The first time

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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Jaleer had just been assigned a new padawan, which was going to make for a interesting experience, though the sage was sure it was simply because he seemed to do great with training others. Other knights were warriors and able to crush heads with their hands, while ol' lit' Jaleer was only good for teaching kids what not to do. In all honestly that was fine for the slightly old Jedi, being near his 40's the sage knew his time as being one of the more energtic Jedi will soon end. So Jaleer thought it was best to at least make sure there will be Jedi, like him more focus on the people than the supposed coming darkness.

On Tython Jaleer was wearing his usual Jedi robes, with his blaster pistol and lightsaber both hanging off the belt, the sage knew he was safe here but, at a moments notice he might have to deal with something else per the Lords, or councils orders. Either was fine for Jaleer, and he would never admit it but he wished the council would not be so stuck on meditation. Though it was good both the Jedi and the people of the galaxy that not all Jedi were proactive, sometimes they did need to step it up to help those in need.

His T7-97 droid beeping next to him, the sage was getting annoyed but the small droid, even though they have been together for longer than Jaleer would like to admit.

"Damn where is he."
Jaleer said.

@Oghon Parsa