Independent Walt Bosmar


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score

Walt Bosmar


► 38
► Human
► 1.72m (5 foot 7)
► 154 lbs
► Blue
► Grey
► Anaxes
► Male
► Indie
► Ex-Republic Peacekeeper
► No
Walt joined the New Republic Peacekeepers when his time in the local defence force for Anaxes was up. As someone from a family with a long history of military service, when the call went out for sentients to join the New Republic in defending itself from threats both domestic and foreign? Walt jumped at the chance and landed with both feet.

Working well within a unit, Walt was given specialist training in bomb disposal and served as a combat engineer in both combat and non-combat missions. During the actions against the Killiks, Walt found himself becoming more and more numb, more disillusioned, as many of his friends and allies died while Walt endured. Displaying a fondness for using explosives against the Killiks, he garnered a modest reputation as someone tasked with helping to assault fortified positions to help break them open.

The illusion was shattered when the New Republic began to implode - when men and women he'd served in the same unit with were outed as Joiners, when they attempted to turn him into one of them. He fought his way free and linked up with non-joiner forces just in time to watch as the New Republic began to dissolve and, with it, every life sacrificed, every life taken, was dissolved of all meaning.

What had it all been for if not for the Republic to stand strong?

A festering, burning, hatred for the Killiks, the Joiners, the ISC, the Jedi and the Sith began to burn inside of him as he looked at every possible enemy of the Republic as those being responsible for its downfall. For being the reason why none of his efforts mattered, why everything he had done had been worthless.

Seizing the chance offered by the implosion of the New Republic, Walt took his standard issue arms and armour - grabbed the controls of a patrol skiff - and left the military behind, going AWOL at a time when no one would care to look for him. Since then, Walt has gotten work as a mercenary to provide credits but has continued to search for people he can hold responsible for the fall of his beloved Republic.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, Walt Bosmar was a man of conviction, determination and duty - now what remains is a husk of a man who has seen his convictions proven false, his determination made pointless and his duty undone by a lie. The end of the New Republic took an emotional toll on Walt, leaving him often tired and depressed but possessing deep wells of spite and anger at those he views as the ones responsible for bringing him do low.

When possessed by a remnant of his determination, he is a dogged man who will go to great lengths to satisfy his grudges - and he has settled on a great many of grudges.

To settle his nerves, Walt has a number of coping mechanisms including an over-reliance on strong caf, cleaning his ship compulsively and collecting stray cats.


+ Military-Trained Pilot (Good)
+ Military-Trained Slicer (Decent)
+ Military-Trained Sharpshooter (Good)
+ Military-Trained Close Quarters Combat (Excellent)
+ Military-Trained Explosive (Excellent)

+SR3 Trace-Class Patrol Skiff
+Trooper Armor
+1x DC-17 Hand Blaster
+1x Vibroknife

