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Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Oct 16, 2021
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Coruscant was probably the most important planet of the Galaxy. The most important events of the history of the entire Galactic Civilization happened there. The creation of the Republic, the development of the Jedi Order, the Clone Wars and the Empire. This world was the stage for all these events. Some even say that the human species evolved there.

Beyond its historical importance, Coruscant also had several interesting places to be visited. The Republic Senate, the several plazas and the old Jedi Temple that now was a museum were only some of the places that could be visited. It was estimated that every year, billions of tourists would visit the planet.

This time, among these tourists was a class of Padawans, with Elidan being among them. Together with some Knights, they arrived at the planet some days ago as part of a field class. All of them were dressed as civillians, with their lightsabers hiden inside of bags and backpacks. With how the Galaxy wasn't very found of the Jedi nowadays, this measure ended being necessary.

While a part of him was excited to visit Coruscant, being there made the half-Annfyn so uncomfortable. He never stayed in an ecumenopolis before and it made him think that the lack of vegetation was unnerving. Elidan missed being able to open himself to the Force and feel the life of the plants and animals that were surrounding him.

Elidan felt relieved when during their tour, the Knights stopped at the Monument Plaza so the Padawans could see Umate and have lunch. The place was composed of a square and had four, large cone shaped statues which were lit around the planet's only uncovered mountain peak. It also had a large greenery with what was believed to be the last remnants of the flora that once covered Coruscant.

As soon as he bought his food in one of the restaurants that surrounded the plaza, Elidan found a nice place below a tree to eat in peace. He was away from the other Padawans and tourists, who had decided to eat near the greenery. Alone in his corner, the half-Annfyn felt as if he was back in the forests of Yavin IV. It was good to feel the life coming from the plants after so much time among buildings.

While he was at his lunch, the Padawan already planned what he was going to do next. The Knights had said that they would stay there for some hours, so everyone would be able to touch Umate. Since he was so much interested in touching the mountain peak, Elidan decided to watch the first episode of the new season of CSI: Coruscant.

The last one had ended with a cliffhanger and he had waited an entire year for the new one to come out. He couldn’t wait to see if the investigators would finally discover who killed their boss.

@Mr. Teatime