River Elluras


SWRP Writer
Jan 13, 2008
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River Elluras
Wandering Shade Knight


So what are you looking for when you see me? A self-proclaimed guardian of peace, tending to the needs of a pampered committee of politicians they call a "senate", playing their little games of justice and democracy? Or perhaps you're looking for one of those bad seeds, some power hungry girl from nowhere that decided one day she was just so damn powerful, she should rule the galaxy?
It goes without saying, but truth be told, I couldn't care less about the Jedi, light or dark. I'm who I am, and that's all that matters to me - it's all I need. If you'd ask me, I'd say the galaxy would be well rid of extremist, but then, who really gives a damn what I think? My name is River Elluras, a wandering Shade Knight, and I'm someone who's witnessed the severity of both sides of the Force. I don't know where I was born, aside from it being nineteen years ago, and when it comes right down to it, I really don't care either way. I spent a good deal of my life in Hutt Space, with Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine standing out as my personal favorites. In case you haven't already figured it out already, I was a slave. Didn't see that coming, huh?

For all their talk of their race being so superior to any others in the galaxy, those bloated slugs always seemed to keep company with woman of every other race except Hutts. I heard they didn't even mate, and could change their gender to reproduce, or something to that effect. I didn't listen too attentively, I got enough nightmares thinking of those worms as it is. Anyways, moving on, I got shipped around from client to client. Yeah, I was more of a rental. I didn't totally get it either. As a child, it was mostly labor, but when my body started developing, clients would start asking me to their rooms. I guess you could say my empty eye sockets were a fail-safe, since it seemed to be a turn-off to every client. Guess it meant Miraluka weren't an all-to-common sight. Moving on, I got transported off to some world - I couldn't remember what it was if I tried. When you get shipped around like cargo, you stop caring after the first fifty times playing the role of "merchandise". All I remember were the hired Taung guards.
I'd seen them once or twice before, always battle-ready, and their faces looked like physics gone haywire. Trust me, their facial helmets are a blessing, and they're the one group people that I could truly say scared me.

If I had to guess, it was a world near to where the Republic's expansion was taking place. Long story short here, a group of Shade Knights decided to intervene on the slave trade. The Shade Knights fought, the slavers fought, the Shade Knights won, the slavers died, and the slaves were freed. I'd imagine this didn't sit too well with the Hutt's relations with the Republic, but they had that and more coming to them. So yeah, I was awe of the weird people with superpowers and glowing swords. Come one, assuming you weren't on the receiving end of their swords, who wouldn't be. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was a Shade apprentice. My master was a man named Ronan Qellor, a Shade Knight, cocky, hot headed... and to this day, the most disgruntled ex-Jedi I'd ever met - excluding the ones that just go polar opposite. He took me under his wing, trained me in using the Force. And when he spoke, I listened, though I could never get a handle on some powers, like using Lightning. But on the off hand, I learned some of the more exotic abilities, like rapidly removing the heat in an object, or doing the reverse by manipulating my own biochemistry to set things ablaze and manipulate it. Figures, right? But beyond that, he also showed me another half of the galaxy still oppressed. Not by criminal empires, mind you. Oppression isn't always a black and white picture.

He was like my father, so you could say I adopted some of his views. I've seen some of the things the Jedi do, heard of the schism they had, and during the climax of a war, no less. But as bad as they were, it was the Dark Jedi that irritated me the most. I'd been trained to use the Force, and trust me, I had a lot of rage I had to let go, some of it for sanity's sake, but I never got how so many could just become stark hypocrites for all they stood for. Then again, coming from the Jedi, maybe I shouldn't be surprised at all. I wouldn't say that my master raised me, but he influenced me more greatly than anything else in my life had, and I don't just mean opening my mind to the Force. But all good things must come to an end, right. Ironically, he died doing the thing he did to save me. Maybe he was going though a mid-life crisis, and playing hero was his outlet. I guess this time, they were ready for him. I never got the details aside from hearing he went out fighting. It's amazing the way it eases the state of mind when you hear people speaking of your father as a hero. Of course, I'd prefer he'd still be alive. In the end, the Shade Order disappeared. Where they are now, I don't know. They're just another name in the galaxy.

So here I am. The Hutts fired up their army, emerged from their hellhole in space, and practically declared war on the Republic overnight... as if anyone couldn't see that coming. So twenty years after the Alsolko Crisis or whatever, the galaxy got flung into war again. The Taungs came out as the Hutt's elite enforcers. The Dark Jedi count went on the increase, and the Jedi went back from "protectors" to soldiers. I'd say the galaxy run by bureaucrats and crime lords could burn for all I cared, but that's already happened a thousand times over. And you know what? It'll happen a thousand times again.

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