Romaar Sancolt

Dunbar Snackbar

Czerka Director of Captial
SWRP Writer
Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score

NAME: Romaar Sancolt
FACTION: New Sith Empire/Imperial Navy
RANK: Imperial Navy Crewman
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5’11
WEIGHT: 205 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
CREDITS: 1,000 Credits

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Romaar has the number 4725251 tattooed onto his right wrist denoting his number in a forced labor camp.


STRENGTH: 7/10 - As a naval crewman, Romaar has been through the advanced training regimen and continually keeps in shape. His time as a slave working in a labor camp has kept him fit from a young age.

DEXTERITY: 7/10 - In the labor camps, Romaar helped the underground by smuggling food in and out of the camp. He taught himself how to move quickly and quietly.

CONSTITUTION: 8/10 - Similar to the strength category his training and history have kept Romaar in top physical condition.

INTELLIGENCE: 5/10 – The only formal education that Romaar Sancolt has received was from his training with the New Sith Empire. He is well versed on military doctrine and tactics but not much else.

WISDOM: 7/10 – As a slave, Romaar’s life was regularly in danger. Because of this, he has become accustomed to analyzing a situation and executing the best course of action. He is also adept at adapting to a situation or environment.

CHARISMA: 4/10 – Talking was discouraged in his labor camp on Pavilion during the work day. He was not allowed to talk to his overseers unless he was asked a question nor was he allowed to talk to the fellow slaves until work had finished for the day. He will only speak unless he feels his message is important and doesn’t do well with small talk.


When Romaar was a child, social interaction was not permitted in the labor camps of Pavilion unless work had been completed for the day. It is because of this that Romaar is quiet and not excellent in social interactions. His previous experience has also necessitated having the ability to accomplish any task assigned to him no matter what the cost. Romaar is also very deliberate in all of his decisions and is also scheming for his own advancement or well being.


Romaar was born a slave on the planet Pavilion. Romaar was the product of an illicit union when the governor and head of the Imperial Garrison of Pavilion took Romaar’s mother as his mistress. When Romaar’s mother was found out to be pregnant, the governor threatened to send his mother to one of the most extreme parts of the labor camps in hopes that she would die before giving birth. He explained that the discovery of an illegitimate child and having a sexual relationship with a slave would certainly damage his career. Romaar’s mother promised that she would not reveal him as the father to anyone, even Romaar as long as she and the child were safe. She was sworn to silence on penalty of death.

The governor was doing a “random inspection” of the hospital when Romaar was born and upon seeing his son, was immediately filled with happiness. He promised himself that he would find any way he could to help Romaar and keep him safe without drawing special attention to him.

At the request of the governor, Romaar and his mother served in the Imperial Garrison’s residence areas where he often saw the governor and other high ranking members of the garrison. Because he was so close to high ranking officials, the liberation movemebt reached out to Romaar and recruited his assistance. Romaar agreed to join but when his mother discovered this, she forbade Romaar from taking any hostile or violent action against the Imperial Garrison the as it might jeopardize their status in the camp. Romaar was frequently assigned to stealing and smuggling parts, food and other supplies from the Imperial Garrison in order to help his fellow slaves.

At the age of 17, Romaar overheard of a plan to poison the governor of the labor camp. Though he promised his mother not to take part in hostile action, he showed the members of the liberation movement who would attempt to poison the governor how he would get outside the camp and get to the governor’s home.

The attempt on the governor’s life was successful but before he had passed. The governor had ordered a member of the garrison to his quarters where a document revealed Romaar was his son and that he be freed in order to attend the Imperial Naval Academy.

Upon fear of punishment, Romaar joined the academy without every seeing any ships other than freighters and transports. The departure from the camp and the planet was a bittersweet experience. He was happy to finally be free and have citizenship status within the empire but Romaar was saddened that while the governor’s document revealed that he loved Romaar’s mother, he didn’t free her. She would continue to serve in the camp.

Romaar at the academy saw massive ships for the first time. It was his intention to be able to command a star destroyer one day and finally lead others rather than follow the orders of a slaver.


Through his time in training with the Imperial Navy and also his time on Pavilion, Romaar has learned the following skills:

Ground Combat
Starfighter Tactics

Space Combat Tactics
Capital Ship Tactics


Romaar’s greatest strength is his ability to adapt and survive. Though he had an elevated status on Pavilion, he still had to send for himself a number of times and found himself in a number of situations where he had to rely on his instincts. He will also accomplish any task assigned to him no matter what it takes.

His weaknesses include social situations and he is not completely loyal to the empire due to his past experiences and what he saw at the hands of the imperial garrison. He also has some issues with authority.

K938 – ‘Canine’ Blaster Pistol