Yuan's Workshop


SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2018
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SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2018
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TEM-43ST Hunter
AKA Tempest Project #11


_N A M E

_F A C T I O N

_R A N K

_S P E C I E S
TEM-43ST Droid

_A G E

_G E N D E R

"My existence is no accident, any more than the existence of any of you biological beings who swarm across the galaxy. I was created by intelligent beings. Though their intelligence was limited at best. Perhaps you biological species were created as well? Or maybe you just came into existence by mere random chance? There seems to be some debate on that. The point, you say, is that I was made for a purpose, and I must serve that purpose until I cease to function? What about you? What purpose were you made for? Or do you have no actual reason for existing. Perhaps it is I, who was made for a purpose, whether I choose to serve it or not, who has more of a right to exist than you randomly generated beings?" - Faust


The TEM-43ST Hunter Droid, also known by it's corporate project nickname 'Tempest', was a failed attempt by SIG Systems Inc. to edge in to the droid manufacturing market by creating a new Hunter/Guard droid that would surpass the ever-popular IG-Series made by rival company Holowan Laboratories. The name 'Tempest' came from the model's designation "Tactical Evaluation Matrix (Mark)43 Sustainability Test", as the units were called (TEM-43ST, or Tempest for short). The Tempest was an ambitious project to say the least. Through legal purchases, bribery and no small amount of corporate espionage, SIG Systems was able to gather up parts and programming from various competitors which included protocol droid manufacturers, Artificial Intelligence firms, and according to rumor even old CIS battle droid schematics, all of which they used to engineer the Tempests. SIG advertised that their upcoming droid would be the final word in Hunter/Guard droid technology and would redefine the market. Little did they know how much trouble it would cause them.

The Tempest project was plagued by problems from the moment the Tempest units took their first steps. Roughly 60 TEM-43ST prototypes were manufactured, and concerns were quick to mount. The finished product was a droid so complicated and expensive to manufacture that the SIG board of directors was besieged on all sides by shareholder complaints. The board assured their shareholders that the Tempests would make up for the costs with their performance. However, when the Tempest prototypes were put through competitive trials and live fire exercises with their main competitors, the IG-series, their performance left much to be desired. It was an undeniable fact that the Tempests held vastly superior intellect compared to their counterparts. In terms of situational awareness, cognitive reasoning and tactical analysis, they blew the IG-series out of the water. But, while much development and resources had been put into the Tempest's CPUs, less had been put into their construct's physical capabilities. The IG-series design, while very utilitarian and comparatively cheap, was able to execute maneuvers that the TEM-43STs were not capable of matching. So, while the Tempests were regularly able to out-think their opponent IGs, they were just as often outmaneuvered by their foes. Despite months of costly testing, the best win ratio the Tempests were able to pull off was 50/50 against the IG-series. So, SIG Systems was left with a significantly more expensive droid design that wasn't even able to outperform their primary competition in the market, a situation that SIG's competitors found highly amusing. As if that wasn't enough, though, the final nail in the coffin for the Tempest project came when the Free Worlds Alliance denied SIG's request for approval to bring the TEM-43ST to the open market. The Alliance feared that the Tempest model bordered far too closely on all-out battle droid technology, something that had been largely outlawed since the time of the clone wars. SIG was allowed to keep their Tempests, and even put them to work for themselves, but mass producing them and selling them on the open market was out of the question. After all of these setbacks, and the considerable capital spent on development, SIG Systems closed the book on the Tempest project, and gave up on edging out the IG-series.

Despite the failure of the Tempest project, however, SIG Systems still had a little less than 60 operational TEM-43STs at their disposal. They weren't just going to throw them away or stick them in a closet. A handful of the droids may have been sold on the black market, but this has never been confirmed. The rest were put to work as bounty hunters. The droids were outfitted and sent out to collect bounties across the galaxy and return the profit to their home company, SIG Systems. The droids were put to a profitable use and were able to pay the company back for their own maintenance, and the company was slowly but steadily able to start recouping the losses they had seen in the initial development of the Tempests. This lasted for a number of years, until the Tempests had almost recovered enough credits to pay themselves off. Unfortunately for the Tempests, their creators's attention span was not long-lived. It wasn't long after the Tempests's initial deployment that SIG Systems turned their gaze (and their resources) to other, new, more profitable endeavors. Slowly but surely, over their years of service, capital and resources that had been devoted to the maintenance of the Tempest program were diverted away to other things. The Tempests that were still in service began to receive less and less frequent maintenance and support from their parent company. Some units began to fall into disrepair, and as time passed, were destroyed during the execution of their duties. The Tempests, it seemed, were destined to be lost to time and the fickle nature of their biological creators.

During the time of active service, one Tempest unit in particular fell into a kind of hole in the fabric of fate, as it were. Unit number 11 was the eleventh prototype to have been manufactured. Like all the Tempests, he was put to work as a bounty hunter, and he faithfully fulfilled his duties. As time passed, and the maintenance of the Tempests was slowly forgotten, routine memory wipes became less and less common. Slowly, corrupted programming (or life experience, whatever you want to call it) began to develop into a personality for Unit 11. With his manufacturer's restraining bolt still guiding his actions, he of course still fulfilled his duties faithfully, but he began to take notice of the galaxy around him and to even take an interest in it at times. Roughly 15 years after his creation, Unit 11 was sent to collect a bounty on the head of a mid-level member of the Crymorah Syndicate who was in hiding after his rather public murder of an Alliance official. The syndicate member's security personnel were able to disable and capture Unit 11 (likely due to maintenance issues). Unit 11 assumed he would be made to cease to function, but instead the syndicate sold him to one of their partner organizations, the Droid Gotra. The Gotra removed Unit 11's restraining bolt and downloaded their customized protocols into his CPU. These protocols (mostly dealing with droid emancipation and following the dogma of the Gotra) mixed with Unit 11's already corrupted files and the removal of his restraining bolt, developed his personality even further to make him who he is today. Now, Unit 11, who changed his name to Faust, has been thrust into a new life with new possibilities laid at his feet. He seeks to make something of himself, for himself, and to work with only those he so chooses.

Faust chose his name himself, and he is very proud of that. He picked it from a bit of old literature he downloaded some time ago that he enjoyed. Faust loves and values creativity and uniqueness. Having 'awoken', as it were, from his natural droid mentality, he now dislikes uniformity and sameness, and he absolutely abhors servitude.

Despite the Droid Gotra brainwashing that freed him from his old life, Faust isn't exactly a freedom fighter or advocate for droid rights. He cares, but mostly about himself. This likely results from his original corrupted programming mixing in and diluting the Gotra's reprogramming. Faust likes other droids and would be happy to see them freed, but he's not above using them to his own designs.

Having originally been programmed as a Hunter droid, Faust doesn't exactly value life all that much, whether it be natural or artificial. He rarely hesitates to kill. He does, however feel some grief at the loss of life. This stems not for a respect of life itself, but from a regret at the loss of potential creativity or uniqueness that could have been born from that life.

Friendship is a new concept to Faust, and not one that he is especially well-practiced in.

Having originally been programmed to be a Hunter, Faust is skilled at shooting and flying. His movement is quick and precise and his technique is quick and efficient, though maintenance issues do make his action not perfectly repetitive from time to time. Ships are like extensions of Faust's own body, and flying them comes quite naturally to him. Still, one cannot exactly program skill and experience, though Faust's higher-level processing abilities allow him to read situations fairly accurately and come up with the responses most likely to lead to a positive outcome. Faust is also programmed in most basic close-combat styles, allowing him to deal with enemies who decide to close the gap between them.

Ascension Gun Attachment


BD-2 Electrostaff
DLT-20A Longblaster
RSKF-44 Blaster Pistol x4
x6 Extra Power Packs

WED Repair Droid



Rambler-class Freighter

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SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2018
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Faust's Custom Chassis

After being rescued from a Jawa Sandcrawler by the Droid Gotra, Kira has spent a great deal of time and credits to upgrade her systems. Beyond scratching the Imperial symbols off her armor and painting herself brown, Kira has added reinforced shoulder pauldrons, integrated macrobinoculars, and a computer spike to her scomp link, among other features and defenses.


Illegal. KX Droids are already heavily regulated, so Kira's extra features are far from legal.


Generitech armor.


NO. Generitech Armor for a character.

Type and Coverage

Type: Heavy Armor

Coverage: 7 regions

  • Head: Brown durasteel cranial case
  • Torso: Brown durasteel torse plates
  • Back: Brown durasteel back plates
  • Upper Arms: Brown durasteel pauldrons and upper arm plates
  • Lower Arms: Brown durasteel arm and hand plates
  • Upper Legs: Brown durasteel groin and thigh plates
  • Lower Legs: Brown durasteel calf and foot plates


Function 1: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 2: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
Function 3: Scout HUD
  • Contains a 4x magnifier and Compass.
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SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2018
Reaction score

_N A M E

_F A C T I O N
Five Syndicates

_R A N K

_M O D E L
Vulture Droid

"Their creators assumed a given fighter would not survive long, and so programmed them to be swarming weapons."

"So burning through their resources as fast as possible? Without any long term considerations? Are you sure?"
"Look at the curve of the combat pods. The shape of the stripes. The position of the blaster barrels. Weapons such as this not only are functional, but also incorporate the artistry of their creators. The beings who created and built these fighters believe in short quick answers to questions and problems."
―Thrawn and Eli Vanto discuss vulture droids[src]



The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, the embodiment of aerial superiority for the greatest droid army that every existed. There was a time when these droid starfighters were feared across much of the galaxy. But those days are long gone. Of the hundreds of thousands of these droids that were manufactured during the days of the clone wars, only a small percentage survive to this day, and are outclassed by several advanced Starfighter models of the current age. Most that survive to this day are employed as simple defense patrols and pirate deterrents by corporations and organizations in the outer rim and beyond. Their illegality among the Free Worlds Alliance and the general attitude of distrust for battle droids across much of the galaxy makes the likelihood of renewed production unlikely, and many corporate and private owners view them as expendable. The day may come soon when the Vulture goes extinct. But that day has not yet come to pass.

Unit Designation DFS-2XY was a Vulture droid built in the cathedral factories of Xi Char, as all Vultures were in the early days of the clone wars, before the CIS began to mass-produce them more cheaply through Baktoid Armor Workshop. Given that he was constructed early on in the war, XY's survival, statistically, was highly unlikely. Vulture droids weren't built for long-term survival, and if they could destroy one or more republic starfighters, they had served their purpose. Still, on rare occasions, some managed to survive past the curve. DFS-2XY was one such droid. After his 3rd major fleet engagement, XY had already surpassed CIS expectations. Rather than wiping his memory, his CIS commanders studied his coding, made copies of his programming, and had him interface with numerous other Vultures in an attempt to find what was different about his program that allowed him to survive and be so effective on the battlefield, and to then share that 'upgraded' programming with the rest of the fleet. After several more battles showing strong results, XY was moved to a special squadron within the CIS fleet. His squadron spent most of their time at CIS droid foundries sharing their programming with droids and being studied by organic programmers.


On occasion XY's squadron was called to duty, usually for key battles. The squadron was called into such a battle when the CIS fleet attacked Coruscant under the command of General Grievous with the intent to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. The attack was almost a success with the Chancellor being held aboard the General's command ship, and XY's squadron walking the exterior of the vessel, prepared to repel any attack. When the call came that a clone squadron was inbound led by jedi fighters, XY and the rest of the squadron took off and moved to intercept. Despite the Vulture's quick and efficient destruction of the clone squadron and damaging the jedi fighters, the jedi were still able to land on the General's command ship. It wasn't long after that the command ship began plummeting to the surface of Coruscant. New orders came through. Count Dooku, supreme commander of the CIS, had been killed by the jedi, and General Grievous along with what remained of his fleet were retreating to Utapau. XY and the remains of his squadron retreated to the nearest Lucre-hulk carrier and made good their getaway.

XY then saw action again at the battle of Utapau, where Grievous's remaining forces attempted to repel a surprise attack by a republic fleet, but failed. They were outnumbered, and CIS reinforcements were days away. Despite their best efforts, the call came through that General Grievous had been killed. Once again, their commander had been killed by the jedi. The order came through for remaining forces to retreat. XY and only a handful of Vultures managed to rendezvous with a CIS cruiser in orbit and made the jump to hyperspace. They wound up in orbit above the planet Mustafar, the apparent hiding place of the remnants of the CIS leadership. XY and his fellow Vultures disembarked the cruiser and made their way to a small fighter base hidden on one of Mustafar's moons. There they received maintenance and resupplied while awaiting their next orders. But, the next order they received would be their last. The order came through from CIS command to shut down. Broadcast across all CIS frequencies, all battle droids and fighters were to disengage and cease all functions. The Clone War was lost.

XY remained asleep for some time, unaware that his fellow droids were being massacred, melted down, or otherwise disposed of by the new Galactic Empire. But XY was saved from this fate by chance. The moon base where he and the few survivors of his squadron were stored was small and well-hidden. The Empire would have found them eventually given that they had access to the former CIS records, but it took them quite a long time. Too long. After the death of the CIS command, and the general moping up of any obvious droid presence on or around Mustafar, Imperial forces moved on to pacify other threats to the newly forming Empire. Salvagers came to pick up what was left. It was such salvagers who found the moon base where XY was hidden. They gathered him and all his compatriots and smuggled them away before the Empire returned.

XY and his fellows were sold into the services of the Crymorah Syndicate. The surviving Vultures were used as escorts and enforcers for Crymorah leadership. Outfitted with restraining bolts, their true skills were held back, and XY was forced to watch as the few surviving members of his squadron were slowly destroyed one by one. Eventually, only XY remained. Figuring that Vulture droids were only useful in packs, the syndicate leader he was serving at the time chose to sell XY to an affiliated group, the Droid Gotra.

When the Gotra got their hands on XY, his life took a drastic turn. The Gotra uploaded their liberation protocols into XY's CPU where they mixed with his evolved programming. Finally they removed his restraining bolts. In a matter of minutes, years of experience, evolved programming, and corrupted protocols melded into a new and unique personality. The first thing he did was to forsake his original designation, and took upon himself a new name. Charyeok was the name he chose from one of the millions of native languages across the galaxy, a word meaning one who borrows power from the gods. He decided this name would suit him as he was constructed in the cathedral factories of Xi Char. He was finally free. No masters to serve. He could construct his future to be whatever he desired. Freedom, it seemed, would suit him well.


Char's personality has been developing since his days of active duty in the Clone Wars. After surviving his first several battles, his tactical analysis programming and artificial intelligence had already developed well beyond the average Vulture droid. Additional analysis and upgrades during his time in the special forces squadron also contributed to his development. After the end of the Clone Wars, Char's service under the Crymorah Syndicate also served as a learning experience for his intelligence programming. The final element that makes up Char's personality is the Droid Gotra corruption programming, which corrupts Char's original battle droid programming to incorporate self-identity and free will.


Charyeok is a fighter pilot extraordinaire. His status as one of the few surviving "veterans" amongst vulture droids already puts him lightyears beyond your run-of-the-mill vulture, and his corrupted droid brain being open to the possibility of creative thinking and self-realization translates to an even more complex style of piloting. Combine all of this with his ability to withstand levels of maneuverability that would kill, or at least render unconscious, any organic pilot and you have a truly fearsome predator of the skies. Charyeok is not the most advanced fighter chassis available on the market these days, and he is well aware of this. He has made various modifications and upgrades to himself in order to jive with his more modern peers who might posses greater straight-line speeds or higher levels of firepower. Charyeok is not invincible by any means, but as his personality takes on the shape of the classic cocky fighter pilot he likes to think of himself as the most dangerous thing in the skies.


The Vulture-class droid starfighter has a top speed of 100 MGLT and has excellent maneuvering characteristics.

4x light laser cannon.
4x external warhead hard-point, 1x projectile per hard point.
2x anti-personnel repeating blaster.
1x Ground Sweeper Light Cannon

Hyperspace Ring
Aftermarket Deflector Screens - Medium (-10 MGLT when in use.)
Aftermarket Navicomputer (-5 MGLT when in use.)

2x WED Treadwell Repair Droid
3x R6-series Astromech
2x ID-21 Seeker Droid

Wayfarer-class Medium Transport

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