leaving only the Jedi to fend for themselves, and the Mandalorian Dominion which was quickly growing under its own power. The Priesthood too had changed and was now the Sith Inquisition. They were charged with the task of finding the last dim lights out in the galaxy who wished to challenge the might of the Emperor. Ashlyn finally got her wish to be a true envoy of the Dark. She was charged with the responsibility of retrieving secrets from the Sith enemies, as well as converting them to their rightful place. She began to get a rather cruel nickname, The Confessor, for she could make anyone spill their most treasured secrets. Her methods of torture knew no bounds and the people were right to be scared of her ways. However, one thing she took pride in was the fact that she rarely turned to pain when it came to getting answers. Ashlyn had much more effective means to getting the truth out.

Her efforts would soon award her a higher position with the Priesthood as Lord Cain returned to Tund once more. Seeking to correct a failure within the temple, he killed the current High Priest and burned his body to a crisp in the basilica. Cain then extended an offer to those of the church if any of them would step up to take the place of the one who'd fallen. The Confessor would rise to the challenge. Under the Dark Lord's guidance, Ashlyn was promoted the rank of High Priestess of the temple on Tund. Sadly, she hadn't even had the position for a month when she was called in for a mission. Ashlyn was sent to Ithor, a planet currently being used as the battlefield against the Jedi. Due to a foolish general trying to save his own skin, Ashlyn was caught in a supersonic blast during a fight with the Jedi warriors. The next thing she knew she was being loaded into a prison transport and escorted to Lothal....


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

___Bahati Rhen

___Nothing "family friendly" enough to list here








Hair Color
___Brown w/ frosted tips

Eye Color

Force Sensitive


___Brentaal IV

Notable Family

___Freighters, Bars, & Casinos

___No Formal Education; everything she learned was taught to her by her father, self-taught, or learned on the streets.


Notable Skills
___Card Sharp
___Slicing Computer Systems
___Pick Pocket


___Street Smart
___Charming; when she wants to be
___Calm under fire
___Strong;independent female presence



___Ms. Fortune

___See above

Other Property


___434 "Death Hammer" heavy blaster pistol
___Pocket Slicer's Kit
___Portable Tool Kit



___Make Me an Offer - In Progress
The Rains of Dathomir - In Progress
That Was One Wild Night! - In Progress

[CENTER]Bahati Rhen

"If you touch ma bottom, I'm blowin' it off."[/CENTER]


[JUSTIFY]Bahati is a tall curvaceous woman with creamy caramel colored skin.  Her skin is unblemished aside from the two tattoos that the exotic smuggler sports.  One is a pair of dice framed by a banner that reads “Make your own luck” located just above her left breast.  The other is her name boldly printed across her midriff.  Her head full of thick curly brown hair is accented by well-styled blonde highlights.  The illustrious mane is usually pulled back from her face in a barely-contained ponytail.  The brash smuggler is quite proud of her curves, and flaunts them whenever she has the opportunity; choosing to wear tight and or revealing clothing. [/JUSTIFY]
Attributes (Because people love them.)

[JUSTIFY]STRENGTH: Bahati is surprisingly strong for her size.  This is mainly due to all of the maintenance and ship repair work that she does, as well as the pole dancing that she did in her stint as an exotic dancer.

DEXTERITY: The caramel skin beauty has amazing hand-eye coordination.  This attributes to her infamous quick-draw accuracy, and her ability to “pilot a Corvette through a Togruta’s montrals” (her words). She also keeps herself flexible and limber.

CONSTITUTION: Aside from taking a couple of wrenches to the foot, there’s nothing special about her ability to take damage or withstand pain.

INTELLIGENCE: Bahati knows a great deal about ships; both flying and fixing, and Slicing, but not a whole lot else

WISDOM: Would she be such a successful Card Sharp - Spice Runner - Thief if she wasn’t incredibly street smart?

CHARISMA: The brown skinned bombshell is extremely charismatic; using her smile and beauty to manipulate unsuspecting marks… I mean, people. However her brash personality is usually a turn off for most sentient beings.


[JUSTIFY]Bahati is a feisty pilot, who can be extremely overprotective of her vehicles and tools.  The buxom thief is extremely sarcastic and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, which sometimes lands her into a load of trouble. Her nonchalant attitude in the face of danger is either a blatant disregard for her life, or a coping mechanism for stressful situations.  She mostly keeps in a happy and jubilant mood around people she knows, but can get very grumpy if she loses a card game.  When Bahati is drunk she becomes less tolerant of men and more flirtatious with other women.[/JUSTIFY]


I was born on Brentaal IV, but I was raised on the best damn starship in the galaxy: the 'Ms. Fortune'. The ship was an ancient 'rust-bucket', but it had gotten my dad and I outta more than a few scrapes; and she was home.  My dad used to make "Runs" back in the day, and was fairly good Smuggler in his own right. When my mom passed away, he used to take me on his adventures. I was his "little helper", squeezin' into small crawl-spaces to repair hard-to-reach systems.  We would trade off flyin' his freighter; I would share my dreams of becomin' a galaxy-renowned fighter pilot, and he would tell me glorious stories 'bout his earlier adventures. He even taught me how to use a blaster. We would spend hours in the trainin' room; blastin' Remotes and practicin' quick-draws.  I became an exceptional pilot and really good at quick-draws.

After a few years, I guess we had fallen on hard times; the Houses of Brentaal IV had tightened global security, increasin' their trade profits, but decimatin' the smugglin' industry of the planet. That's when dad scrapped up what we had, and started hittin' the Sabacc tables. I was his "little helper" there too. I help him cheat the other players by swipin' cards, distraction, or just lettin' him know when to "get out". I got really good at that too.  Dad and I were makin' a pretty good livin' off of gamblin'; 'cept for that one time Brahlu Yun caught us cheatin' in his club.

Brahlu Yun was a nefarious and shady club owner, who had been after my dad's ship since I could remember. He would bride, barter, and even threaten my father in order to get his hands on Ms.Fortune. The shady club owner offered my dad a deal: His life in exchange for his ship, cargo, credits, and even his daughter.  My dad protested for quite some time, but I was eventually able to convince my dad that his life was more important to me than our possessions and my servitude.  Brahlu told my dad to leave the city, and don't get caught back or he'd forfeit his life (and possibly mine).

So at the age of 12, I became one of Brahlu's Club girls; servin' booze to the VIPs; takin' a sip every now and then.  Not enough to get drunk, mind you; just enough to get a taste.  I would carefully watch the top players play and gamble to continue my education of casino games.  At age 16, when I began... fillin' out, Brahlu made me one of his dancin' girls.  He dressed me in skimpy outfits and had me dancin' around the club; to keep his clients entertained. Occasionally I would slip credits from the pockets of unsuspectin' patrons. Brahlu didn't mind; as long as I didn't get caught, and as long as I gave him his cut: 80%.

A few years later, my chance to finally escape Brahlu's clutches presented itself. In a particularly successful night of profit, Brahlu and his cronies were celebrating heavily.  The other girls and I were enlisted as entertainment, as the misogynistic-nerf-herders imbibed in some of the most potent alcohol that Bentaal IV had to offer.  The night was going horribly well for them - until the club's claxon began to echo throughout the facility. Lookin' back on the situation; it was one hell of an elaborate plan.  The local crime syndicate must have manufactured the incredibly profitable night in order to invade and pillage the highly successful club.  It wasn't long before Brahlu's private party room was filled with blaster fire.

Brahlu's right-hand-man was gunned down durin' the assault. And, in the confusion, I slipped one of the only two Master key cards from his belt and made my way to Brahlu's secret hanger. Ms. Fortune sat majestically in the bay, framed by newer; shinier ships. I quickly powered up the hanger doors, and boarded Ms. Fortune.  The engines roared, as I rocketed free from the planet and left the system far behind me. I took the time in hiding to hone my skills; only reappearing in the system 10 years later.


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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

NAME: Carys Hildagr


FACTION: Sith Brotherhood

RANK: Sith Warrior




GENDER: Female

HEIGHT: 1.74m

WEIGHT: 59kg

AGE: 31

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale

APPEARANCE: A trained warrior and devotee of the darkside, Carys is of slim but muscular frame, and has a pale and strained complexion common of those who have delved deep into the mysteries of the arcane. Long black hair frames a sallow face, the taint of the darkside usually concealed with make up. Her blue eyes have tiny yellow flecks in them, indicative of her corruption, and when unmasked, her face has a slight sickly pallor.

LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic Standard, Sith, and Huttese.[/column][tabs][tab=Diary][bcolor=#0d0d0d][border1=#e2e3e0][abox3="99%"][gfont=Nothing You Could Do]
[CENTER]The Diary of Carys Hildagr[/CENTER]

[CENTER]The Life of a Sith[/CENTER]

[CENTER]I was not born a Sith. Nobody is.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]As far as i remember, i grew up with loving and caring parents, up until the day that the force awakened within me. I do not remember how the force showed itself to me, but i do remember my mother and father's cries of despair. They held me all night, singing with me, playing, laughing, crying. I did not understand why at the time, not until the next morning, when the Sith came for me.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]My parents did not resist them. They gave me up with tear streaked faces, but without protest. Such is life under the Sith, they knew their place, and i would learn mine above them. The man who took me, a Sith named Nagen, was kind, told me that i would have a new home, a new family. I still did not understand, but on my parents urging i went with him.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]Nagen's kindness was a falsehood, one which quickly revealed itself. He was ruthless in his training. From the first light of the rising sun, to the last light of its setting, my body was honed into a living weapon. Once the sun set, my tutelage turned to the arcane, hours spent in the Great Temple on Korriban, perusing ancient texts and communing with the spirits, learning to tap into my strongest emotions. Anger. Hate. Fear. Passion.. Nagen's teachings extended into the early hours of the morning, after which I would savor what little hours of precious sleep I could muster.[/CENTER]

Broken Chains[/CENTER]

[CENTER]The Darkside Shall Free Me[/CENTER]


[CENTER]For many years i existed in such a wretched state. Every day of my life was filled with pain, every night with tireless study. I grew to hate Nagen, hate him with the entirety of my being. He focused that hatred, used it to hone me into a weapon. Merciless. Without compassion. I knew only anguish and rage.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]But then it was time. Time for me to ascend into the ranks of the Sith. With my ascension came purpose. To kill my former master. I set about the task immediately, gathering allies among the ranks of the newly ascended. It was a scramble against time, Nagen had spies everywhere, and would learn of my plot soon.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]When the day came to act, my allies and I struck swiftly, but we had tarried too long. Nagen had caught wind of the scheme against him, and was prepared. My allies were struck down, and i was once again forced to kneel before him. He decided to humor me however, and gave me the honor of dying in a duel against him. He knew my every move, having taught me everything i knew. But he underestimated the power of my hatred.[/CENTER]

[CENTER]First Sight[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Love. Hate. Heartbreak.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]Triumphant, i grew listless. Without the object of my vengeance, i became without purpose. Then, one day, i found it. Darth Venator. I was there at his inauguration as Dark Lord of the Sith. The way he adressed the crowd, he was not a man of words. It was endearing. I fawned silently in the shadows as his legend grew. Supreme Leader. Corrupter of Jedi. His power was infatuating.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]And then SHE came along. The Great Temple, destroyed. The woman responsible captured. But instead of execution, she was born again as a Sith, at Venator's side. Infuriated, I continued to watch from a distance as their relationship grew. As they became a... "couple". And then the worst thing happened. SHE turned him. Turned him from power. Turned him from the darkside. Turned him away from me.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]I hated her. I hated him. But i loved him. I tried to find him, halfheartedly, but he was too well hidden, covering his tracks expertly. I only heard of his exploits, which were many. Despite no longer being the Supreme Leader, he was powerful. And then he did the unthinkable. He betrayed the Sith so utterly, so completely. Bombing the Moff council. Nearly murdering Emperor Malon. It was then that i knew i had to actually do something. To find him.[/CENTER]

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[CENTER]Carys has been training with the lightsaber since an extremely young age. While a master of no form, she is extremely proficient in Niman, particularly in the Jar'kai sub-form. Whether it be two blades in hand, or wielding a saber in one and the force in the other, Carys excels in this form. There are also some influences of Djem So and Makashi in her personal style. She is also well versed in the techniques of Dun Möch, taunting, teasing and flirting with her opponents, ever seeking to expose a weakness and exploit it.[/CENTER]



[CENTER]Under the tutelage of her former master, Carys delved deep into the secrets of the darkside. Nights turned to morning as she communed with the ancient spirits of Moraband, learning techniques considered abominable to the rest of the galaxy. Telekinesis, Tutaminas, Mental manipulation, and other core powers are all child's play to Carys. Her delvings into the darkside have corrupted her body and mind, the true indication of her power over the insidious force.[/CENTER]



[CENTER]Carys Hildagr's Lightsabers[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Carys carries two identical lightsabers of durasteel construction, except the emitter guard, which is forged of phrik. These lightsabers are of standard length, and the blade is magnetically split at the base to create two short crossguards for protection against sliding lightsaber blades. The sabers are also equipped with pressure studs that activate a dual phase mode, cutting the length down to that of a shoto saber. The right hand saber is stored at standard length, while the left hand saber is stored at shoto length.[/CENTER]


[CENTER]Carys Hildagr's Armor[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Carys wears simple armor, light, allowing for excellent dexterity and ease of movement. A thin armorweave bodysuit, capable of protecting her whole body from one blaster/projectile pistol shot, or one strike from a vibroblade or other bladed weapon. A thicker armorweave jerkin, reinforced with thin durasteel strips protects her chest, abodmen, and back, from an additional hit from any of the aforementioned damage types. Phrik bracers and greaves protect her forearms and shins from one lightsaber strike each.[/CENTER]
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