Rafter Teshk


Exchange "Noodly" AFL
SWRP Writer
Mar 22, 2016
Reaction score
Name: Rafter Teshk
Age: 35
Species: Camaasi
Gender: Male
Faction: Black Sun Syndicate
Rank: Vigo (OOC-Wise: AFL)
Force Sensitive: No

Early Life
To the Teshk family Rafter was born into the Camaasi homeplanet of Camaas. His parents were well-known for their jobs as police officers for the Camaasi Police Force and for their success in fulfilling their duty on saving many people and enforcing crime very well. Due to their job they owned a lot of money and could therefore (and did) invest their money into Rafter's education by sending him to a very good school that cost a lot of money.

However, the young Camaasi did not fulfil his parents' expectations. Unlike most people in his school, he did fit in and struggled to learn as he was expected to. He'd always be the one to start fights in school and break things and mess around in class, therefore "distracting others from learning". Rafter went through many detentions and even suspensions but never learnt his lesson. Eventually the school had had enough and expelled him. To the Teshk family this was a complete disgrace and their name went from "hero" to "disgrace".

Rafter's mum gave up work so she could teach Rafter herself by homeschooling him but still he never seemed to pay much attention. However, one day his mum decided to teach him something he may finally be into - the skills she'd learnt as a police officer. This included gunwork, disarming and lots more that grabbed Rafter's attention. In reward for working hard his mother would teach him things like shooting and loading guns, disarming people and showed him around a police car once. Rafter's name was changing and he became no longer a "disgrace" and even had a dream to follow in his parents' footsteps.

When he was 18, he finally signed up to become a policeman and his application was accepted which was a huge thrill to him. He took on a year's training and was naturally built for it - physically and mentally. And after the training he was finally accepted and awarded the best prize there: the congratulation of becoming a policeman.

Police Life
Rafter was a skilled policeman and had "saved the day" multiple times. Just like his parents he had become a great honour to the local community. As he progressed through his police career, he took on more dangerous tasks and went from breaking up fights to getting involved in gunfights.

One day he was called to the office to take on a mission and was given the police partner of Thessa Archer. Rafter couldn't help but fall in love with her. And after getting closer and closer they finally got married and had a son named Tol. Things couldn't have gone better for Rafter. Or so he thought...

One day he came home to discover that his wife and son were kidnapped and were held up for ransom. As a policeman, he realised, he had made his name known and criminals knew about him and wanted to do things like this to him. So, without hesitation, he grabbed the money and got to the site where they would trade as soon as he could. He also brought a gun just in case anything went wrong.

Upon reaching the sight, his instincts warned him of danger and that he should not trust them but he was too desperate to pay attention to them. Once he met the man who had his wife and son tied up behind him, Rafter gave the money and as soon as he did so, the gang shot his wife and son dead. Not able to believe what had happened, Rafter shot everyone in fatal parts except the gang leader. As for the gang leader he slowly and inhumanely killed him by stabbing him multiple times and leaving him to bleed out.

There was a huge police investigation and once everything was discovered Rafter was kicked out of the police force for breaking the code and failing to control his anger to a certain point. Before he was arrested for practically torturing someone, he fled and was on the hunt from the police.

Exchange Life
Rafter became wanted by the police for resisting arrest and became an outlaw to be captured. Bounty hunters were even on his tail. He kept killing many people to escape arrest and as slowly turning into a monster. However, one day he met a man named Amerath Candroon who offered to help him. Amerath explained about his time as an outlaw and how he had to escape death most days of his life.

He and Rafter escaped to Coruscant and Amerath managed to convince Rafter to join the Exchange - a criminal organisation Amerath was already in. One day, he discovered Amerath was dead. Seeing as he was a monster and had failed his goal in life and wanted to do what his lost friend wanted him to, Rafter gave in and is now in the Exchange, awaiting to be called to arms.

Rafter struggles to control his anger as he has finally given in to the evil that was always deep inside of him. He is driven by loss, anger and the loss of his best friend Amerath to find out who killed him. However, beneath his now-existing evil he has some good inside him. He is not completely merciless to people who don't deserve it. The only time Rafter shows no mercy is if someone was affected a love one or done something barely anyone could come to forgive such as the incident with his wife and son. Rafter is more of the person who will do what he's ordered to in the Exchange or do something he is driven on to achieve. He also believes in a peaceful Galaxy which is partially evolved from the way he was a policeman. He sees the Exchange as not too evil and that they are on the right way to doing their best to create some sort of peace.
Opinions on Other Factions
Republic: "They don't seem too bad."
Jedi: "They think they can enforce peace but the way they do it is wrong."
Sith: "What they do is unforgivable: killing people mercilessly for absolutely no reason. They aren't the type of people who deserve to walk the Galaxy at freewill."

Opinions on Other People
Amerath Candroon: "He was a good guy and it's a shame somebody thought differently."

Agility: 8/10 - Naturally, as a Camaasi, agility comes well to him and he is able to perform skills such as somersaults, climbing trees etc.
Fitness: 8/10 - During his time on Camaas as a police officer he had to maintain good fitness for his job and trained a lot, therefore providing him good fitness.
Strength: 6/10 - He isn't awfully strong and tends to rely more on his fitness/agility and knowledge skills to help him out. He is, however, good at fighting and doesn't always lose but, depending on the person, can at the same time not be hard to defeat.
Knowledge: 7/10 - Having being taught at an earlier age, Rafter has great knowledge on how to use weaponry, disarming and many other skills a police officer would use.

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