The messiah's "Almanac"


the messiah
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2015
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1. Anton Wilhelm von L'Estocq
2. Hekate Irismat
3.Reserved character slot 3#
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the messiah
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2015
Reaction score

Anton Wilhelm von L'Estocq


"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

― Thedran Chas Tzoghorn


General Nightmare
Kingdom Ultima Thule
General commandant


1.88 M
59 kg










Combat blaster-shotgun |Dynamic hammer

Cryo grenades (4) | Thermal Detonators (3) | Vibroknife L | T-6 Heavy blaster pistol

Walker mech suit (upcomming tech)

Unknown Frigate

Holoprojector | Datapad| Map reader | High-end Electrobinoculars | Glasses | Two bodyguard battle droids: Eradicator-series |


The Ultima flagship - "The Autotheist Movement: Hymn"/"Hymn".
Royal palace on Desevro.

Royal blood

Anton was born into a remnant of the "thirty-seven families" on Desevro. Child of a great aristocrat and the oldest brother in a family of four brothers and sisters. His familiy, House L'Estocq, was one of eighteen left and Anton was to strive with his father, trying to keep the ruler ship of the "thirty-seven families". After a childhood in teaching of fiances and combat he was transferred by his father to study at the academy of the institution on Argai. Under the wing of the royal palace King Hendrick II, he was to accompany the prince Emyr Balthasar, and receive the same education that he did.
Anton and Balthasar became like brothers, both deeply interested in their roots, the history, and teachings of their ancestors. Their utter humble obedience fixed their places in the council that was later formed as test of cooperation between the neighboring systems.
It came of into a dispute between King Hendrick II and the ruler ship on Jaminere which King Hendrick had intentionally started. As a wolf flashing its teeth the Argaian king sent a fleet and annexed Jaminere. This made a turn of events for Anton as the King had ordered the L'Estocq to be at his side on his new claimed throne on Jaminere. Reunited with his father at the age of eighteen, Anton was placed in the kings guard, and was trained for warfare. The Arganian king had seen his future in the war and predicted the attack of the sister systems that surrounded Jaminere. By the help of Desevro's alleged ruler ship, the revolt was abruptly suppressed, and the now growing Kingdom of Argai claimed two fresh systems.
Anton saw more and more fieldwork and reached the rank of lieutenant at the age of twenty. While prince Emyr Balthasar on the other hand saw a future at the seat of the throne, for King Hendrick II saw his last days bedridden with syphilis.

A time of war
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec arcu non lorem vehicula condimentum. Morbi condimentum varius risus eu venenatis. Proin porttitor nisi vitae eros congue porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur eu interdum purus. Integer vel lacinia urna. Etiam congue egestas auctor. Morbi eu semper mauris.

Proin ornare neque nec neque venenatis dapibus. Ut nec suscipit nisi, eu imperdiet nibh. Mauris sit amet cursus neque. Etiam sagittis tortor a turpis mollis, quis condimentum sapien maximus. Nam tellus eros, bibendum in ligula sit amet, pretium vulputate justo. Praesent fermentum ligula et ex scelerisque rhoncus. Donec in ante id magna viverra euismod non at ex. Nunc tempor quam felis, sollicitudin tempor sapien dictum quis. Nunc nec ultrices purus. Praesent at risus varius, dapibus elit condimentum, vehicula libero. Ut porttitor mauris purus, id consequat eros dapibus sit amet. Sed at interdum nunc.

Maecenas orci lacus, dictum a aliquam in, iaculis id mauris. Sed luctus sapien at metus volutpat, vel lacinia lacus commodo. Vivamus feugiat lacus nisl, a tempus ante pulvinar non. Mauris mi sem, consequat quis quam sit amet, consequat commodo lectus. Suspendisse justo urna, viverra id feugiat quis, sodales sed tortor. Etiam urna dolor, ornare vitae lorem nec, pharetra consequat dolor. Pellentesque pellentesque sed arcu nec venenatis. Vestibulum nisl tortor, ultricies sed elit gravida, scelerisque vehicula mi. Pellentesque iaculis nisl non quam consequat, ultrices condimentum nibh aliquet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed tristique purus sit amet vestibulum dictum.

The kingdom come, Ultima Thule
Donec rhoncus ex non nisl laoreet, condimentum tristique risus ullamcorper. Ut sapien tortor, iaculis vitae eros vel, bibendum aliquet magna. Nulla non nisl nec eros lacinia efficitur id a quam. In porttitor in magna eget finibus. Mauris venenatis tortor porta orci laoreet mollis. Donec pulvinar tristique tellus, sodales ultricies ipsum scelerisque quis. Donec tincidunt, massa ut vestibulum elementum, erat libero pulvinar tortor, sed luctus lorem mauris facilisis lectus. Suspendisse et ullamcorper sem. Sed malesuada, quam vitae pellentesque ullamcorper, lorem purus ullamcorper leo, non molestie quam nisl et tortor. Nunc finibus facilisis malesuada. Aliquam non lectus consectetur, pulvinar risus cursus, commodo dolor. Donec efficitur sem quis nunc sollicitudin venenatis. Cras sodales diam ac mi sodales, nec mollis ex dictum. Curabitur quis lacus tincidunt, tempus lorem ac, lobortis felis. Nullam vitae blandit nulla.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec arcu non lorem vehicula condimentum. Morbi condimentum varius risus eu venenatis. Proin porttitor nisi vitae eros congue porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur eu interdum purus. Integer vel lacinia urna. Etiam congue egestas auctor. Morbi eu semper mauris.

Proin ornare neque nec neque venenatis dapibus. Ut nec suscipit nisi, eu imperdiet nibh. Mauris sit amet cursus neque. Etiam sagittis tortor a turpis mollis, quis condimentum sapien maximus. Nam tellus eros, bibendum in ligula sit amet, pretium vulputate justo. Praesent fermentum ligula et ex scelerisque rhoncus. Donec in ante id magna viverra euismod non at ex. Nunc tempor quam felis, sollicitudin tempor sapien dictum quis. Nunc nec ultrices purus. Praesent at risus varius, dapibus elit condimentum, vehicula libero. Ut porttitor mauris purus, id consequat eros dapibus sit amet. Sed at interdum nunc.

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the messiah
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2015
Reaction score
[beebox4="725px"][/beebox4][beebox4="725px"]Hekate Irismat [/beebox4][beebox4="725px"]Document for official use only. Do not store in databases outside the designated areas.[/beebox4][beebox4="725px"][/beebox4][beebox4="725px"]
Subject Information

Full name: Hekate Irismat
-Subject 1108-R

Age: 21
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Date of birth: ■■. ■■ .■■■■BBY
Cell number: 08-B12
Days on roam: 820
Report by: Dr. ■■■■ ■■■

Affliction: The Sith Order
Rank: ■■■■■■
[beebox4="725px"][/beebox4][beebox4="725px"][/beebox4][beebox4="725px"][/beebox4][beebox4="725px"][fancybox2][/fancybox2][fancybox2]AppearancePhysiological Examination[/fancybox2]

Strength: ■■■■■■■■
Dexterity: ■■■■■■■■
Constitution: ■■■■■■■
Intelligence: ■■■■■■■■
Wisdom: ■■■■■■■■
Charisma: ■■■■■■■■

Iris color: Pale blue
Hair tone: Jet black
Skin tone: Pale
Height: 1.68 m
Weight: 60.73 kg
Markings: Three black moles beneath lower lip.
Build: Slender

Current subject personal

Hekate is mostly a silent girl with a strong emotional and turbulent mind. She is careful of her surroundings suffering from an anxiety disorder which has shown to give her a cautious but also observant eye. She does not take kindly to strangers and feels best off alone, also notably in the dark. Under the circumstances in which she is being teached under an adult with a notable authority she proves to be humble and consuming. But her mind refuses to bend.
"A nightmare of a test subject."

Current location: ■■■■■■■
Status: ■■ ■■■■■■■■


Paragraph I
A nightmare of a test subject
"Subject 1108-R was accomplished in a tube at base facility ■■■■ on ■■■■ ■■■■■. She was in the second batch of fourth generation subjects in year ■■■■. The subject were to be named Hekate Irismat after the general supervisor ■■. ■■■■■■ ■■■■'s authorization. He took her into his own responsibility to raise and teach.
Subject 1108-R or Hekate, was brought up on the ecumenopolis planet Alsakan (L-9). In her early years there were no compromised tests on her. Each month from infant state until she reached the age of fifteen she underwent tests on her body and neurotic periods. She grew up a silent child with a tendency to wander off. There were often occasions where wardens found her in peculiar places in hiding. Though she did always come back unbidden. At the age of six Hetake was placed in a private school under the authorization of an amendment project from base facility. During her time spent, she started to befriend sentients of her same age. She seemed to grow a despise for arthropods during her stay which would often render even racist. She did however notice her difference to the other children and soon distanced herself from most sentients. Her bond with the general supervisor ■■■■■■ was always strong and kept in tight regulation by the base facility testers. ■■■■■■ kept a loving relationship with her though Hetake became distant, she was ravaged by emotion and had grown an apathetic personality by the age of twelve. The physiological tests she underwent resulted in her body showing weaknesses and she started to develop an eating disorder.

At the age of thirteen she was transferred to another private school for more gifted children as she started showing an interest in data mining and code processing. The base facility disapproved of this and ordered a cross-examination due to the fact that Hetake learning data mining could compromise the project, though the general supervisor ■■■■■■ dismissed the order. Hetake did show talent in coding which effectively improved her emotional state. She started making acquaintances which by the time she reached fifteen proved to be a faculty. There was an incident where she brought a Zeltron male to supervisor ■■■■■■'s and her residence. Due to the collateral damage that the Zeltron had done by his exposure to the classification of the project the base facility ordered him executed. Hetake did not take this lightly resulting in a deep depression. There were incidents of violent outbursts which Hetake forcefully managed to escape several times from her quarantine in the residence.

During the period between fifteen to eighteen she were showing increased dedication to her interests in coding and locked herself in her chambers most days of the week. Compromising incidents started to occur more often as she turned seventeen. She started to disappear from her chambers, returning late in the evening. A warden from the base facility, department of ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ did discover a hidden stash ■■■.■■■ credits stored within the walls of her chambers. Which later proved to be stolen by the means of data mining. She was once again put in quarantine with no means of access to a computing device of any sorts. Though this was only a week after she turned eighteen. A few months later, the general supervisor ■■■■■■ found her neck-chip on the floor in her chambers, which most likely had been extracted by hand. We have attempted to bring her in, though the project has been led to a halt as she is currently under the protection of The Sith order."

Criminal record
■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■
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the messiah
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2015
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Ultima Thule
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SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
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40k and Lovecraft are two paths you've already found into my heart


the messiah
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2015
Reaction score


Fextus 'Omnicius' Ionneth

"Let me stay
here by your side, be one with you my precious child.
Let me cover your bed with tears, I will save you from all fears.
I burn the candles for your soul, I sing you prayers as the preacher told, I bring you flowers, I dress in black though I know this cannot give you back.
I sleep by your shadow remembering your light, in my heart I'm with you every night.
Far goes your journey into the unknown, wherever you might be, be well my son.
Why just you, my flesh and blood, I cannot live nor understand. My dearest treasures to be found, six feet under in sacred ground.
Watch me bleed you lucky ones, I envy you, your living sons.
I'll give mine the strength of my faithful breath,
I will mourn him to my death.

Fextus Innoeth
Lords of the sith
Sith priest

Concerning Omnicius, He is one of the old ways. The roots from where the force descended. A man of rituals and foul incantations. A man so obsessed to find the fruit of life that his practices has touched the surface of pure necromancy. What do you do when you meet him in the dim lit halls on Korriban? We'll for the one who takes interest in the macabre and taboo, one might want to ask to learn from him. But if one holds their sanity dear they would quickly want to turn the other way. He poses as a man of many talents with black hair falling onto his shoulders. An insidious personality hides behind his eyes, speaking often in riddles. He is clothed in black garments that are bound with a rope around his waist, holding his somewhat corpulent belly in place, for his visage inspires sin and cunning in which he represents embodiment.
If you have ever strayed from the academy on Zoist, you sometimes hear the haunting tones lingering with the wind. For if you follow the paths to the north east towards the dying star when the night is at its darkest. You will soon hear the sounds getting clearer. In his studies Omnicius entices himself in music, playing his organ the melodies takes form of his agony and dispair.


Omnicius played with his hand in the candle flame. On the table where the master and the apprentice sat, they were presented with pleasantries as wine, exotic meats and dried fruit. But the apprentice hadn't touched a single morsel nor drunk a single sip of the beverage. The reflection of his master was caught in the blood red substance in his chalice in front of him, shining with the light of the chandelier. Their conversation had been led to an interlude.
Outside the wind was moaning as one could hear the lanterns beat against the windows. The apprentice didn't know what to say. The tension of the story was at its peak, but Omnisius had ended it abruptly. If he was to tell him too continue, the priest might take it as an insult. That he couldn't enjoy the silence. That he wasn't patient enough. He could make up any reason to throw him right out the door again. The reverend finally broke the silence.

"Some of these creatures we have here at our table today once were bipedal. They walked on two legs." Omnicius turned to look at the apprentice which caught his eye.

"Yes. Though they are considered animals." The apprentice responded.

"What makes you say that?"

The apprentice shifted in his seat "Because its what I have been told." He refrained from speaking of his mother. The master must see him as ignorant if he had told him that he based his vision of the world on what his mother had told him as a child.
The apprentice was burning with tension. He had to know.
"The ritual, what happened?"

The reverend laughed and led his chalice onto his lips.
"State of the ritual was accomplished." He replied and tipped the chalice empty.
He placed it on the silver plate, and sunk his eyes into the apprentice.

"Deep in the abyss, among the mists of death, a gate of stone marks the path to soul's damnation and hell's wrath.
Ancient evil is waiting there, at the doorstep to hell, within it's darkness the demons dwell"

The apprentice was mesmerized

And the master continued.
"From the dark age the passage hail, created by witchcraft and hate, where every sinner will meet his fate.
The place is cursed by the hands of doom with unholy powers in reign, The lord's paradise of pain."

A grin was spreading over the master's lips. It was first now, the apprentice understood something was not right.
He couldn't move. The knife beside his plate lifted into the air, he tried to take his eyes away from the master's but he couldn't.
The master was calm, as the knife meant to cut his bread slowly slid into the boy's neck. He coughed blood, hearing the voice of his master whispering in his head.

"The Eibon opens for you, the choirs of damnation calls you on through.
The twilight possesses, the heart of your soul.
The starlight is fading to black,
to the Demons gate"


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