The Bogan Military AKA Slaves of the Darkside.

Jaqen H'ghar

The Faceless MadGod
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hey there all, just posting in. I wanted to make it clear, as I was unsure if it was that the Slaves of the dark side will in fact be the military might of the bogan. Currently as it is a new sub-faction we will allow applicants to start at a higher ranking than would normally be allowed, thus bi-passing the trail period so long as the character is well written and the person behind the character has shown themselves capable of quality role play by being here long enough, and acting mature enough to take on the responsibilities that come with hire rank such as training, organizing individual events and self-progressing storylines.

I'd like to thank everyone for their continued interest in the Bogan, and within the Slaves of the Dark Side, as I've had a few PM's hit my mailbox about the above questions and thought I'd just post it here for you all to clear that up. If you have anymore questions feel free to send a PM to Azium or Myself.

Thanks :)