

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score

RANK: None
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
FORCE SENSITIVE: She is very force sensitive though she has loose control over her force abilities.
Ruckus stands 5.11 and roughly 180 lbs. She has hazel brown hair that is rather short, green eyes, a heart shaped face and a smile that never seems to fade, ever. Her face is spotted with red freckled and her skin is a light tan. She is typically seen wearing durasteel armor though most of it is covered by thick robes, that said it is still evident that she is wearing said armor.

Ruckus is a very optimistic, brave and tough as nails woman. She always sees or tries to see the bright side of a situation. With this unending enthusiasm she is quite loud, and can come off as annoying and obnoxious. Ruckus is not the healthiest woman on earth. While she may be fit and strong in the fight, outside of the fight she suffers from the affects of drinking alcohol as she is an alcoholic (duh). Along with this she suffers from depression and a heavy case of ADHD. She must always be the spotlight, the hero , the star of the show but she will not stray from her good alignment to do so. Speaking of alignment Ruckus is the embodiment of the good meaning gray jedi. She loves all things good, and hates all things bad. To her good and bad are black and white.

Ruckus is super optimistic. To such the point where people might think her crazy or delusional. Every second she is always either smiling or laughing. And with these smiles and laughs she never seems to stop talking, always trying to have the attention on her. She might even act dumb or naive to gain said attention. When it comes to other situations Ruckus is quite the impulsive person. When she has money she spends it, when she sees an enemy, or well something that looks like an enemy, she swings and asks questions at the wounded enemy. Speaking of combat Ruckus is quite merciful, often offering second chances, and refusing to kill those she calls friends, even if they had turned evil or harmful towards her.

On the other side, Ruckus's internal life is surrounded by depression, self doubt, and impulsive decisions. She often drinks to deal with these problems and she tried to make as many friends as possible. She is rather open about her problems, hoping that if someone catches this within earshot, or a close friend listens to her that she may receive the emotional support she needs. In reality Ruckus comes off as a drama queen and an attention seeker.


Ruckus grew up on Nar-Shaddaa, one of the most infamous smuggler moons because of the intense amount of crime and crime organizations. Her father was a gray jedi and her mother a bounty hunter. They had met awhile back on Tatooine when hunting a target. They moved to Nar-Shadda for financial purpose as property was much cheaper in some spots as well as the fact as they had government contacts on them moon too. Ruckus's father was much like how she is today. Always laughing, smiling and doing good things. He left the order though because he wanted to do things that benefited him, rather than do something for a greater order than his own life. He named her Ruckus after the trouble she had given her mother while she was giving birth to her. Thankfully Ruckus and her mother both lived. Her father from a very early age began teaching her in the ways of lightsaber combat, mainly Juyo and its all attack mentality. Ruckus loved to do this, not only for self pride but for the fact that she knew that she could defend herself or harm evil doers when the time came. Ruckus's mother was a bounty hunter, but also a very smart woman. She taught Ruckus how to read and solve mathematical equations, setting up a basic foundation for her academically.

Ruckus did not have many friends. Her personality drove many away as many of her 'friends' were not well off, and very much of evil intentions. Stealing, smoking and alcohol. Ruckus resented most of these things but she was also very depressed. If she was so happy and so caring, why did not one want to be her friend? Externally she did not change but internally she was always beaten by her lack of friends. And as she grew older this grew a problem when her mother became sick. Her father was growing corrupt with his power, and soon realized he was destined for much more than a wife and kid. As soon as her mother got sick he high tailed it to join a crime syndicate. Ruckus worked hard to care for her mother. She did all sorts of hard labor jobs to support her. Enduring the pain and physical harm of factories and other such environments. One night , Ruckus's mother died her sleep from the sickness.

Ruckus had just gained enough funds to get the medicine, but now she was too late. After that she dedicated her life to being a good person and saving lives against evil. As if her father had not become corrupt with power he could have afforded them medicine. Ruckus took her father's lightsaber, which he was kind enough to leave behind for her and set off for the world, hoping to make a name for herself and create a legend.

Describe the skills that your character possesses, such as marksmanship, swordsmanship, medical knowledge, multilingual, technological expertise, piloting, jazz hands, etc. If the character is Force sensitive, describe the specializations and/or techniques in the Force that the character has learned, detailing the level of mastery of those techniques, along with the level of proficiency in lightsaber combat.

-Durasteel armor-
-Light blue lightsaber-
-Blaster pistol-
-Cloak and robes-

None yet

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Hopefully no friends~ But none yet

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