Mission Pack Spectre of the Sith


SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2022
Reaction score

Thel Xeros has worked to extend Sith influence. He has established control over a spice operation on Troiken and he has formed an alliance with Fergriss Pharmaceuticals on Balosar. Assistance is needed to undertake certain tasks on both planets.

Mission 1 - Troiken Tunnel Terror
Spice miners have been going missing, which has raised concern amongst our Xexto spice syndicate allies on the planet. No trace has been found of them. Unidentified “creatures” have been spotted in the mining tunnels and are believed to be responsible. Enter the tunnels, investigate and eliminate whatever is causing the issue. Remember, stay frosty and check those corners…
Participants (2-3):

Mission 2 – Night on the Tiles
Certain important members of the Xexto spice syndicate on Troiken have decided they want to have a fun night out off world. They have chosen Canto Bight as their destination. Escort them and make sure they have a good time. Perhaps even join in a little bit. There have been whispers about members of the Pyke syndicate looking to take retaliatory action against the individuals you’re escorting, after Thel helped the Xexto syndicate oust the Pykes from Troiken. Those rumours are probably baseless though…surely.
Participants (2-3):

Mission 3 – Watching the Detectives
Endron Maxil, a shareholder in Fergriss Pharmaceuticals, has fortunately survived an assassination attempt. He is Thel’s main contact at the company, and he wants it investigated by the Sith. Investigate what happened and locate the culprit. This will require your deductive skills.
Participants (2-3): @Thel Xeros

Mission 4 – The Masquerade Escapade
High ranking executives in Fergriss Pharmaceuticals have been blackmailed regarding their activities at a secret club they attend. The information they are being blackmailed about, suggests the one responsible is a member of the club. The club, known as the Kubrick Club, hosts regular masquerade balls. Attend their latest masquerade ball, under the guise of being new members, and see if you can ascertain who is responsible. If you do, “take care” of them…
Participants (2-3): @Serene @cremek "krayt" candorus

Hopefully people sign up and can have fun with the missions. Just reply with your character name and the mission you are interested in. When there are enough signups for a mission (hopefully), it will be marked as full. Once there are enough participants for a mission, you can post the OP and have fun roleplaying it. The only thing I would ideally like is that if a thread is started, it is completed.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
I'd like to volunteer @Serene for mission 2, 3 or 4. I only want to commit to a single mission for now but I might do more if you need and I have the time.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
DMCK isn't with the site anymore but the mission is still complete for Masquerade Escapade.