New Jedi Order Missions - Directory and Sign-Ups


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Nov 20, 2012
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New Jedi Order


Participation in missions is one of the cornerstones of being a member of the New Jedi Order faction. From honing your skills to protecting those in need, Jedi Missions are hand crafted in packs to engage the writers in important, meaningful, and interesting roleplaying. We encourage writers of all levels to participate, but please recognize that not everyone can handle every mission. Each mission is important in its own right, from the most "mundane" of tasks to suicide missions.

Unlike before, when there was a mission directory full of what could sometimes be repetitive and mundane missions, the faction has worked hard to put together mission packs and arcs with very specific and very important parameters and goals. We will set the scene, provide the basis, but the future of the New Jedi Order is the hands of each and every one of our roleplayers.​

If you would like to add a mission pack or discuss and idea you have that may lead to a mission pack, please feel free to PM @TAC.

To sign-up for missions, please post in the following format:

Name with Link to character:
Rank of Character:
Mission Pack Title:
Mission title you would like to partake in: (No more than two missions at a time please!)

May the Force be with you!
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Nov 20, 2012
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Jedi Taskforce Fleet Mission Pack

Food for the Fleet

The Jedi Order has been in negotiations with a large farming community on the planet Gall to supply food to the fleet. Assigned Jedi will travel to Gall and finish negotiations. There have been rumors that a strange plague has began to effect the communities workers and crops. The Council would also like assigned Jedi to attempt to locate the origin, whether it be natural or otherwise, of this plague and help the village get rid of it as a sign of good faith from Jedi Order. Successful negotiations would provide enough food for both the Fleet and the Jedi aboard The Galactic Evolution. It is advisable that at least one member of the team have medical training to better aid with the sick, and ensure that the team remains healthy during the mission.

2-3 Jedi Padawans / Knights
Knight Hishamori Hashama
Padawan Sil Ruloyor / Padawan Zee Irving

In Search of Parts

The Fleet was expecting a large convoy of ships containing spare parts for the Fleet. The convoy was attacked when en-route with the parts. The last transmission from the convoy's captain was that they were under attack by pirates. One of the cargo pods contains a hidden tracking beacon. The Fleet has tracked the cargo pod to a remote asteroid field in the Ryloth System. It is not confirmed, but it is highly likely that there is some type of base these pirates are operating out of. Assigned Jedi are to track the cargo pod and investigate what happened. While the mission is to recover the stolen parts and deliver them back to the fleet, locating and recovering any surviving crew members of the convey. If there is a threat by pirates, assigned Jedi are tasked with securing the area so future shipments are not jeopardized.

2-3 Jedi Padawans / Knights
Knight Piper Halodarter / Padawan Kade Darkstalker // Padawan Ellenel Lysan

To Catch a Thief

Medical supplies have begun disappearing from the JOV Consular recently. It is unknown whether it was an existing crew member or one of the new Jedi arrivals. While the supplies are replaceable, it is imperative that culprit/culprits are caught to ensure he security of the ship. Assigned Jedi are to report to the JOV Consular and begin their investigation. The majority of the thefts have occurred on the main med bay on deck five. This is most likely where the Jedi will want to start their investigation. The Cheif Medical Officer aboard the ship, Talos Wral, has been cleared of any wrong doing already and will assist the Jedi where needed.

2-3 Jedi Padawans / Knights (At least One Knight)
Padawan Ryassto Nalon / Padawan Matt Astroseph
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Jedi Masters Mission Packs
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Nov 20, 2012
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Seven ways to Jedi

The "SOV Galactic Evolution"

As the current Mobile Jedi Base, it is only natural, that the Jedi start to use it also as a Base of Operation. Thus, a list of missions have been put together for daring Jedi of all ranks.

This mission pack does have the option to be briefed and debriefed. Also, the Operations Manager (@Taruna) can provide information and if needed technical support as well as an extraction team via Comlink during the missions.

Unless otherwise stated, the Jedi Leadership or Operations Manager may interject posts in the mission to change the parameters, add complications or aid. These will be provided in a dynamic way depending on the character’s actions.


Public Relations
An imperial controlled planet is showing first signs that they might be persuaded to join the cause of the Jedi. Their industry driven and high tech planet could support the Jedi with artificial Crystals and small amounts of Pyrite under the radar.
  • Objective: Persuade at least one of the Governors to help the Jedi, then report back to the Operations Manager
  • Secondary objective: Reduce losses to a minimum
  • Tertiary objective: No fights
  • Conflict: the Sith found out and are intending to end the negotiations. (Will require NSI PC or NPC)
  • Death: disabled
  • Required: 1 Knight; 1-2 Padawan
  • Reward: Capability to create Lightsabers onboard the SOV Galactic Evolution
Players: Padawan Shani Ka

On a backwater planet a Padawan have been taken hostage and held for a ransom. Open conflict or losses are not acceptable, since the planet would lose neutrality and join the Imperium, causing the Jedi and Rebels to lose a crucial income of food.
  • Objective: Retrieve the Padawan without being identified as a Jedi or ally and report back to the Operations Manager
  • Conflict: being seen is an automatic failure, being caught results in one death sentence
  • Death: enabled
  • Required: As few Jedi as possible, subtle skillset, at least 1 knight or higher
  • Reward: A friend (if you're nice)
Players: Jedi Master Kai Sera // Padawan Talyc Kalikir

A pirate group just recently got their hands on an Imperial Frigate, holding the crew and ship for ransom. It also contains valuable intel about enemy ship movements and support convoys. Luckily the rebels caught wind of it and intercepted a request for reinforcements, but the Jedi are the only ones close enough to complete the task before the Frigate disappears.
  • Objective: Retrieve the Intel from the ship’s main computer, then report back to the Operations Manager.
  • Conflict: a Star Destroyer is nearby and caught the distress signal and rather loses a ship then the Intel, ETA: 4 hours after the Chars enter the ship
  • Optional conflict: A even ranked Sith is still on the ship (Requires NSI PC or NPC)
  • Optional conflict: The Sith also brought an apprentice (Requires NSI PCs or NPCs)
  • Death: Enabled
  • Required: 3 Jedi capable of infiltration
  • Reward: Determined on the Player’s actions.
Players: Knight Khivas Carrick // Knight Cappi Tremaine // Knight Jaleer

Peace Negotiation
An industrial world well known for its exportation of medical supplies has been split apart by 2 factions and open warfare has broken out. Their main customers are the Jedi and Rebels, thus this conflict needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
  • Objective: Negotiate a Peace between the two factions, then report back to the Operations Manager
  • Conflict: 'Rebel' group is not in agreement of this
  • Death: enabled
  • Required: 2 Jedi with diplomatic skills
  • Reward: Determined on the Player’s actions.
Players: Knight Xaliv // Padawan Maya Whitelight

Relief Efforts
Reedon IV is still suffering from a recent Imperial attack and desperately needs supplies. The problem is that the 3 Freighters have been captured by a band of pirates, who have asked unaffordable prices for the supplies.
  • Objective: Either persuade the pirates to leave or get the supplies to the victims
  • Conflict: Pirates
  • Death: Disabled
  • Required: 3+ Jedi
  • Reward: Determined on the Player’s actions.
Players: Padawan Asheek Rosh // Padawan Var Sharan

An former Senator from a former core world, was hiding on Indupar. But no one can hide forever. A Imperial storm commando and elite assassin team is on move on him. If the Imperials are so keen to get him, since he still seems to possess something important. He needs to be escorted to his shuttle safely.
  • Objective: Escort the former Senator to his shuttle, 200 Kilometers south from his position.
  • Conflict: Shadow Commando and Assassins galore (Requires NSI PC or NPC)
  • Death: Enabled
  • Required: 2+ Jedi, at least 1 with the skills to protect someone
  • Reward: Diplomatic ties with Belnar
Padawan Jaleer Reukli / Padawan Leah Valkyrius

Spies report a Sith Acolyte who could be a possible candidate to convert to the Jedi after she sent a hidden message to the Order. All we need to do is pick her up from an Imperial controlled world.
  • Objective: Infiltrate Imperial Space and retrieve the Sith Acolyte.
  • Secondary objective: Determine if the Sith means it.
  • Conflict: An imperial Inquisitor also intercepted the message and is conducting Investigations (Requires NSI PC or NPC)
  • Death: Enabled
  • Required: At least 2 Jedi capable to mask their Force ability
  • Reward: +1 Jedi
Players: Jedi Knight Kai Sera // Padawan Kheera Fii

What it means to be Jedi.

Part 1 of the Effort to Restore the Jedi Archives

@Beta12 (Operations Manager)

The current state of the Jedi archives is scattered and broken at best. The fall of Coruscant and Tython signaled the loss of an abundance of knowledge for the Jedi. With many lessons in the force now being passed through word of mouth, the fate of the order drifts dangerously toward an age of ignorance not seen since the last Jedi purge.

The new Jedi Navy has given the unique opportunity for a mobile base among the Jedi once more. Mobility ensures safety, and a chance for the archives to be restored without fear of losing it once more.

Jedi Knight Piper Halodarter, with the help of several other Jedi, has formed a series of expeditions based on what little remains of the Arbran Archives, as well as other leads. All locations that show promise have been previously scouted, through the hidden dangers and possibilities each site offers remains relatively unknown.

Just like the mission pack by Taruna, I, as the Operations manager, will seek to make these rp fun for all involved. If you wish to be briefed or debriefed through role play, let me know. I also reserve the right to make things a little interesting here or there when applicable.


Ossus has held a position in the annals of Jedi history for thousands of years. Throughout the centuries, it has played the role of home, academy, temple, and library to both the order and the former incarnations of the Galactic Republic. It was at one point so important to the order, that it was mistakenly referred to as the birthplace of the Jedi Order by many scholars of antiquity.

Now, it is a shell of its former self, left to sit and gain dust in the backwaters of the Sith Imperium, likely left unnoticed and unexploited due to its mostly pillaged surface. However, it had been the hope of many Jedi Scholars for years that some troves of knowledge may yet be uncovered on the world. Due to the most recent Jedi Purge, expeditions charted for Ossus were abandoned, but with the resurgence of the order, comes an even greater need for the knowledge still yet to be found.

Artifacts on Ossus

The Great Jedi Library, created by the legendary Jedi Master Odan-Urr, was considered one of the greatest repositories of knowledge throughout the entire galaxy. Thousands of Jedi and Scholars flocked to the location, where they were able to receive a classical education on countless subjects and aspects of the natural world, as well as the more ethereal realm of the force.

During the Great Sith War, Ossus was struck by a planet wide cataclysm, destroying most of its buildings and cities, parts of the Library. However, unlike most locations on the planet, the Library was constructed to last, and it did in a way. Over half of the knowledge originally stored within the temple remained for thousands of years. During the formation of the New Jedi order, it was discovered by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.

A good portion of the knowledge was rescued and brought to a New Archive center on the planet, yet some repositories still might exist.

  • Objective: Survey the ruins of the Library, and if possible, gain access to the fabled "Chamber of Antiquities". Report your findings to the Operations Manager at the end of the survey. Jedi Knight Piper Halodarter will be on stand-by via hologram.
  • Secondary objective: Secure all relevant data, artifacts, and holocrons found during the survey, mark artifacts too big or buried for initial transport for later revisiting by better equipped teams.
  • Tertiary objective: Be on the look out for any recent excavation sites.
  • Conflict: Gain the trust of any Ysanna tribes within the area, as they will likely be abrasive to any poking about the ruins.
  • Death: Disabled
  • Required: 1 Knight; 1-2 Padawan
  • Reward: A veritable treasure trove of knowledge surrounding the history of the sith, as well as the founding of the Jedi, which can benefit the order in untold ways. Ancient and ornate light sabers for each participant, blade color, hilt style, ect is up to the player.
  • Archive Restoration: 5%
Players: Jedi Knight Cortan Sar'andor // Padawan Davin Cort // Padawan Sylvaria Pho
Relevant Info: The Great Jedi Library, Chamber of Antiquities

Skywalker Academy

Upon Ossus Rediscovery, the New Jedi Order established a Jedi Academy on the planet. The Academy itself became a cornerstone of the new order, up until its destruction some 900 years before the modern day.

Though its time in existence was far shorter than other locations on the planet, it maintained an archives pulled directly from the ruins of the Great Jedi Library itself. All artifacts uncovered by Master Skywalker would come to rest in the temple, where it remained until its destruction.

The possibility for surviving data, artifacts, and holocrons in the location is slim, but it is rumored that several Jedi survived the destruction of the temple through the caves below it.

  • Objective: Gain access to the caves below the rubble of the former Jedi Academy.
  • Conflict: Several Imperial Agents have been detected within the System and are headed toward the rubble of the Academy shortly after your team has landed. Gain access to the caves before you are discovered, or fight/retreat before you are captured.
  • Death: Enabled
  • Required: 3 Jedi Knights; 1-2 Padawan
  • Reward: A rare data holocron focused on teaching Jedi the basics of star fighter piloting and maneuvering, complete with basic tactics, equipment, ect. Note: To be used by the order as a whole.
  • Archive Restoration: 5%
Players: Padawan Vergil Tyel // Padawan Nos'ahru Vol'nara
Link:The Jedi Academy

It's a Trap!

The city of Knossa was one of the many locations destroyed during the cataclysm on Ossus, and is nothing more than a jungle covered ruin within the Echo Mountain Range. Or so we thought.

  • Objective: Recover the Adegan Crystals lost within the rubble of Knossa, they have a light force signature, and should be able to be sensed by any force sensitive in the area.
  • Conflict: Two Sith, and a squad of Imperial Soldiers have made it to the area first. You have the element of surprise, use it to the best of your ability. (NSI PC's or NPC's required
  • Death/Capture: Enabled
  • Required: 1 Jedi Master, 2 Jedi Knights
  • Reward: Ten Pontite Adegan Crystals to whoever wins the skirmish, some of the rarest crystals able to be used in light saber creation, for distribution among the New Jedi Order/Sith Imperium. Two for each individual, all on the mission's winning side get two automatically, the rest will be given to those of the Operation Manager's choice, should the Jedi win the day.
  • Archive Restoration: 1%
Players: Jedi Knight Khicas Carrick // Padawan Drael-Ynn // Padawan Deckï Ręghîģ
Link:Knossa (Listed in Locations)


Tython is an ancient world, as well as the original home of the Jedi Order. It had been used and abandoned by the Jedi throughout many points and history, and was a home to the New Jedi Order up until the Jedi Purge ten years prior.

While in Sith Space, current conflict within the Imperium, as well as a general laziness in patrolling ruined worlds has given the Jedi a unique opportunity to run missions on the planet. The main focus behind these missions are the original temples of the Jedi Order. Though in ruin, and for the most part pilfered of any knowledge useful, some have remained untouched for centuries, and might very well offer a unique starting point for the Jedi's resurgence against the Sith.

The Temple of Knowledge

Kaleth, the ancient temple of Knowledge, has been lost to the Jedi for centuries, along with the other nine ancient temples. However, in the year 1,012 ABY, Jedi Padawan Piper Halodarter and Rorik Grey discovered the essence of a Jedi Master who held knowledge of the temple, as well as its location.

Excavation teams have pilfered the area in the past, but most have not gotten far, for some unknown reason.

  • Objective: Gain Access to the Kaleth Ruins and retrieve a store of holocrons hidden deep within the interior of the temple.
  • Conflict: 30,000 Year old War Droids, in various states of disrepair, yet still very lethal, roam the structure, seeking to protect it from all intruders.
  • Death: Disabled
  • Required: 2 Jedi Knights
  • Reward: The Location of the Ancient Jedi temple of Mahara Kesh, the Jedi Temple of Healing. A mint condition Tythonian War Droid for each participant, to be used as a follower, or whatever else.
  • Archive Restoration: 5%
Players: Knight Cappi Tremaine // Knight Khelsea Vong
Relevant Information: Kaleth

The Temple of Force Skills

The ancient Jedi Temple of Qigong Kesh sits in the heart of the Silent Desert of Tython. Lost in the rolling dunes of sand for centuries, the temple itself has finally been rediscovered through remote probes deployed by Halodarter and her associates.

  • Objective: Gain Access to the cavernous temple below the giant floating construction, retrieve the holocrons deep within the interior.
  • Conflict: Fierce sand storms rage across the desert, and the entire desert itself is completely silent, absorbing all sound. Try not to go insane, survive the storms, try not to die in the collapsing ruins.
  • Death: Disabled
  • Required: 2 Jedi
  • Reward: The Location of the ancient Jedi temple of Stav Kesh. Two sets of ancient jedi robes imbued with the sands of the desert, enhancing the wearer's stealth capabilities. (This "bonus" is only for flavor and gives no mechanical advantage)
  • Archive Restoration: 3%
Players: Padawan Sil Ruloyor // Padawan Zee Irving
Link:Qigong Kesh

Other Leads

Lost in Transit

During the last Jedi Purge some ten years ago, hundreds of Jedi fled from Coruscant into deep space. With them they took countless sets of data, holocrons, padawan, ect.

A specific group of these Jedi were reported to have made it off world with a significant amount of material, data, and holocrons crafted to teach the abundant youth of the Order. In recent years, it has been reported that the same type of ship used in the escape was found crashed on the planet of Corulag.

  • Objective: Recover any salvageable material on board the downed vessel.
  • Optional Objective: Discover the fate of the specific group of Jedi. Contact the Operations Master to initiate this objective.
  • Conflict: Years after the ship's crash landing, a sizable Rancor population has moved in to the area.
  • Death: Disabled
  • Required: 3 Jedi
  • Reward: 3 Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors found within a relatively undamaged portion of the ship, which can be salvaged and used by the participants as seen fit. 20 Force Sensitive NPC's for the NJO.
  • Archive Restoration: 6%
Players: Padawan Fias Char // Padawan Saerina Avrikana // Padawan Saana Tai

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Jul 21, 2015
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Name with Link to character: Ryassto Nalon
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: To Catch a Thief

Also a question: other than set the scene, do the NJO staff do anything else once a Mission has started or are the Roleplayers left to their own devices when running the Mission on their own?


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Name with Link to character: Ryassto Nalon
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: To Catch a Thief

Also a question: other than set the scene, do the NJO staff do anything else once a Mission has started or are the Roleplayers left to their own devices when running the Mission on their own?

Approved! I'll add you to the mission.

Normally we don't, but we can if you so desire.

Here is a really good thread to help you along with that question, written by the Sith Imperium FL/an Admin.


SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2012
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Name: Piper Halodarter
Link to character: (Signature)
Rank of Character: Knight
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: In Search of Parts


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Nov 20, 2012
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Name: Piper Halodarter
Link to character: (Signature)
Rank of Character: Knight
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: In Search of Parts


Now we have one person for each of the Jedi Taskforce Missions... just need a few more each!

@Taruna's Missions were also added! Many thanks to her for the great contributions.

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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Name: Jaleer Reukli
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pact Title: Seven ways to Jedi
Mission title you would like to partake in: Protection


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Nov 20, 2012
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Name: Jaleer Reukli
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pact Title: Seven ways to Jedi
Mission title you would like to partake in: Protection



Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Survivor
SWRP Writer
Jul 20, 2015
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Name with Link to character: Leah Valkyrius
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Seven Ways to Jedi
Mission title you would like to partake in: Protection OR Relief Efforts


SWRP Writer
Nov 26, 2014
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Name with Link to character: Kade Darkstalker
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi taskforce Fleet Misssion Packs
Mission title you would like to partake in: In search of Parts


Lord of Naps
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Jun 11, 2013
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Name with Link to character: Leah Valkyrius
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Seven Ways to Jedi
Mission title you would like to partake in: Protection OR Relief Efforts

Added to Protection. Your mission calls for either someone to NPC or someone to write the opposing forces. You can go ahead and find someone and begin. Please send me a link to thread once it is up.

Name with Link to character: Kade Darkstalker
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi taskforce Fleet Misssion Packs
Mission title you would like to partake in: In search of Parts

Added to In Search of Parts. You can begin. Please send a link to me once the thread is up.

@Beta12 @Krajin @Benvenu7 @Arterius


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Feb 24, 2015
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Name with Link to character:
Ellenel Lysan
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi taskforce Fleet Misssion Packs
Mission title you would like to partake in: In search of Parts

If @Beta12 and @Krajin are willing to have another player.


The Swashbuckling Knight
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2015
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I've always wonder how exactly pvp works here when there's no mechanics about, and with that said.....

Name: Khivas Carrick
Rank: Knight
Mission Pack: Seven Ways To Jedi
Mission Title: Infiltration (I'm so calling this Metal Gear Jedi)
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May 21, 2015
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Name with Link to character: Zee Irving
Rank of Character: Biologist Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: Advanced Sandwich-making...erm. I mean 'Food for the fleet'


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Name with Link to character: Matt Astroseph
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: The Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: To Catch A Thief


Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
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Name with Link to character:
Ellenel Lysan
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi taskforce Fleet Misssion Packs
Mission title you would like to partake in: In search of Parts

If @Beta12 and @Krajin are willing to have another player.

I've always wonder how exactly pvp works here when there's no mechanics about, and with that said.....

Name: Khivas Carrick
Rank: Padawan...For now, DUN DUNN DUNNN
Mission Pack: Seven Ways To Jedi
Mission Title: Infiltration (I'm so calling this Metal Gear Jedi)

Name with Link to character: Zee Irving
Rank of Character: Biologist Padawan
Mission Pack Title: Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: Advanced Sandwich-making...erm. I mean 'Food for the fleet'

Name with Link to character: Matt Astroseph
Rank of Character: Padawan
Mission Pack Title: The Jedi Taskforce Fleet
Mission title you would like to partake in: To Catch A Thief

All players have been added to requested missions. If your mission has the needed people you may begin. Please send me the links when you start. Let me know if you have any questions.

@Arclight @Khivas @Zee @M4TT