Relia Corrde


Eye of the Storm.
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Relia Corrde


I was never wanted.

I was never chosen.

I was never planned.

My name is Relia Corrde, and I am a mistake.

I was born on a slave ship, travelling from God knows where to some other shithole in the galaxy. My mother was raped; I never knew my bastard of a father and I know I probably never will. But I must. I must find him. I must make him pay for the suffering and torment of my mother. I will find him and I will put him beneath the knife. I will separate bone from sinew, flesh from muscle, organ from tissue. I will make him scream and beg for mercy as my mother screamed for mercy. And I shall afford him the same amount as he afforded my mother. He did not even grant her the dignity of death. He did not give her the dignity of ending her suffering. Life as a slave is hard, and all he did was make that much more painful and abusive. Did she choose this life? No. The Republic has little jurisdiction in such places. We were far from the laws of anyone but our masters.​

But enough of that. We got off to a bad start.​

I'm twenty three years old, and those who know me say I'm just a little bit crazy. I can only assume that they mean this in a good way, seeing as they've still stuck around. Life's not been so hard on me. I was bought early on into my life as a slave; I was only three. I do not remember my Master, but I was somehow rescued. I was adopted on the planet of Abregado-rae by a couple who could not have any children of their own. To me, they are my parents. I still, to this day, do not know what happened to my Mother, but I think of her often. It's sort of strange, having multiple parents. I don't suppose I'll ever see my Mother again. That makes me sad, but I suppose if she's dead then the world can no longer cause her pain, can no longer cause her suffering. All I have left of my Mother is her necklace. Her necklace and her words. She always told me that they'd help me.​

Help me discover who my father really is.​

I regularly see my adoptive parents, yet I don't live with them any more. At the age of eighteen I moved into the galaxy main to ply a trade of my own as a bounty hunter. There was little else I could do. I have no real education, nothing but what the streets have taught me. I played truant the few times I was made to go to school by the authorities, and I was needed to help out around the house by my "parents." We didn't have time for such things like education. I refuse to sell my body like a cheap whore on the corners of streets, growing old as my body is violated again and again by seedy, coarse men. That would be too much like the suffering of my Mother. I must be strong. I must be strong like she was strong. I must be strong for her. I won't see her again. But it's comforting to think of her watching me, knowing that I'm standing tall and proud for her sake.​

And so I became a bounty hunter.​

Besides, the life's not bad. Good pay, good contacts, and a good number of people to meet. A lot of my fellow "colleagues" aren't the kind of people I'd like to go out with on a night off for a couple of drinks. But there's always the girls down at the base. We kinda stick together, if you know what I mean. Look out for one another, care for one another. There's probably other jobs we'd prefer to do, were we given an overall choice. But we're not, and we must make the best of what we've got. I'll take the life of a bounty hunter over the life of a slave anyway. Killing for credits isn't exactly moral, but it's job satisfaction, and it pays the bills. Besides, I can always turn down a contract if it's something stupid I don't want to get involved with. We bounty hunters have a code of honour, you see. We're not like those filthy mercenaries, who're so bloody trigger-happy they'd be happy to slaughter an entire planet if it paid well.​

My name is Relia Corrde.​

I'm twenty-three years old, and I'm a bounty hunter.​


Eye of the Storm.
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
To replace Skaries Iolae.

One of my shorter profiles; any feedback's welcome.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
I like. Her and Alicia seem to some things in common. :p


Eye of the Storm.
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
She's pretty! :p

If anyone knows the actual source I got this from, I swear I was shown this rather than searched for it. :P

Sara, you fancy using her in the RP thingy we're planning instead?