To Create a Saber


SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2008
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The days of padawan-ism for Chasted is numbered to all he knows. Lightsaber parts were laid out in a protective case and its crystal was wrapped up carefully and was held in a like-manner. However, something was a little strange about the Temple on Ossus. More than just a little strange in fact... This had quickened his pace to a run in an attempt to find his master, while trying to keep the components safe from harm.


SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
((Ok, stuff it, I'll say this happened before the 'attack' on the Jedi council so I'll turn back time... Others seem to have done it))

The sun was rising for a few day on Ossus and a borrowed Jedi spaceship returns from another journey from the 'unknown'. The driver, Chasted, carried his reward from the journey; a crystal that seemed to glow like no other when he glanced at it. The chickens had returned! Praise Allah and the mighty ducklings as they are victorious. The mighty fish god, Allah, was pleased at the bounty of plentiful goods that was to be sacrificed to it. The Fish was an old but wise lord and he knew of some very trying times that are coming to his people and would have preferred less. Exiting the shuttle the Padawan searched for for his master planning to request something of his master, if he is able to be found quick enough.