Mission Pack Zesty Zeltros Zadventures - [4/5 missions filled]


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sith Champions @Ambrosia and @Lux Avery discovered an old warehouse on Zeltros after a chance meeting, leading to them removing (killing) the former inhabitants, members of a street gang called the Tunnel Snakes. Now that the facility has been cleared of any pests, its time for the Sith to start sowing seeds of influence among the locals. Also, the warehouse needs some attention.

Overarching Goal: Creating a "charitable" cover for the Sith base on Zeltros allows the warehouse to 'hide in plain sight' as a well-meaning organization that definitely is only helping the local disenfranchised populace and is definitely not influencing them in any way at all. Additionally, creating power vacuums within said populace and influencing local politicians to support the organization funnels more power/influence into said base, potentially bringing funds, influence, and even supporters to the Sith while remaining undercover.

— Sith Charity

Ask, Self-DM, Influence | [Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing] | Participants: @Ambrosia, @cremek THE ROSE candorus, @ikaran

Taking control over the warehouse was one thing, but turning it into something legitimate is another. In order for the warehouse to properly function as a base for the Sith, it'll need a front so that suspicions aren't drawn our way. The warehouse is located in the poorer regions of Zeltros' capital city, providing the Sith with the perfect cover: charity.

Sith joining Ambrosia on this mission should be willing and able to adopt a 'charitable' public persona to aid her with her establishment of the front.

— Snakes in the City

Ask, Self-DM, Combat | [Snakes in the City] | Participants: @Thel Xeros, @Cyutadakyr
Though the Tunnel Snakes occupying the warehouse were dealt with, it's possible that more exist out in the streets of the capital. Find, them, deal with them, but most importantly, don't let it lead back to you.

Sith joining this mission will be informed that the Tunnel Snakes used to have a deadly rivalry with another gang called the Street Cats run by a man named Russk. Use this information to your advantage. It might even be advantageous to get rid of the Street Cats too. To, you know, create a little bit of a power vacuum.

— Be-Warehouse

Ask, Self-DM, Exploration | [Dank Basement, Bro] | Participants: @Azar Kressh, @Irelia Veld, @Dei Ra'Vida
When a crew of acolytes were brought in to clean up the mess left behind by the Tunnel Snakes (including themselves), they discovered a barricaded lower level of the warehouse. Of the initial acolytes that ventured down to check it out, only two returned, unnerved and citing stories of decayed AMS zombies and other weird occurrences. However, they also said that the level seemed to go much further down.

Sith joining this mission are tasked with clearing out whatever creatures, abominations, or other messes lie below and then surveying the extent of these lower levels. Having a 'secret' lower level to the warehouse could allow for more sensitive operations to occur under the nose of those visiting the upper levels, but it all depends on what lies beneath.

— Pride and Politics

Ask, Self-DM, Influence | [Pride and Politics] | Participants: @Ciri, @Luwalhati, @Maros Lasan
Zeltros is well known for its party life, but past the partying lies a corrupt world of politicians and the corporations that back them. In order to expand Sith influence on the planet and gain resources without sounding off any alarms, it is necessary to plant the seeds of influence from a more legitimate standing.

Sith joining this mission should be inclined toward diplomacy, compromise, and manipulation; violence and brutism will not be well served here. Two politicians are currently campaigning for control over the district in which the warehouse lies; find an ally in one of them with promises of political support and influence among the local population (or something just as adequate) and help pave their way to victory in exchange for their monetary and/or vocal support of the new 'charity' non-profit.

— Taste Testing

Ask, Self-DM, Exploration/Influence | [thread] | Participants: @Serene @Vena Lann
In order for there to be parties, there must be party places. Nightclubs, strip clubs, hookah bars... there are a thousand different types of venues on Zeltros and every last one of them is designed to draw in customers with credits and crowns in hand.

Sith joining this mission have two tasks. One, go forth into the city and visit these different venues. Stick to the smaller ones and search for establishments that could potentially be easily overtaken and ones that are in a good spot to be built up into something better. In order to fund our operations on Zeltros, we'll need a steady stream of income, and the best way to do that is to get involved with the businesses here. Two, after you're done taste-testing the various places, find a few and begin the process of acquisition. The ends justify the means, but do try not to draw too much attention to yourselves. Its not necessary to nab the quite yet, but brownie points if you manage to seal the deal on one or two.

  • Dice are optional for all threads. Use them or don't use them.
  • To sign up, please reply with your character's name and which mission you're interested in.
  • If there's enough interest I'll add more missions for fun ✨
  • There is no posting cadence but please only sign up if you're interested in completing the thread. Thank youuu <33
  • Think of the missions more as prompts rather than strict guidelines. As long as something along the lines of what I described is worked toward/obtained have at it!
  • Missions will be marked as full if there are a) full, or b) the thread OP has been posted.
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SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2022
Reaction score
@Thel Xeros Snakes in the City. If there isn’t enough of a sign up for it, I’d be interested in Pride and Politics as a back up, if it is still available at that point.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score
Can I participate in mission one? @cremek THE ROSE candorus is actually a master at that stuff.
@Thel Xeros Snakes in the City. If there isn’t enough of a sign up for it, I’d be interested in Pride and Politics as a back up, if it is still available at that point.
@ikaran for mission one. :)
@Azar Kressh for Be-Warehouse

All added. @vinter @theaveragejedishadow I will tag you both in the thread when I get it up.

@Dei Ra'Vida for Be-warehouse or Snakes in the City.

Do you have a preference between these two? Either thread would be good to start if you join.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score
@Ciri for Pride and Politics!
Making a comeback with @Luwalhati for Pride and Politics. Thank you! :D
@Maros Lasan for Pride and Politics if there's still room!

That's three so y'all are good to go!

@Cyutadakyr to fill <3 (cant decide rn)

Putting you down for Snakes bc it's the only one not full yet.

Don't forget to tag me in the thread OPs everyone, or link them here. Thanks <3


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score
Added an additional mission!