Silver-furred Orca


SWRP Writer
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Silver-furred Orca
Biology: This mammal looks like a humpback whale and has silver fur, thus its name. Adult Orcas can grow up to be 135 meters long.
Subspecies: No subspecies.
Sentience: The silver-furred orca can sense danger, but other than that it is not sentient.
Strengths: None
Weaknesses: Can't stay underwater too long and can't go on land without dying.
Diet: Plankton
Behavior/Temperament: Calm
Communication: Whale song
Planet: Xendiza
Culture: None
Technology: Primitive
History: Silver-furred orcas is a source of meat and there are several farms of the animals spread over Xendiza's oceans. When one dies and its skeleton floats to one of the planet's poles, its skeleton turns into Frizon.