"The Best Place to Lose..."


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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The Common Bazaar, Mid-Day

A culture of competiition. The great cities of Corulag are home to a some of the galaxies finest in competitive entertainment, with dozens of sporting events, and galacticaly famous swoop races. This bred a thriving retail ecconomy that sprung up with the tourists, all to willing to buy exotic souvenirs while taking their holiday to the big race. Combined with a thriving sport gambling industry, this caused culture holmag Border to assign the affectionate nickname, "The Best Place to Lose Money".

The Common Bazaar was anything but. It has been said that, if you're willing to look, you can truly find anything among the kilometer long strecth of booths and vendors. Anything. Including information....


Vit'al was feeling a touch prickly today. To begin with he had flown himself here, not without minor incident. Furthermore, he had been walking the first level of the market for an hour, and hadn't been able to find a particular exotic strain of t'bacc he loved. While that was something he was looking forward to, it wasn't the reason for this visit, so it needed to be put aside for the time being.

Anneas had been adventuring on his own for the afteroon, enjoying the open air bazaar, and being in the rare city that had enough sky for him to occupy. His sister Dido wasn't much for crowds, or adventuring so it was only master and he today. Master however was excited about something sentients worried about, and there was discarded food and small vermin practically flooding the streets outside the main thuroughfaire... wait a tick, whoooooooo was that? The regal bird thought he recognized someone in the crowd, swooping down to investigate.

Spiced zennal root tea... please.
He managed a smile for the young zelton waitress, it was at least pleasant to imagine who he would be meeting any moment. The sith conflict, the militarization of their order... fraternization and longer, more nuanced investigation was much less common. Vit'al had clever combined both by asking his friend Kiro to meet him. Her plain spoken humilty suited him fine, and the two had been an excellent team before everything had started. He had discovered a possible connection between of the Arms dealers at the Bazaar, and the supplier for the SBZ. It was too thin yet to warrant anything official, but thankfully his former partner was available. As an alterior motive he was also intersted in adding a stun level to his lightsaber, and the skilled craftwoman was also the only person in the galazy whom he would trust with such a thing.



Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Even after sixteen years since leaving Gaoth, and ten years as Master Moden's Padawan, a scene like the bazaar here in the capitol of Corulag was a novelty, even a mild cultural shock, to the petite blonde Jedi. You could take the girl away from nerf-herding, but you couldn't take the nerf-herding away from the girl. Unlike some Jedi, Kiro didn't wear the long, humble, robes in earthen tones, but instead wore simple trousers and a sleeveless shirt, both made from bantha wool, and a vest and gloves made from supple nerf leather, and then a pair of tougher boots made from rancor hide. A relatively simple outfit, one that could have been worn by any number of spacers across the Galaxy, especially as she'd left her durasteel chestplate back in the shuttle she'd borrowed from the Knights. And like most spacers, she wore a gun on her hip. But unlike most spacers', hers' was a simple stun gun, rather than any number of lethal blasters.

Walking slowly along the bazaar, Kiro slowly munched on a meiloorun fruit she'd bought at a stand near the edge of the market for a couple of credits, while Caób, the blue-bellied akk pup, clung to her shoulder, his big red eyes sweeping this way and that, occasionally making a rumbling 'rapp' sound at this thing or that, or a low pitched whine whenever he smelled something that got his little (but insatiable...) stomach rumbling. "Oh shush, you greedy little nipper," Kiro commented with a gentle prod of a black-gloved finger to the akk's snout, which elicited a playful bite from the pup. "You get tummy aches from eating too much, and you know it. Not to mention you'll get even more bloated than 'Lord' Zo's ego," the Jedi, sometimes referred to as the 'Forge Master' by some Padawans (and some Knights), whispered to her scaly companion in a good-natured manner, before sucking up some of the juices dripping from her fruit.

As she kept wandering, her nose eventually caught a peculiar scent. Well, to be fair, Caób picked it up first with that keen predator's nose of his, but with the Force bond that developed between all akks and their handlers, it stood out almost like a visible trail for Kiro to follow as well. A trail of stale t'bacc and zennal root tea. Smiling faintly, she closed her eyes and let the Force, and Caób guide her, surrendering herself to the will of the Force. She was naught but a leaf on the great flowing river that was the Force, and it would carry her where it would, as it did all things, no matter how hard they fought against it's currents, like the Jedi's darker counterparts.

Eventually, feeling both a chance in the presences around her, and a series of quick 'rapp' sounds from her small companion (and the claws of his paws digging into her back and shoulder), Kiro opens her icy blue eyes to smile at Vit'al sitting at a little tea stand, sipping his peculiar brand of tea. A particular blend that the nerf-herder found far too bitter for her tastes. "So, Corulag, eh? I haven't been here in... what is it now? Eight years? Yeah, eight. Master Morrigan and I shut down a slaver operation on the southern continent. First time I saw a Chevin. Never thought something that big and that ugly could move so fast..." She commented as she took a seat next to the taller Jedi. If Vit' cared to look, it would quickly become obvious that she'd disassembled her lightsaber, with the emitter array appearing to be no more than a roughly T shaped metal bauble swinging from her left hip, with a stone 'baton' hung from her right. No need to broadcast the fact she was a Jedi to whatever criminals undoubtedly lurked within the market.


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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The sharp earthy bite of his tea settled well. This particular Cafe was a pleasant surprise as far as meeting places went. On the second tier of the bustling mall, directly in the sunlight for this tme of day, and their table tucked against the railing granted as much distance from regular shoppers as one could hope for. As his mood settled into the warm delights of the afternoon, he wondered what was really knawing at him. Such petty things as t'bacc and a minor scratch on his nimbus were never of real concern to him..no it was something more wieghing on the Jedi's heart.. Thankfully reinforcements had arrived.


The moment Caob picked up his scent, Anneas informed Vit'al of their company from on high. His gregarious owl remembered the bluish little beast from thir first and only prior meeting. Master had been very cross with him for confusing the then very new made pup with food, so he instead made a friend and returned to what he thought was playing instead. How Caob remembers it is anyone's guess.


Vit'al rested his staff against the blacony and leapt to his feet at the sight of the young woman. His thick braids danced around his head whilest he quickly intercepted her, refuing her a seat before he could embrace her. Not a common geusture for the man, but as the force had blown her to him, so too it filled him up upon her arrival and further banished the clouds from his uneasy thoughts. He took the sight of her in, one of few friends he had whom he was taller than, but like him, twice that size and more in soul.

Ah yes!... I'ld be a fool to guess how many times Morrigan tried to replicate your expression during the retelling of that encounter...

Before returning to his seat, Vit'al descreatly tucked his lightsaber into a coat pocket, before draping it over the back of his chair. The idea of even temporarily disguising his identity rarely occured to him without prompting. He was born and raised jedi, than lost and found as one again, and his very forward and honest style of negotiation didn't call for it. Still, happy was he for the wise clue on Kiro's hip, and bemused in the knowing how fast she could put it back together again.

About this time Anneas dropped squarely onto the middle of the table, wings spread wide,, and his sharp little talons clacking about in a dance-like waddle. To him this was an enthusiastic greeting, but to more than a few observers, including the poor waitress, it was positively terrifying. After quickly saving his cup of tea, Vit'al coo'ed the bird into an understanding of it's suroundings, and it shuffled off to the railing to perch, offering Kiro a few short chirps in more pollite hello.

Hahaha,well... obviously we are both delighted to see you Kiro...
Vit'al scratched at his short goatee while the smile spread... I confess, I have been looking forward to this day. I worry our relationship and proper investigation are becoming things of the past with this... this war...

In spite of himself Vit'al sigh slightly as he admitted the bleak truth of their circumstances. Of course. The reason for his melancholy was a touch clearer now, though he swiftly diverted it with a sip of tea. Rare was it for the master to not be at peace with his cirsumstances, and he was much to pleased with his company to let it better him now. He stretched he dark bare arms out into the day and let the afternoon return a smile to his face.

...but business is for later. It's been ages since I've been to Ilum... what are the standing sentiments there?

The waitress finally worked up the nerve to approch again and ask for Kiro's order.

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Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Kiro grunted slightly as she was embraced in a wookiee-hug by the taller and decidedly muscular man. While he was far from the tallest sentient she'd ever met (her own former Master, Morrigan, had been a whopping six feet tall), nor the physically strongest, few of them were quite as... physical or exuberant in greeting her. In many ways, Vit'al reminded her more of a Wookiee than a Jedi, given his emphasis on things physical, his habit of drinking bitter teas, smoking t'bacc, and the small menagerie he kept with him at all times. His bizzare hair style (at least as far as the former nerf-herder was concerned) didn't do much to dispel the illusion either.

As she took her seat, Vit'al's bird decided to say "hello" as well, landing on the counter and started it's little chirp and dance routine, at which the blonde Jedi couldn't help but smile, before it was chided into squatting on the nearby railing, with what passed for an almost pouting expression for a bird. "Yes, hello to you too, Anneas. I hadn't forgotten about you," she replied before digging into a pocket on her vest, and pulled out a small strip of nuna-jerky, which she tossed over to the owl, at a barking whine from Caób, annoyed that the bird was getting his treats!

The akk, with a rumbling snort from his little nostrils at the bird, dropped from Kiro's shoulder and into her lap, where he made himself good and comfortable, though keeping half of a big and bright red eye on the bird. "I fear more than that is being lost to Lord Zao's crusade," Kiro replied as she ordered a mug of hot chocolate for herself when the waitress finally approached. "And you know me, Vit'al, I rarely leave the Forge, so current sentiments are a bot lost on me," she continues with a light shrug as she reached out to gently scratch Caób behind the neck.


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Anneas graciously accepted his gift and set about picking it apart with his talons and beak, eating only the smaller bits. This was a strange habbit he picked up from his force bond with Vit'al, and made an odd contrast to his previous desplay of table manners.


He repeated the word with tight lips and an uncomfortable shifting of wieght. The sound of it alone obviously wounded him, mostly because he had heard it similarly used among the generals and his fellow masters. The patient ritual of sipping and stiring his tea was used again to buy him a moment of reflection before speaking again.

The current actions Bau... we... take are just and life saving, you must know me well enough to believe that, but it is more than true that he walks a very fine line in order to see them done. This is why he needs us to help him balance... If he were to cross it, we would have to do so ourselves to recover him.... the implication of which, I admit, is ... frightening to think on. All the more reason to stay next to him... for now.

Ah. It did him good to share his reflections. Particularly to Kiro, whose plain humilty left no room for any tinkering with the truth, and whose eyes reminded him of what it meant to be a Jedi. She also understood how rare it was to hear Vit'al describe anything as truly frightening. Many of his peers were too willing to be soldiers, and he couldn't blame them. He had given his life to becoming a conduit for the force via mastering the arts of physical combat. It was gratifying in some way when he was able to apply them aggresively, but that came from the juvenille understanding of his skills. Vit'al did not sip his tea, but quite on his own transitioned into a wry little smile.

Speaking of your forge, would it be taking advantage if I asked you for something...?



Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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As her order arrived, Kiro simply sipped the hot beverage while she listened to Vit'al lay out his concerns, most of her expression hidden by the large mug and the fact that she had closed her pale blue eyes, giving her fellow Jedi no visible clues as to her emotional state, and Caób proved to be an unreliable source as well, curled up as he was in Kiro's lap, seemingly content to nap for now. Eventually she carefully lowered her mug to her plate on the table, and brought up a napkin up to wipe away any excess chocolate that might have stuck to her lips.

"We shall do as the Force wishes, my friend," Kiro replied eventually, as she continues to gently scratch behind her akk pup's second neck plate, a particular spot that was difficult for the little beast to reach on it's own. The blonde's voice was calm and steady, sounding as if she was discussing the day's weather or the price of meiloorun fruit compared to juma juice. "So trust in it's wisdom and follow the path it has set out for you. Whether that will entail any interactions with the Lord Zo, is still an unknown. So it is pointless for us to fret over it. 'There is no emotion', my friend. Cast aside your concern, and focus on the present, the here and now."

Kiro gave a soft smile to Vit'al as she finished speaking, before bringing her mug up for another sip of the delicious, hot, chocolate beverage, taking her time to drain the last of the hot liquids, while Caób made some pleased noises as Kiro's finger found a particularly itchy spot. Bringing the mug back down to the table again, she smiled once more and shook her head.

"Not at all, Vit'al. How can I help you with your lightsaber? Do you want another one? Refinements to the one you carry now?"


"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
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Ejani sat bored in the cafe scanning the passing bazaar crowd a level below, his target no where to be seen. It had been five hours since he arrived on Corulag, six if he waited ten more minutes and not a single sight of that damned Wookie. "You'd think with their height she'd be an easy spot" Ejani thought bitterly. He had gotten the contract from a local Hutt, apparently the Wookie had killed one of his body guards in a rage then fled now it was Ejani's job to find her and kill her. No reward for bringing her back alive. An amusing thought crossed Ejanis mind "Heh, maybe I'll get a good blanket out of it" Ejani grinned under his helmet. The scanner still didn't pick up any walking carpet, maybe he had been misinformed. He glanced about the cafe sighing then noticed two people tucked away at a table at the back of the cafe. Leaning back in his chair to get a better look at the two. Both seemed to have pets on their shoulders, both dressed simply. They seemed to be immersed in conversation, seeing this as better than crowd spotting Ejani tuned up his helmets hearing amplifiers to listen in on their conversation. Catching a small part of the conversation "...your lightsaber? Do you want another one? Refinements to the one you carry now?" Ejani's eyebrow raised at this "Jedi eh? Wonder how much the Hutt will pay for two new forms of entertainment?"


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
Reaction score
Young as they may see you, it still amazes me how you have not yet been dubbed a Master. ..that the force saw fit to give us this day is a great boon...

The thought was certianly enough guide Vit'al back to peace. After all, there was work to be done eventually. The matter was influenced by his most recent appointment from Bau, which was of a dark nature indeed and unfortunately to be kept an absolute secret. Thankfully the clever young farm girl did not need the details to demonstrate the humble faith in the force that he needed to hear. He followed her wise example and closed his eyes. The sweet smell of her cocoa was pleasant, and blended well with stringent bitterness of his tea. Both drinks warmed the air around them, and he felt that too. Exotic fruits and spices from all over the market joined in the symphony around him, languages from across an entire galaxy played in his ears, and the tension that had creeped into his chest went slack again.

Sharing in his serenity, and jealous of the little akk pup, Anneas waddled over and shoved his neck under his keepers hand. Opening his calm black eyes, Vit'al oblidged for a moment. Together, the force-bonded pair detected a new smell...one they had been hunting before. Ah, his t'bacc. Splendid. The two pressed their foreheads together ceremoniously.

Find that stand for me friend.... and then back to work! If we find the wookie she's housing, we'll find our dealer.

Anneas was delighted to be put back to task, and danced about excitedly before diving off the railing of their balcony and up into the sky. Hunting was a pleasure, not to mention the certian rewards of success. No doubt the treats bought from this place would be very fine...he should bring something back for his sister....

Vit'al sipped he tea this time purely for the pleasure of it, and returned to his human companion. His finger habitualy tapped at the side of his chin as he tried to think how to describe his request.

....apparently there is a way to...adjust[?] the emitter in such a way that the blade may be able to stun a living creature, rather than always sear them....is this possible? Does it weaken the regular blade strength or.... He caught the look in her eye and chuckled softly... I've already praised you Kiro, you may chose to save me from sounding foolish at your leisure.



Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Kiro had no choice but to chuckle at Vit'al's comment about her being a Master and shook her head in mirth at her friend. She personally felt far from ready to be a Master herself, especially having only been a Knight for a few years so far. In her own mind's eye, she was still the scruffy-looking Padawan learner, fresh from the nerf farm on Gaoth. "I'm hardly qualified to be a Master, old friend. I do not even come close to having Master Moden's patience nor wisdom. But I thank you for the vote of confidence," Continuing to scratch Caob at that sensitive spot, much to his pleased rumbling, she watched Anneas insist on getting attention from his companion, which made her chuckle faintly. But as idyllic and serene as the moment was, as the owl flew off, Kiro felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge. A warning from the Force.

One of the first skills taught to all Padawans was the ability to sense imminent danger and hostile thoughts of nearby sentients. She could feel Caób start to claw at her thighs, sensing the trepidation of his Jedi companion, but she focused a wave of calm upon the young akk, settling him down, as she brought the hand that was out of their voyeur's view down to loosen her pistol in it's holster, while she continued to smile and act calmly. Hopefully the spacer would move on before he got himself into more trouble than he would have a hope of handling.

"Ah, yes. The training setting. It is a fairly easy conversion. Should only take me half an hour, with the proper equipment. We don't even need to return to the Temple for that. I can do it in the Saorsa, my ship. But if you require any other customization... that might require the Forge on Ilum."


"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
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Trying his best to look inconspicuous Ejani waved a waitress over and asked for a menu. He "read" then menu while tuning his hearing amplifier and weighing the situation in his mind. Should he continue on with the Wookie hunt or divert his attention to the Jedi? They were armed and specially trained but if he could lure them into one of the bazaars crowds...

He continued to consider other ideas but they usually only ended in his death or arrest, both of which he preferred not to happen. "What if I could approach them asking for help finding a criminal Wookie? I mean they are white knights after all" After contemplating for a few more minutes and getting annoyed looks from the waitress he decided on what he was going to do. Quickly rising and placing the menu down he started to walk casually towards the two Jedi, hoping for the best.


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Vit'al was comically overwhelmed at the mere mention of the word "customizations". Having spent more than two decades with his lightsaber, the attachment was strong, and he had always appreciated its simplicity over the exotic tools prefered by some of his peers (present company included). He eased all the way into his chair and spread his broad shoulders along the back. Those who knew him recognized reclining as a sure sign of curiousity, as if physically opening himself up for new ideas. The force was forcasting great change on the horizon, and it was the bending branch that survived the storm. His lips tuned up at their corners. In retrospect it was arrogant to think he planned time with such a consumate craftsperson and friend without the hope that she might draw out some bit of truth only visible by one who knew him best. What a lovely afternoon this would be. Still, a touch of coyness would be worth the conversation it made..

...now Kiro, you know how I feel about all those complicated crosspieces and extra blades....

He suddenly blinked very slowly, lingering a moment with his eyes closed. The interuption was a welcome one. Anneas had found their target. For a brief moment Vit'al could smell the thick matted fur and sweat, hear her low anxious growls, and see her enter a long windowless building adjacent to the market, and only 100 meters off.

Well done friend...
he whispered softly.

With a noticable bump in enthusiasm, he went about the work of placing the small tray of dry zennal root over his cup, and adding more water from the decorative kettle provided. Tapping his nose with a finger, he prepared to inform all present company of the good news before being interupted again. This time the force crawled over him like dozen fightened spiders. He had felt the aggressive pressence earlier, but chose to practice patience, as was his custom. This was much more of a warning than before; an encounter was imminent.

With conversation halted, Vit'al was free to exchange a knowing look with Kiro. She certianly felt it too, and they could sense it in each other as well. Such was the benifit of trust among those who give themselves to the wisdom of the force. He preemtively turned to face the suspicious stranger in question. Upon first glance, it became clear the force may not have been needed to determine the character of this experienced spacer. "Patience", spoke the quite reminder in his head.

With earnest warmth, Vit'al smiled at the gentleman and greeted him in a neighborly tone.

You seem troubled brother, is there something we can do for you?



Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Kiro chuckled softly, the sound not truly false, despite the sense of danger and trepidation that was gripping them both, Vit'al's comments were still enough to draw forth mirth from his blonde companion. She shook her head in bemusement, even as she felt the source of the danger approaching, much like the way a star's light was diverted and absorbed by a black hole in the depths of space. She continued to project wave after wave of calm into Caób, trying to keep the little akk from jumping up from her lap and chasing after whomever had those aggressive thoughts about the two Jedi.

"Oh, I'm quite aware. You'd be happy with a pointy stick and a rock, my friend," Kiro teased lightly, a playful smirk on her lips, quite willing and happy to tease the far more laid back and philosophical jedi, with her own view on lightsabers being somewhat different from Vit'al's. Her saber had a mostly granite hilt, longer than usual to give her greater reach and easily accommodating a two-handed grip, the heavy pommel cap, an internal modification to allow the blade to function underwater, a phrik emitter array, and that plasma crossguard. It was quite different from the almost spartan weapon her dark-skinned companion carried. Vit'al's blade was straight and quite normal in all ways, with an angled emitter shroud, and apart from a little leather wrapping around the hilt, there was nothing unusual about it.

She simply leaned back in her seat as the taller Jedi set to preparing his second cup of his favoured tea, before bringing one leg up to rest over the other, like many would when sitting at ease and relaxing with their friend. However, this also brought the grip of her stun-gun within easier reach for when their would-be adversary was to make his move.


"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
Reaction score
For the first time in a while Ejani was hesitant. He had heard hushed stories about Jedi while on jobs or relaxing in seedy cantinas, to many low lives they were an object of fear and hate. There was a common rule among criminals that Jedi were to be avoided and left alone due to their skills with a lightsaber and the force, which were legendary among those in the criminal underground.

His steps faltered slightly when his thoughts drifted to the stories of Mandalorian warriors who had fought Jedi, the Jedi beat them all and sent them back to Mandalore broken and defeated. Calming his nerve as he reached their table and stood as casually as he could in front of them. He drew out a small holopad describing the bounty and cleared his throat, he was glad that his helmet hid the fear that started to make itself known in his expression. "Sorry to bother you two but have you seen any sign of this Wookie? She was last seen here in this bazaar but I've had no luck in finding her."
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SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2015
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The Common Bazaar. Anything but common really. While Corulag was a core world, and so bound by strict Republic trade laws, if one looked hard enough they could find just about any good or service. Black market trading thrived among the kilometers of vendors, with small “wandering” markets shifting endlessly among the sea of booths. Weapons, armor, slaves or spice. All could be found in these wandering markets, so called because of the method by which they avoided law enforcement. This was what had brought Caedryn to Corulag.

Caedryn walked casually through the marketplace, getting odd looks as he passed various vendors and shoppers. Deep blue Mandalorian armor with black trim covered his form. A long sheathed vibrosword bumped rhythmically against his hip as he walked. On the opposite hip was a heavy blaster pistol, grip forward in its holster. A new addition to his armament was a pair of slick looking pistols holstered under his arms, recently purchased in the underground black market of Corulag. Slung across his back was a gear bag, full of other goodies that he had just purchased.

Whistling as he walked, the sound unimpeded by his helmet, which was clipped to his belt, Caedryn was making his way back to the spaceport. Walking past an open air restaurant, he passed the entrance before stopping suddenly. He felt… force users. Backing up, Caedryn glanced into the restaurant. It took Caedryn only a mere second to spot the source of the feeling, the nebulous aura of the force positively exuded from a pair sitting casually at one of the tables. A man with dirty dreadlocked hair, and a woman who looked more like a spacer than a forcer. Of course, Caedryn knew that one couldn't judge a forcer by how they looked, being one himself.

Butting into a forcer’s business was never a good idea, and Caedryn was about to move on, when he saw another Mandalorian approach the Jedi. Uh-oh. This could be trouble. Likely it was nothing, and the forcer’s didn't feel like darksiders, But Caedryn couldn't leave one of his fellows to chance. So, decision made, Caedryn redirected his steps and walked into the restaurant. Walking up to a table near the trio, Caedryn set his bag down on it. Glancing over at his fellow Mandalorian, Caedryn spoke a greeting in the language of Mandalore. “Greetings brother, strange to run into a fellow warrior so far into the Core.”


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Vit'al put on a poor forgery of a pout and threw a sidelong glance to the staff resting next to him. He could not hold it for long against the charm of his old partner, and a few deep chuckles rumbled up from his belly, determined to enjoy the last few seconds before their reunion was cut short.

The notion of coincidence was a beautiful idea, but to those who had lived with the force this long it was rarely anything more. That man was brandishing an unofficial bounty contract, which only reinforced suspicion of this mans intent. Lying was not something Vit'al enjoyed, but he knew this man had not approached him arbitrarily.

A wookie? I'm not sure why you would ask us of all people.... but we certianly cannot help you. My appologies....

Vit'al finished took a final large sip of his tea and began to rise, collecting his staff and jacket. He was not near the hight of this grizzled stranger, but none the less met his gaze without shirking. In the back of his mind, a gentle thought of restraint was sent to Anneas, whose desire to snack on the man's eye was an unwelcomed intrusion.

Then there was something new. Something resilient and fierce, much like this hunter they faced, but non[threatening. In fact, is he interprited the intention right, this second presence was on its way with an intent that could be considered helpful. The moment Vit'al saw him it made sense. Mandalorian. Both of them must be. It was undeniable . He turned to Kiro and motioned for her to depart with him.

Ah...This looks like a man who may be able to help you friend, may we offer our table?

to Kiro: For, now I think I may have rememberd where the T'bacconist I wanted has his booth.... shall we?



Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Kiro could only produce one of her trademark crooked grins at Vit'al's horrible attempt at faking a wounded pout. The man was a horrible actor. But that was one of the things that they both appreciated in one another, that both spoke the truth, and didn't attempt to hide their emotions or what they might be thinking. Of course, there were exceptions to all things, and they were both aware that there were times when the Jedi, and the Force, would require them both to lie and dabble in deceit, but neither of them were people whom did it habitually, nor enjoyed such an act.

With one hand resting on the handle of her stun-gun, Kiro was ready to draw the weapon at the very moment the second Mandalorian approached, even if she appeared completely relaxed to the two warrior men. Even to Vit'al would she appear relaxed, at least in body. But such was Jedi training. You learned extreme levels of muscular control, to the point where you could appear to be relaxed and at ease on the surface, but be ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. It wasn't a common skill, but it had been one Master Morrigan had taught Kiro while she had been only a Padawan. It was half of a particular philosophy that the Jedi Master had instilled in the former Padawan.

As the second Mandalorian seemed to defuse the situation, and Vit'al rose, so did Kiro, giving the two Mandalorians a polite nod, her hand finally slipping from her stun gun as she lifted Caób up to her shoulder again, where the akk gave an agitated grumble as he sunk his claws into the tough leather of Kiro's vest. "Lead on, old friend," Kiro replied with an inclination of her head to the male Jedi.


"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
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As he watched the two Jedi leave Ejani sat heavily in one of the vacated chairs. In his book this was a failure, he had lost his nerve and balked in front of the two and another Mandalorian. He should've been more careful, made a better plan than just on the fly. Direct approach was usually a no go with those types anyway. He removed his helmet placed it next to him, and wiped away the sweat that had beaded on his forehead. It was a moment before he registered the fellow Mandalorians greeting.

He replied in turn in his native language of Mando'a "Not very surprising these days, work takes us freelancers everywhere." He turned to get a better look at the newcomer. Deep blue traditional mandalorian armor with black trim, a bag of unknown contents slung across his back, and visibly armed to the teeth. Ejani whistled loudly "Just ended a shopping spree kinsman? Wouldn't be surprised in a place like this." He cracked a small smile at his joke, hoping to defuse some of the tension in himself.

His thoughts drifted to his own equipment, his traditional white armor with gold trim, his bag full of essentials, to the heavy blaster pistol hanging in its holster on his hip, and his fathers rifle slung on his back. He felt under armed next to his fellow Mandalorian, who sported two pistols, a heavy blaster pistol, as well as a vibro sword.
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Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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As they left the cafe, Vit'al attempted to shoo Anneas back into the sky, but the bird stubbornly clung to his shoulder. It seemed he was under the impression that he and Caob were playing a mirror game of sorts, or at least he hoped they were as it might produce another treat from the friendly woman. Vit'al aquiesced with a smirk, and placed his free hand behind his back, the other clacking his staff merrily in step on the smooth pavement. He waited until they were a full two blocks before speaking.

The Wookie...just another click north in the windowless red building
. He scoffed a bit in irritation as he considered the Mandolorian involvement. Vit'al had tangoed with such merceneray men many times, and did not find it pleasant.

I do so dislike having my hand forced, but lets not let it ruin our conversation..

Vit'al was completely hooked to hear his old partner's opinion of his saber, and coy was not something he played well. How long had she watched him fight, and how long had she withheld her expert opinion from him? He had sensed it in her the moment he broached the topic, and now that they were at ease, her joke had nailed it home. This sort of rare propriety only, and ironicaly afforded to ones closest friends brought the wry grin back to his face. He pawed at his goatee and looked down on one of the few Jedi he could infact look down on, his voice rang with the subtle tinge of laughter dancing in every word.

Tell me dear friend, how long exactly have you been thinking of my traditional saber being ill suited to me? We are in the thick now, so let us have out with it...
