Non-Sentient Rain Dancers


SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
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The Rain Dancer is a species of diminutive flying reptilies originating from the planet Felucia but have been seen across the galaxy, typically in forested or jungle biomes. They are known for their ability to develop force bonds with individuals and their innate connection to the Force. Rain Dancers are known for their naturally bashful and shy demeanors. They are known for their small size which makes them a popular pet on the black markets. Rain Dancers are capable of being domesticated and often develop Force Bonds with their owners, and reflect their moods through mood scales on their foreheads.


► Anatomy.
Rain Dancers are a diminutive flying reptile species, that often mistaken as a distant cousin of the more aggressive Arkanian Dragons, there is no relation between the species. The largest of Rain Dancers have been measured at two feet long and weighed in at seven pounds. However the majority of the species range from ten inches to a foot and a half in length and weigh between one and five pounds. This light weight is due to a hollow bone structure.

All Rain Dancers are born with three sets of wings, all of which aid them in high speed flight. The primary wings being utilized to build and maintain flight with speeds exceeding forty miles per hour. The secondary and tertiary sets of wings are utilized for extremely fine directional control while in flight. It should be noted that Rain Dancers earned their names from not only their small size but the fact the sound of their wings while in flight make a noise akin to rain falling.

Due to their small size, Rain Dancers are conflict adverse with their first line of defense being their high flight speed that they utilize to flee from threats and predators. However, whenever this fails, Rain Dancers have an additional two lines of defense they can and will utilize to protect themselves. Firstly is a light chameleonic ability to shift their scale colors to roughly blend with their surroundings and hide from perceived threats. When that fails and a Rain Dancer is backed into a corner, they will utilize a hallucinogenic venom to bite the threat and flee while said threat is under the effects of the drugged stupor.

Finally, the "stone" found in the forehead of a Rain Dancer is in actuality an oversized scale that alters color to reflect the mood of an individual Rain Dancer. Typically speaking, when the mood scale shifts to lighter color it means that the individual is feeling safe, happy, full, or generally content. In addition, when a Rain Dancer is extremely happy they will hum at a extremely high frequency that most beings cannot hear but feels like rapid vibrations along the sides of their bodies. However, when the mood scale shifts into darker shades of color it means the individual is feeling scared, unhappy, hungry, or generally uneasy. Finally, mood scales are an integral part of finding a mate with the species.

► Social behavior and lifecycle.
Rain Dancers have four stages of life - juvenile, adolescent, adult, and elderly - with the average lifespan of wild Rain Dancers twenty years and when Force Bonded to their owner in captivity/kept in good in conditions they can live thirty-five years.

In their juvenile years - which is roughly birth to a year of age - Rain Dancers will live in a tiny nest found tucked in small holes gnawed into massive fungal mushrooms or soft wood trees. Here the parents will take turns gathering food for their brood and guarding the nest. Rain Dancers grow rapidly during this first year of life, starting at roughly two inches in length and reaching six to seven inches by the end of the first year. At this point, the Rain Dancers will be completely self sufficient, can fly, and leave the nest to join their parents until they reach sexual maturity.

Rain Dancers themselves are a highly social species, with groups of them called "Courts", these courts are comprised of a breeding pair and their brood. While the mated pair of Rain Dancers have a court formed beneath them, they will not breed again until their brood reaches sexual maturity. Once the young in a court reach sexual maturity, at age five, they willingly leave their parent's court and begin to search for a mate. This starts the breeding season in Rain Dancers where the species will intermingle in large numbers to form "Galas" where individual Rain Dancers will utilize brilliant displays with their mood scale while flying at high speeds to create vibrant streaks in the air in effort to attract a mate.

Once a mate is found, the Rain Dancers will begin a daring display where the pair bite each other's tails and begin a spiraling fall to the ground. While falling, the Rain Dancers will flash their mood scales a variety of colors to comfort one another before breaking off just before colliding with the ground. This display cements a force bond between the pair and they will remain together for the rest of their natural lives, often refusing to find a new mate if their current one perishes. Each paired Rain Dancer can produce up to a clutch of five crystalline eggs which they pair will defend up to a point. If their lives are threatened, the Rain Dancer actively lead the predator or threat back to the nest, abandoning their clutch in effort to survive and breed again during the next season.


► Ecology.
Rain Dancers originally evolved and are the most common on Felucia where they make their homes among the fungal forests and jungles. However, they have been shown to a highly adaptable species and can be found on heavily forested or jungle planets across the galaxy, albeit far rarer and in smaller population pockets. The species shows an intense preference towards dwelling deep in forested or jungled areas, far from any signs of civilization. This is believed to be due to understanding the threat sentient beings can pose to them.

All Rain Dancers maintain an omnivorous diet, which usually consists of fungus, insects, leaves, soft bark, berries, and small animals such as rodent, lizards, and frogs.

► Domestication and behavior.
While Rain Dancers can be domesticated, this is not an easy process as the bonding period must begin at birth and once this Force Bond is created with the owner it cannot be replicated to form a mating pair. This means that while Rain Dancer can be kept as pets, they cannot be bred and to own one an individual must venture out to find a nest on their own.

However, once a Force Bond has been established with the owner, Rain Dancers are known to be extremely affectionate, empathetic, and energetic pets. Often seen lounging on the shoulders, across the lap, or darting playfully around their owners. However, should anything harmful occur to their owner, Rain Dancers are known to be able to sense the change and enter deep depressions. In the event of their owner's demise, the Rain Dancers will usually pass within only a few months.


To bring back and expand upon a fanon species created by @Dmitri several years ago but updated in a manner that creates a unique species to itself. Original write up found here.

layout stolen from @lizziie.
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