Stefan Mulchen


SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score

"I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed"-Les Miserables I Dreamed a Dream

Stefan was born on the harsh planet of Chazwa. The snow and tundra of the planet was brutal and enforced the philosophy of survival of the fittest. He worked in the mines 18 hours a day, because he had been taken as a prisoner. His father had previously worked in the Republic, but because of his gambling addictions and drinking addictions he had been forced into debtors prison, while Stefan was sent all the way from Aargau to Chazwa. The mines made him bitter, but they also made him strong. His back bore the brunt of the whips from the taskmasters. They seemed not to care of his suffering and his pain.

His body was often so cold that he could feel the ice starting to form on his fingertips. More often than once had Stefan been left out in the mines all night because the leaders had been "forgetful" about bringing him in from his nightshift. It was natural to be able to see your breath all day, because it was so cold up on Chazwa. The huge eddifice that Stefan worked in daily made him feel even worse. The building had naught but 4 windows in its entire massive structure. And they were so small, that nary a rat could even break in. They just let out enough light that he could dream of the day that he would escape this hell. To keep from crying and showing his weakness to the stronger men around him, he would often bite his lip until it bled and you could see marks on it.

The day did if fate had predestined his life, he escaped the Alcatraz of a prison. As usual, the guards were doing his rounds when suddenly a wretched scream broke out in the mines. It was lunchbreak, and Stefan assumed that one of the drunken guards had probablly snatched a beer from another and a horrible fight had broken out. But such circumstance, proved that this was not the case. In the mines, Stefan had heard rumors of the giant scorpion. Far away from the adit of the mine, scorpions thrice the size of a beer keg were rumored to dwell. On this bone-chilling night the temperatures had driven the scorpions towards the warmth of the fires. Only the taskmasters were fortunate enough to have fires of their own, far away from the rocks of the mines.

The whole herd of scorpions stung 4 of the slavers right off, sending them to the gates of hell. But Stefan's slavers fought back with that internal instinct that arises when life and death hangs in the balance. Blaster fire erupted in the dim mines. This was the first sound that Stefan had heard since he was 5 apart from the mining in the room, for the prisoners were forbidden to speak to each other. As Stefan watched the scorpions crush the taskmasters and near his rock that he was chained to, he felt a burst of adrenaline. Almost as if a prayer of his became answered, the chains broke and he ran for his life. Neither the guards nor the slavers worried about his escape, for they were too worried about the scorpions. Those guards who did see Stefan dashing by laughed to themselves thinking "He will die in the snow tonight, and we will sell his clothes and remains for profit."

The young rebel came close to fullfilling the guards prediction. His body caught frostbite when he was out in the snow, and he lost 3 out of the 5 fingers on his right hand, including his thumb, his pinky finger, and his index finger. He had become strong from his nights within the cave and he slept out in the snow, with only his small coat covering his back. Luck chanced it that one of the last ships would be leaving Chazwa. A big hunking cruiser, and big enough that Stefan could sneak in it and not be noticed. Right before it took off, he climbed onto the hull and hung on for dear life.


Stefan does not know his age to this day, because they don't keep track of it for you in the mines. Like the labor camps in Germany and Russia during World War II all they were concerned about was beating work out of him until he could work no more.


Stefan's Hair is the color of bricks, but has been worn down by time and harsh storms. It is long and gangly and often collides with his beard.

Stefan has green eyes that stand out remarkably. They resemble and symbolize his life of pain and suffering.

Stefan has a few wishes, but among those he wishes that no one will have to go through what he did. He feels hurt by the Republic and their system of debt. He has never understood the philosophy that hte child out to pay for the parents poor decisions. More importantly than that, he knows that there is a better way. He has heard of the Ospion jedi and the schism that occurred there. It attracted him so much, that he spent all he had stolen in order to get to Ossus and see the new jedi order, and become a part of the legend.

Apart from his strength and muscular build, a few other defining qualities of Stefan is his lack of judgement and his rashness. A life in the mines, and a life unadjusted to sunlight has led him to a state of complacent insanity. If something is too complex, intricate, or deep, at times that insanity can emerge and he has to fight against his own monster. Stefan has a heart of compassion for those suffering and it is for this reason that he thinks joining the Ospion jedi will help him fight against the current order that has corruptness hinging at its borders and has already infiltrated the senators and political meetings.

((Sorry about the pic, it's small I know. I don't know why my computer isn't loading it properly.))


SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
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