Rho Koss


macho man randy savage
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
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NAME: Rho Koss.
AGE: 56 standard years.
HEIGHT: Six feet, three inches.
WEIGHT: 135 pounds.
FACTION: The Jedi Order.
RANK: Jedi Knight.
SECT: Jedi Consular.


The names of the Kel Dor are said to be based on the harsh, crisp noises produced by the winds of their native world, Dorin. The length of one's name supposedly determines their path in life; those with long, complicated names would die an early, painful death as they were swept away by the spirits of the planets atmosphere. From his birth, the Baran Do knew Rho would be great; his name was short, visceral, monosyllabic. As soon as he was shown to have an aptitude for the Force, the Baran Do, Dorin's governing body, themselves a group of Force sensitive Kel Dor's charged with protecting the planet from sudden storms, wanted to claim him for their own. However, after a Jedi Knight had come to Dorin in search of fresh blood, Rho refused. Preferring the monastic life of the Jedi and, with it, the shunning all worldly posessions, fifty years before the Tragedy at Ilum tore the Jedi Order apart, Rho Kass traveled to the holy world of Jehda to begin his training.

Rho Kass is in many ways the model Kel Dor. His most distinct features are, at the same time, his most alien; the metal breathing apparatus and eyeguards he wears when not on the surface of Dorin. He stands at roughly six feet three inches with a thinner, more frail bodily composition. Like other Kel Dor, the gases that compose Dorin's atmosphere weakened his muscle tissue and necessitated a different approach to his Jedi training. Though skilled with a lightsaber, Rho Kass is more known for the ease with which he can attune himself to the will of the Force. Unlike the Jedi Guardians, who prefer the blade to the great mystery of the Force, Rho bathed himself in it, joining the Consulars as soon as he could. Over his dark red, leathery skin, he can often be seen wearing traditional, draped Jedi robes. He wields a simple lightsaber, empowered by an emerald green kyber crystal.


Rho Koss was born to a minor Kel Dor family roughly four years after the Genocide of Giju. While his first name was decided by the gust of wind, a sharp, willowy sound that came outside the window after his birth, his surname was more special. In Kel Dor, Koss meant something akin to "traveller" in Galactic Basic; both his mother and his father were scientists who travelled across nearby systems testing the atmosphere of other planets. Their science and the Force were one in the same. In other systems the two are seperate, but upon his fifth birthday, when he began displaying an aptitude for the Force (by accidentally levitating random objects in his home), they immediately brought him to the Baran Do.

It seemed like coincidence that, at about that time, a ship staffed by two Jedi scouts landed through the toxic clouds of Dorin. The Darkness had just fallen like a shroud across the galaxy and, seeing that what was originally just a small conflict between dissidants was soon to become a destructive war to end all wars, they took it upon themselves to bring new recruits to the Order. News of the war had reached Dorin years prior, and little about it was done; a skirmis between religious zealots, why did it have to involve us? The Baran Do had felt the loss in other systems just as Rho had, but they too did nothing. It was out of their hands. Rho, however, felt the pain in his chest in such a profound way that, when the alien Jedi had landed on his home world in search of new learners, he chose them over service to his homeworld.

Rho's evaluation went swiftly. Understanding, as he did, that the Kel Dor physiology wouldn't lend itself well to the life of a warrior, and taking into account his deep connection to the Force, the Council deemed that he was fit to train as a Consular. In his training he would memorize, word for word, ancient Jedi texts; the code, their philosophy, their history. An ongoing process, to be sure, but he was nothing if not intelligent. It was around this time that he began to learn more about the schism that tore the Jedi in two. As he came to understand, it was less about the absolute evil of the Exiles; they were weak, to be sure, but perhaps it wasn't entirely their fault. Rather, it was the failure of the Jedi to understand the Dark Side that forced their hands. That is what he thought for most of his training. At least until Tython, and then Ilum.

Rho had just turned twenty two when he and other Jedi were sent to Tython to meet the forces of the Exiles in what would quickly become the bloodiest battle of the war yet. At the outset of the fighting, he was not sent himself to fight; he and the other Consulars were left behind the front lines to heal the wounded. However, as the Jedi kept dying, first by the hundreds and then by the thousands, he and the others were forced to do something they never thought they'd do; take the blade to their enemies. For most of his life as a Jedi, Rho Koss had done basic work. He trained others in the way of the Force, he learned, he read, he gathered information. The Battle of Tython saw him take his first offensive against the Exiles and, in so doing, defend himself against them. He didn't take a life that day, though he'd felt something in him that, like them, wanted it.

He was lucky enough to be there at the Enclave of Ilum, seeing another generation of Jedi that would not get the training he did. The next few decades were generally peaceful. Until Ilum.

The Tragedy at Ilum did more to alter Rho's world view than any other event, perhaps in his entire life. Watching the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, in one swift stroke, fall to the Dark Side and then destroy an entire planet full of his former brothers forced him to re-evaluate his views of the enemy; as the more militant Jedi began to call for war, he egan to feel the pull toward them. However, he turned his eyes back into the past, again understanding the fundamental truth of war; that it never ends. Death can only be met with more vengeful war until there is nobody left to die.

Those who risk waging war against the Exiles too risk themselves falling to the Dark Side and becoming just like them. He couldn't allow that to happen. Not again. The Jedi needed to be saved from themselves.


Rho Koss dedicated himself to the path of the Jedi Consular as soon as he could form the proper words in Basic. In his eyes, the Jedi as an order should promote peace throughout the galaxy, and only through peace could they achieve any semblance of stability. While he understands the need for violence, especially in the fight against the resurging Jedi Exiles, he actively abstains from using his lightsaber unless absolutely necessary. This worldview was borne first out of necessity; because of his atural musculature, it would be difficult to believe that he would ever be a master swordsman. At the very least, he wouldn't be a physically dominant one. This revelation prompted his decision to study the Force instead and, as a result, he will frequently use the Force to enhance his lightsaber skills should he need to.

Despite being trained amid the backdrop of the war in the Core worlds, Rho managed to escape the pull of the dark side through constant, almost habitual meditation and fasting. He continues this tradition to this very day, using any off-time to purge himself of any malicious thoughts. However, unlike most Jedi that remain after the Civil War, he has come to learn a crucial truth; absolute dismissal of the Dark Side and all that it offered is what caused the schism that destroyed the Jedi Order While he scorns all who fall to the Dark Side, believing them to be weak and incapable of controlling their baser urges, he frequently studies the nature of the Dark Side itself, as to better understand it, and thus come to a better understanding of his enemy.

Rho Koss maintains an almost unnaturally peaceful Force presence and, to most, appears to be the kindhearted peacekeeper that he believes the Jedi should be. He is among the more religiously orthadox of the Jedi that remain; even in the face of the Tragedy of Ilum he finds that combating death and war with even more war will only serve to further destroy the ties that bind the galaxy together. It may be a misguided way of looking at things, but it is one he has yet to forsake.


Kel Dor are no athletes by nature. While some train their entire lives to overcome the weakness borne of Dorin's atmosphere, many resign themselves to other pursuits to assure tht they cannot be taken advantage of. For Rho Kass, that pursuit is his study of the Force. While a capable swordsman, he has decided that his best chance of survival would come with his pursuit of knowledge instead. A naturally intelligent being with years of experience in both study and practice, as the Jedi Order split apart with various factions pursuitng a direct war with the Exiles and others forming walls to keep themselves safe, he fled with the other Consulars to the Jedi Library on Ossus, cloistering himself in the halls of knowledge. Like the other Consulars Rho is deeply knowledgable of Jedi history, philosophy and ceremony.

While his studies in the Force have proven fruitful, he has also understood well enough that a Jedi cannot exist merely on their connection to it alone. He has become an able swordsman, relying on a mixture of Form III and Form I in battle. This reflects his personal philosophy; a Jedi is not a warrior, but a peacekeper. In combat he actively works to defend and disarm rather than kill, and will only go on the offensive it is absolutely necessary for his own survival, or the survival of another innocent. When he must engage a more skilled combatant he will typically resort to Form IV, using the Force to augment his movements to give him a better chance of survival.

From what little training he had with the Baran Do, Rho Koss has manifested other abilities in the Force that others may not have; for example, he's exceptionally good at predicting weather patterns, and can sense oncoming storms several hours before they happen. He's also become an able practitioner of the Baran Do technique known as ayna-seff, or "dead brain" in Basic, a technique that causes his brain activity to become untracable. A lifelong archivist and dilligent in his studies, Rho is very good with his words, and often uses them to defuse a situation instead of escalating it if he can. As he weighs less than most sentients and is burdened by less, he gains the slight advantage of heightened agility and freedom of movement in combat, though he can't hit as hard as others.

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SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score

There are some chronological errors in the bion such as him being born 40 years before the end of the Hindred year darkness but being 56 years old. I suggest you take a look at the story so far and timeline to make sure everything lines up.