The Battle of Coruscant -- Galactic Alliance Defense Force Command Center


Not nearly as Prissy as Padme
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2012
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The purple haired Padawan didn’t argue with Larik’s orders; not this time. Narrah understood when it was time for business. Concepts, theories, and ideals had their time and place to be challenged, but this was battle, and challenging orders was far from her mind. The Padawan charged through the door and up the stairs to a second floor landing where she could get a clearer shot of the enemy. It wasn’t the ideal spot. She preferred a much higher nest, but this would do for now.

The skilled assassin released the bi-pod on her Sniper Rifle and rested it on the railing of the durasteel landing. Turning on the electronic scope, her violet eye scanned the battlefield. Her heart thumped in her chest, as the horde of Sith, Imperials, and Mandolorians closed in on their position. The stirring words that her Master gave below were washed out from the pulsing blood that rushed through her ears. Closing her eyes, Narrah called upon the Force to aid and focus her. While adrenaline was useful in close quarters, she needed a calm steady hand to perform her task.

With her nerves quieted, Narrah returned to her view in the scope. As the Imperial force closed on the Alliance lines, the steeled assassin chose her first target. It was a Zabrak Sith with deep purple markings covering his face. Now was the time to take out as many Sith as possible. Once combat began, trying to feel for any oncoming danger would be sensory overload for any Force User. As the two lines closed the Sith’s walk transformed to a jog, and then finally a sprint; his crimson blade arching high through the air. The rifle jerked violently in her hand. Through the magnified scope, she watched the Sith’s body flop to the ground and his lightsaber cascade through the air.

”7…” the Padawan called out to herself.

Her aim then bounced around the field, as she searched for Officers… there. A man heavy with medals and bars pointed and yelled to men around him. Inhaling, the assassin held her breath as she prepared for the more difficult shot. She slowly exhaled as the rifle jerked once more. The amber bolt charged through the air plowing through the man’s skull. The group of soldiers looked horrified as one of their coordinators fell before them.

”6…” she called out.

Her aim moved to a heavily armored man. She watched as the Sergeant point out his orders, and then moved with the deadly grace of a combat veteran. He was a much more complicated target. His constant motion and his expert use of cover, made getting a clear shot difficult. She took her chance, when his squad had to charge through a long stretch of clear ground before they could reach their cover. The rifle fired. The heavy armor on the man’s left shoulder shattered. Large pieces of the man’s armor cut through his flesh, spraying blood everywhere. Two men went to drag the man to cover, while another covered their retreat and the medic moved to do his job. The more beings she could take out of the fight, the better.

”5…” Narrah exclaimed.


The Wierdo over there
SWRP Writer
May 18, 2013
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John watched as the troopers continued to advance, even despite their massive amounts of firepower directed at the enemy. The enemy was indeed well disciplined, but that would be the reason John held the position. He saw the Sith Alcolyte advance on his position, and smiled. Maybe death would smile on him this day. He spoke in a whisper to none but his fallen brothers.

"I'll be seeing you soon,"

Rising from his crouch, he began to fire even more rapidly, letting the bolts rain down upon the enemy troopers, and calling out to the troops.

"Secondary positions now," He motioned to the positions not thirty feet behind them. He had a plan to utilize an old favorite tactic of his. Glancing down at the charges placed strategically along the defensive positions, an engineer gave him a thumbs up. John was the last to fall back, as the Sith continued to advance. Without thinking, as two Sith regular troopers rushed him, trying to overtake him, John reacted. He ducked underneath the first, and caught the second with a kick, stopping him in his tracks. Sidestepping the Sith trying to bash him with his rifle, John drew his pistol in his right hand, and began firing both of them simultaneously at the two, killing them both. He continued firing them as he retreated back. He yelled in challenge to the other Sith troopers trying to get closer, but still being held at bay with the combined firepower their new position granted.


A few Sith began to try and man the positions that John's men had left behind. Good. One squad had a weapon finally turned their way, when John drew out the detonator in full view of them all. He pressed the button, unleashing hell on the Alliance's former position. Fragmentation charges detonated all along the line, spraying the area with deadly shrapnel, tearing holes through mesh, soldier, and destroying the emplacements. He roared a call to his men while the shrapnel was still flying.

"Over the top you maggots, you want to live forever?! FOR THE ALLIANCE!"

Then John did something that was unexpected, at least, in the face of common sense. He vaulted over their cover, and charged the enemy's newly acquired position. The gunners still manned their weapons, but riflemen and women alike joined the charge. A mighty war cry left them all as they made their fateful charge at the enemy. John was at the tip of the spear, firing his blaster rifle like a madman, adding more confusion into the firestorm that was now his old position. The shrapnel flying overhead did not deter him, if anything, it hardened his resolve. He could see his old squad, his men, his brothers beside him. He felt the full force of 1st Squad behind him, and with it, he felt like nothing could stop him. He was back on Cirius IV, where his squad made their fateful stand. The flash of fire, the scream of the dying, foe and friend alike, it caused his blood to boil. He was back on the final days of his first military career, and fighting like hell to keep the Sith at bay. His own war cry joined the men behind him as he sprinted, invigorated by the feeling. He vaulted over the remains of the first position with ease, landing dead center of a Sith squad. His CQB training kicking in, he quickly shot one before they could react, and dived to the side as the others began to shoot wildly. Rolling to his feet, he raised his rifle and fired several shots off, adding two more to the dead. He pulled the trigger again, but the gun clicked empty, the clip was used up. No time to reload, so he threw it like a grenade. Drawing his pistol, he somersaulted to the side to avoid more blaster fire. He grabbed a a grenade mid roll, and arming the timer, counted in his head. 2...1...release. He chucked it into the air between the Sith troopers. It went off mid flight between them, shoving John back with the force of the fireball, and giving the troopers a mouth full of shrapnel each. John landed with an thud, and sat up to continuing to fire from his pistol. An Alliance soldier ran up to him, reached out to help him up. John took the hand heartily, and grabbed his rifle, replacing the empty clip. They than began to shoot in the fray, going back to back to cover each other.


cast from paradise
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2012
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The silver hilt slapped into his outstretched grasp. Overturning the rusted gold, his claw clasped the girl's lightsaber studiously. Though she was the first he faced this day, she had not put up a significant fight. Deemed unworthy of his taking, he slashed the tip off of her lightsaber hilt and rendered it useless. He looked up, flashes of red and green discoloring his profile in the dusk. He turned, deadened to the cries of battle as all others scurry past him. Eirethesh was no longer near. The battle was large, even as it was concentrated. Noster did not expect to see him again. Though nothing was certain.

Suddenly the front lines began to show the colors of weakening, the sounds of loss. Noster could not see the front, from where this push originated. Though he felt its disturbing rush.

He stood now, in the midst of duty and chaos. He knew the coming rain of cannons would batter the shields and those without into dust, but there it called to him; conflict. Test dared shout his name. And he heard it. All around him was blood and battle. Heads were clipped by stray fire, smacking helmets off there and there. He seemed almost too calm, whilst others' blood pumped and heightened with adrenaline.

Explosions blasted ahead. Noster shifted his cheek towards his right shoulder, peering down the way.

An Alliance soldier ran up towards him, lost in the mix, and lifted his rifle with a clear shot and fired. Noster flicked up his lightsaber indifferently, instantly redirecting the shot back square into the soldier's face. He fell dead. But there, beyond the spreading lines of failing Imperium troops and the spray of gray and tan dust clouds and little orange fires, Noster found it. Unmistakable, there was one. It was a Jedi, a powerful one. Noster instantly became dangerously fixated. He would have conflict, now, and grant the Jedi a swift and honorable death.

He took off.

With the retraction of his blade and the sudden collapse of his Force signature to that of any trooper's, Noster sprinted through the fray towards a coming formation of retched Alliance soldiers. They did well against pawns. Even as they took cover, as he could see them up ahead while passing through the thick Imperium ranks that now resurged forward, Noster felt the Force forge a path as he flowed through its curling tides.

One Alliance soldier bested a trooper clad in white, and looked up to the two who were back to back; John being one of them.

A severed lightsaber hilt suddenly flew through the air just past that soldier's cheek, rotating silently as the night, and smacked into the soldier's nose at John's back. And, without warning, the soldier watching the two back to back flew from the air and was hurled straight for those two solderi's backs to split them. Noster had thrown him with his own two hands, and reclaimed his sprinting pace; accelerating with a sudden spin of his own hilt that spat out both crimson ends of the saberstaff at once and cleaved two soldiers in half as he passed - leaving John behind for now.

Clenching his hatred through the cracks of his teeth, Noster fueled his own surge of following troops; only crisscrossing ranks to keep things about how they were before. But he cared not, as he neared the Jedi called Larik with a special gift or two.

Suddenly both top halves of the two soldiers he had impaled were flung out of the air and towards the otherwise retreating Jedi. Noster barreled straight for the nearest soldier with two quick blaster bolt deflections which took out another soldier, then he yanked his golden claw into a fist that Pulled that nearest soldier into a wobbling slide upon his own boots that slid him inbetween Noster and the Jedi Master -until Noster rotated his dual blades about his right side and emerged around the soldier's left- glaring at Larik with ebony silk covered pale green eyes and an attacking advance.

"RrrAAAAH!!!" Noster closed in on the Jedi and released his focus on hiding his presence, having opted to build on the power in his left claw instead, and roared for all to hear with a curving thrust of the front blade at Larik's chest that would cross left.


Not nearly as Prissy as Padme
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2012
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The crosshairs of the powerful scope landed on a Mandolorian, who was cocky enough not to wear a helmet with his heavy Beskar armor. The man had a smug grin, an amazingly scruffy face, and a lit cigar that hung loosely from his lips. Narrah moved the center of the luminescent blue plus directly between the man’s eyes. Bright flashes disrupted her vision every so often, as the man fired his rapid fire heavy rifle into a crowd of Alliance soldiers. Just as the Lorrdian was about to end the Mandolorian’s harassment of her comrades, a blackness flitted across her sights.

It was abrupt enough to cause the purple haired girl to pull away from the scope. Her lavender eyes scoured the battlefield, searching for the strange event. There it was; a darkness moving through the combat. Its movements were effortless, as it charged through the crowded masses. It was focused and determined to reach its destination. Narrah quickly calculated its general path, to determine its possible destination. There, at the end of that path, was her Master, Larik Novan. Her eyes widened with the realization of the ramifications of someone so determined to reach Larik.

Narrah placed her eye upon the scope once more. The figure darted between friend and foe with an awe inspiring grace. She pulled the trigger.

”4…” she counted.

By the time the blaster bolt arrived at its intended location, the figure was already 2 meters beyond the spot. The red bolt plowed into the armor of an Imperial trooper, shattering it into tiny fragments. Her smoking body collapsed lifeless to the hard permacrete ground. Narrah swore under her breath, before making the necessary sight adjustments. The sniper rifle jerked in her hand, as she released another shot.


The red bolt of plasma sailed through the tussling crowd, destined to find the charging Sith that she had targeted. Just as the bolt was about to make contact with the dark figure, and Alliance figure was tossed into its path. The powerful shot punctured the man’s shoulder, sending his body spinning through the air. Narrah winced at the sight of seeing her shot connect with a member of her force.

The dark figure’s pace quickened, as it twirled the crimson blades of its saberstaff. The Lorrdian looked to Larik. He had not seen the Sith approaching, as he seemed thoroughly engaged with another group. There was no way that her Master could her voice over the roar of the battle, and she was terrible at telepathy. But perhaps… with all of the grace of a charging Bantha, Narrah forced her vision into Larrik’s mind. Had she more practice or more time, she might have tried to be more subtle. Though seeing himself in the third person would be slightly disorientating, he would be able to accurately see the direction in which the charging Sith was approaching.

Deciding to help her Master, Narrah slung the rifle over her shoulder, and leapt from the landing. She muscled her way through the crowd, trying to get into view of her Master and the mysterious Sith. As she closed in on the spot she whipped her rifle from her shoulder. There you are. she thought, as she spotted the Sith and Larik. Raising the sniper rifle, she began to take aim at the Sith. She tried to be patient as hordes of people passed between her and her target. Then, as if the Force had Willed it so, the sea of people parted and she had a clear shot. As her finger depressed the trigger, a bright red glow passed in front of her face. Narrah looked down only half of her sniper rifle, its remaining edges glowing with intense heat. She looked up into the unnaturally pleased looking Sith; his blade poised to bisect the Padawan on its return trip.


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
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"Sir," one of the Corellan troopers called, "we have Imperium reinforcements from the right fla-AAARRRRRggg."

The end of the Sergeant's sentence was caught off as a lightsaber errupted through the man's chest, followed by a jerk that released it. The Galactic Alliance Captain turned, his lightsaber meeting the Sith Crusader's. The Crusader only lasted a minute or two, as the full mastery of years and years of practicing Ataru came at him with the power of one of the most powerful Jedi of their time. Larik could feel it, however, as he finally landed a strike on the Sith, following it up with a killing blow. The wear and tear of battle was upon him, but not so much the Jedi Master didn't see the two bodies flying straight for him. Was it a warning? Or just an odd occurrence. More likely both, both the Jedi Master simply darted around each of the two gruesome torsos, implementing techniques the Sage Master had showed him concerning dexterity.

From behind him, something tweeked him. He turned around, again surveying the battlefield as he tried to lead his troops in their slow retreat. Measured. Calculated. So that they could move to a position where they were needed more. Over the fray, he picked out a purple splash, recognizing his padawan from around 300 feet. What was she doing out here? Suddenly, a lightsaber slashed through her rifle, and the woman's head kicked back in surprise. Without a moment's hesitation, Larik had flung the lightsaber, using all the power in the Force to fling it the three hundred feet at an incredible pace. The lightsaber stabbed through the chest of the Sith, the long lightsaber not endangering Narrah thanks to Larik's ability in the Force.

The success in his throw was short lived, however, as a presence in the Force suddenly erupted into his attention. Turning to his right, the Jedi saw a Sith Crusader in mid-roar as he reached for the Jedi Master with a deadly looking gauntlet. Able to do no more, the Master thrust his body to the side in a violent manner, his wrist by passing the fingers and coming into conflict with Sith's wrist as the Jedi turned, guiding the weapon across his body and pointed away, so that the viscous looking thing wouldn't rip the Corellian apart. Larik yelped as the Sith sped past him, his wrist hurt by the hard metal of the gauntlet. He was prepared for another attack, however, immediately after. Unarmed and unsure of who his opponent was, the Corellian was on the defense.

Before another attack could break out, however, the whine of speederbikes could be heard over the din. Several shots, flying widely through the crowds at the Jedi Master, were fired. The Corellian simply rolled away, the shots flying past him and towards the Sith Crusader who had engaged him. Two of them slammed into a Sith standing behind the Crusader, while another splattered the head of an Alliance Lieutenant from the next unit over. The lines were fuzzy, and the crowd of people fighting hand to hand, with lightsabers, or blasters was a complete brawl.

Coming out of the roll, Master Novan assessed the situation, ready for any further attack from both parties he was now engaged against.
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The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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Von felt the dark aura of the Sith approach her from behind, only to leap around her to block her advance. His following challenge was one full of arrogance and pride. The experienced Jedi only shook her head at this foolhardy youth.

"Move aside," Von replied calmly, "My fight is not with you today."

As he entered the Ataru stance, old Von would have laughed, but she was no longer that person. The new Von simply sighed heavily. Clearly this Sith would not allow her to pass without a fight.

Von drew on her knowledge of Ataru, and went through multiple probable opening moves, a strategy more typical of Makashi than Djem So, but Von wasn't a strict adherent to the Form by any means. The Jedi finally thought of a strategy, one that practically exuded confidence, bordering on arrogance, but it was the safest bet as well.

Putting her lightsaber before her in a neutral pose, Von advanced determinedly, the strategem at the forefront of her mind. Seeking to overwhelm the Sith, Von suddenly dashed forward, the Force propelling her attack, and brought her saber down in a powerful slash that would cut the Sith from his left shoulder to his hip. Knowing Ataru, Von calculated that the Sith would simply evade the strike with a leap or roll, as Form IV couldn't withstand the powerful strikes of Djem So. But Von was prepared for this.

A powerful wave of telekinetic energy gathered from the kinetic energy of her dash using Tutaminis would blast the Sith mid-roll or mid-leap, seeking to slam him away from her so she could continue to the Command Center.

"I don't have time to play with you, young one."

Stel Starkiller

SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2013
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Yang just smirked as the Jedi told him to move aside. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not like that coward who ran away. My fight is with you" Yang said. He was determined to fight a Jedi and if he won, all the better. Besides holding back this Jedi from joining the fight was an accomplishment as well. The longer she fought him the less she'd be able to help the alliance.

Yang recognized the attack pattern the woman was making and starting thinking. Ataru was not the best when it came to defense and from the looks of it her Djem So was formidable. Luckily Ataru was about evasive maneuvers. He took a jump backwards to evade her strike. As he moved backwards Yang could feel the woman gathering the force. He could not react in time and was sent flying backwards. Performing a back-flip Yang landed on his feet and was still blocking the woman's path.

"I me be young but that doesn't matter much when it comes to the Force, does it" Yang asked. As he spoke Yang called upon his anger and aimed his left hand at the woman. Jet black lightning with a crimson outline shot out of his hand. While not nearly as powerful as a Sith lord's lightning Yang figured his lightning could still get the job done. He had a deep rooted anger which fueled the lightning. Hopefully his attack would work.

The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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The young Sith is not without some skill, and his recovery from the telekinetic blast was admirable. Still, Von knew that she could not waste time here dealing with this wannabe-menace.

His taunt regarding his youth and its unimportance regarding the Force made her smile a little, but she was quite surprised when he unleashed a blast of red and black lightning. Clearly, he had a lot of raw hate and anger to produce such a color, but Von had dealt with Force Lightning before.

She deactivated her lightsaber and clipped it to her waist with one quick move while reaching forward with her left, assuming a slimmer profile toward the strange green Sith. Her left hand pointed her index and middle fingers out while curling the rest in while her right arm came up and bent up over her head, which also curled up besides the index and middle fingers.

When the Lightning struck Von's left hand on the two outstretched fingers, she channeled her body like a superconducting cable, diverting the dark energy through her left arm with Tutaminis to her shoulder, then down her side to her abdomen, then up her right side to her other shoulder, before ending at her right hand and its outstretched fingers. Adding her own energy to the rush of electricity, Von returned the Sith's lightning along with a few of her own bolts of green Electric Judgement back on the Acolyte.

"Your tricks may work on the foolish and weak, Sith," Von replied calmly, redrawing her lightsaber, "But I've spent my life training to fight your kind."

She suddenly dashed forward again, her boots skimming a few inches away from the ground, and ignited her lightsaber as she came. Instead of swiping with her lightsaber at the end of the charge, however, she encased herself in a half-bubble of telekinetic energy, transforming herself into a brutal ram. When she was close to the Sith, she discharged the bubble, sending a wave of power at the younger warrior.

"Taste Judgement!" Von yelled as she outstretched her left hand and, again using Tutaminis, converted her kinetic energy into raw Force power, and used it to launch a blast of Electric Judgement.

Stel Starkiller

SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2013
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Yang watched in confusion as the woman quickly put her lightsaber away. Just what was she planning? Yang watched as the Jedi raised her hand and...sucked in his lightning through her fingertips? Yang was surprised when the woman seemingly absorbed his lightning and threw it back at him. Surprise was not all he felt, anger started rolling off him in waves, massive waves. He was furious that this Jedi had not only absorbed and redirected his lightning but made it look so freaking easy! Jumping out of the way of the oncoming attack Yang glared at his opponent.

"Really? Well I've spent almost my entire life learning to break and kill your kind" Yang replied. This is what he had been trained and conditioned for, fighting Jedi. Yang watched as the Jedi drew near. He could feel her drawing on the Force. Figuring it to be a blast like last time Yang used the Force to jump over the woman, spinning in the air so his back would not be to her.

He was right, the Jedi had sent a blast of energy. Good thing he had moved or that might've hurt, a lot. Wait her technique looked similar to his Force Lightning, yet there was no anger or hatred behind. Interesting, so Jedi could use techniques like that. "You are a worthy opponent. What is your name" Yang asked. He wanted to know the name of the person that would either be his first Jedi victim, or the one who would defeat him. While waiting for the woman to answer Yang aimed an Ataru style thrust at her back. A wicked grin carved on his face, this was gonna be a fun day.

Fantasy Liver

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Dec 31, 2012
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Darren leapt out of the speeder and landed in front of Novan. He was hoping to gain the element of surprise. He swung his lightsaber at Larik's neck and would then back off into a defensive stance. The commandos in the speeder had also leapt out and were using their superior tactics and training to take out a lot of Alliance with them.

"I will acheive my destiny today Jedi scum!" Darren yelled.

The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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"You could not break a single piece of straw, Sith," Von replied as the green man leapt over her. Little did he know that he should count his lucky stars that she'd diverted from her Makashi skills, as the old-her would have simply stabbed straight up, running him through in midflight. Still, she was unprepared for the ferocious lunge aimed at her back.

Another one of Djem So's failings
, she mused as she spun about. She inverted the tip of her lightsaber to point down and away from her as she spun, hammering the stab away under her arm. Taking a page out of Master Juno's book, Von stepped in with her unplanted left, switching her weight to it, and threw a powerful punch with her free left hand. The punch also carried with it a powerful telekinetic shove with the Force. If it hit, the blast should carry the Sith several meters back. She silently thanked Master Juno for her lessons as she performed the counter.

"I'm Von Raythe," the female Zeltron-hybrid announced, "Jedi."


SWRP Writer
May 20, 2013
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(OOC: Sorry I'm so late. Broken arms will really put a damper on posting. Hope this isn't out of turn. If it is, feel free to ignore it.)

Having narrowly escaped from the Temple with a number of other Padawans who had stopped to aid Alliance forces in different sectors along the way, Dero had drawn the shortest straw and was forced to link up with Alliance troops at the Command Center. Thankfully he had managed to avoid run-ins with the larger conflict zones that held the elite Stormtrooper Corps and Mandalorian soldiers, though he ran into the occasional Imperial trooper that was sub par when compared to his stormtrooper counterparts. "This is bad. Very bad." mumbled the Padawan as he rounded the corner of a building to find himself facing the rear of a Mandalorian squad that was busy attempting to overrun an Alliance squad. Grim trophies hung from their belts, pelts, fingers, and the occasional lightsaber. Knowing he would be of no use to the Alliance troopers, Dero continued on as he made his way across the road narrowly avoiding the dangerous superheated blasterbolts from the Alliance.

The young Zabrak had zero intention of failing to arrive at the Command Center, running through the now abandoned and war torn streets of Coruscant as he drew upon the Force to aid his progression. Finally he could see the abandoned landing strip of the Command Center in front of him protected by it's high fence which he drew upon the Force once more to propel him over the barrier with little difficulty. Landing with his long handled saber held in front of him, a finger on the activation stud should there be enemy soldiers lying in wait. "So far, so good...." whispered Dero as he started his sprint down the runway. Thankfully it was a short trip with the aid of the Force, though he was stopped short as he skidded to a halt as he cornered a hangar and found two Force users locked in combat. A strange green skinned Sith and a woman with pink skin and black hair. He watched in amazement as she redirected the Sith's Force Lighting back at him and with sudden disappointment as the Sith attempted an underhanded thrust at her back which was soundly parried.

Indecision picked at his mind before he finally decided to reveal himself and aid the woman if he could. Running from his cover with his saber still in the open as he ignited the brilliant blue blade. He said nothing as he skidded to a halt next to the pink skinned woman, taking the Shien stance. Though his long handled saber looked a bit awkward for such a form as it was almost the length of a double bladed saber hilt, Dero had discovered the extra length of the hilt gave him more force behind his strikes.


cast from paradise
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2012
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Before another attack could break out, however, the whine of speederbikes could be heard over the din. Several shots, flying widely through the crowds at the Jedi Master, were fired. The Corellian simply rolled away, the shots flying past him and towards the Sith Crusader who had engaged him. Two of them slammed into a Sith standing behind the Crusader, while another splattered the head of an Alliance Lieutenant from the next unit over. The lines were fuzzy, and the crowd of people fighting hand to hand, with lightsabers, or blasters was a complete brawl.

Coming out of the roll, Master Novan assessed the situation, ready for any further attack from both parties he was now engaged against.

Noster stumbled past his prey, then looked up. With one lifting twist of the saberstaff, Noster deflected one shot away with the top beam and then another away with the bottom. Then, without hesitation or remorse, his left claw shot out and one rider was telekinetically knocked from his perch, as Noster's claw then swung over and hurled the speeder towards the Jedi like a bomb.

Darren leapt out of the speeder and landed in front of Novan. He was hoping to gain the element of surprise. He swung his lightsaber at Larik's neck and would then back off into a defensive stance. The commandos in the speeder had also leapt out and were using their superior tactics and training to take out a lot of Alliance with them.

"I will acheive my destiny today Jedi scum!" Darren yelled.

The speeder would arc from the air and crash down into Larik's position just when Darren backed off into his defensive stance. Then, when the speeder had exploded, Noster would rush in and attack.

With Darren at Noster's three o'clock and Larik between them, Noster would slash the left-most-blade up at Larik's right leg; the right-most-blade of the staff pointing out along the line of his right shoulder.

Though he hated the idea of fighting along side this Acolyte, rather than showing his skill on his own, there was no time to second guess the moment's choices. Noster was not aware of this Acolyte's specific orders, but they were both there and their purpose was the same.

Stel Starkiller

SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2013
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"You could not break a single piece of straw, Sith," Von replied as the green man leapt over her. Little did he know that he should count his lucky stars that she'd diverted from her Makashi skills, as the old-her would have simply stabbed straight up, running him through in midflight. Still, she was unprepared for the ferocious lunge aimed at her back.

Another one of Djem So's failings, she mused as she spun about. She inverted the tip of her lightsaber to point down and away from her as she spun, hammering the stab away under her arm. Taking a page out of Master Juno's book, Von stepped in with her unplanted left, switching her weight to it, and threw a powerful punch with her free left hand. The punch also carried with it a powerful telekinetic shove with the Force. If it hit, the blast should carry the Sith several meters back. She silently thanked Master Juno for her lessons as she performed the counter.

"I'm Von Raythe," the female Zeltron-hybrid announced, "Jedi."

Yang merely shrugged off her insult. Who really cared what some lowly Jedi scum thought? Yang watched as his trust was easily dodged, despite attacking from behind. The counterattack was so fast and fluid Yang didn't really have time to register what happened before he felt a fist him followed by a blast of force energy. As the young sith went flying backwards he only had two thoughts, the woman was very strong, and ow did that hurt. Regaining his breath and focus as he backflipped Yang glared at the woman.

"Von Raythe. I'll make sure to carve that into your lightsaber once I kill you. A nice little trophy" Yang said. He raised his lightsaber into the Ataru stance. "The name of your demise, is Yang" Yang said.

Yang laughed a bit as Von said Jedi, as if she were so proud of it. "Jedi. A hypocritical and weak society. In the face of all this death and destruction and chaos can you still believe in them? Well, can you" Yang asked smirking.

Yang watched as yet another Jedi joined the fray. "Another Jedi? Fantastic" Yang said smiling wider than before.
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Not nearly as Prissy as Padme
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2012
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Her actions were swift and graceful. The violet haired Padwan dropped the useless hunk of metal that she still clutched in her hand, and retrieved the lightsaber that was attached to her left wrist. A vibrant green light burst forth, as the jade blade erupted from its emitter. By the Force, she would have to get that color changed at some point. She hated the color green. And when match with her eyes, hair, and outfit, it made her look like some sort of clown. As she brought the blade upward to deflect the incoming assault, the familiar gray glow of her Master’s lightsaber exploded through the Sith’s chest. The overconfident gleam faded from his eyes, as his crimson weapon fell harmlessly from his hand. Narrah raised her foot and kicked the lifeless body to the ground.

The battle raged around her. Her blade flitted about violently dispatching nearby enemies, as she stretched to get a better view above all of the action. It took a moment, but she finally realized that Larik was facing two Sith and a plethora of invaders. Speeders crashed around them, and there was an unbearably hectic pace about it all. Cloaking herself within the essence of the Force, Narrah made her way quickly toward her Master’s location. As she travelled, beams of plasma deflected, intended to end her life, deflected harmlessly off of her blade. She ducked and dived through the crowd, as she concentrated to make her way behind a Sith that had just sprung from one of the destroyed Speeders.

Just Matt Now

SWRP Writer
Feb 21, 2013
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By the time the Sundance Maiden made it to the perimeter of the Coruscant system it was evident that the battle had already started, and many had already died. This suffering tormented the Jedi Knight like no other. So many innocents did not have to die, though the Sith Force would not care. Their hatred and blind arrogance towards the Jedi and Galactic Alliance the only reason for such destruction. They would rather kill innocents to see the two forces separated, and they had succeeded. Master Novan's ship was only a yacht, despite it's high speed and acceleration ratings, it would not do much good fighting off other starfighters. In this case, Loogo knew he had to fly in under the radar, and through the thick lines.

"Sshorty, lock the navcomputer onto the command center as ssoon as we get into orbit. That is where masster will be, hopefully I am not too late." Instructions given from their lat meeting together, their plan finally playing out.

The sight of Imperial star destroyers did not deter the Jedi Knight from his mission. He would find his master and the other Jedi as his life depended on it. He understood, also, that Guhoo Armstrong would be at the Command Station, yet another reason for his mission to be successful. No more Jedi, or innocents would die, Loogo wanted to make sure of that as best as he could. The others did their part, and by now most of the civilians had either escaped, or died. Now it was time for them to escape.

"Beep-boop-bop-breep!" His droid was not far from him.

"Good, try and esstablish a communique with Larik and Guhoo, hopefully we can get through to them. Alsso, trigger the sships cloaking device...thingss are gunna get rough real ssoon." Loogo did not bother to try and reach the actual Command Center, there would be too many orders coming in and out and he would not risk back-logging any of them.


"Good, patch me through..." Loogo replied. "Massters Armsstrong and Novan, this is Jedi Knight Loogo Vssil of the Ssundance Maiden. I am making it passed enemy liness to your positionss. You have fought bravely and galantly yet sstill most of the positionss have already been over-taken. It is time to put an end to this ssith inssurgent. Forgive the inssubordination, but thiss Jedi Knight has an order for the both of you. Leave the ssith crippled and unworthy, sso that we may come back to finish what they sstarted!!"

His ship rocked, the shakiness due to the rough space they were flying through, which slipped underneath any and all Imperial radars and scanners. They would not be looking for a single yacht coming back to Coruscant. Loogo was approaching the Command Center hot, his speed had to stay high in order to outrun any who caught sight of him. Fortunately for Larik and himself, he was an excellent pilot, so if any were to catch him, he was not unaccustomed to combat even with this yacht.

The closer he got to the surface, the more TIE Squints he saw. Now he had no choice, he had to engage them in order to break through. Still unnoticed, Loogo targeted two Squints who seemed as though they were escorting bombers to their targets. They would not expect him to swoop in from behind as he did so. Loogo scanned over his holomap, they were positioned right near the Command Center and hopefully where his master had been.

"Short fire the cannons!" He said as the two wing-mounted laser cannons opened up in the shieldless TIE's. The mass of their explosions careening off and towards the surface split in different directions. One off into the distance, while the other managing to hold on long enough to still have some power to it's thrusters. Yet it still could not manage to avoid collision...


On the ground where the Imperial and Sith soldiers were surrounding Larik Novan and Narrah Sunce, a TIE fighter came crashing down. The crash obliterated a portion of the invading Imperials, swaying the tides slightly in the favor of the Jedi. By now, Larik would have gotten Loogo's message, and his presence on the battlefield would be known only to the Jedi.

"Sshorty, pilot the sship. Drop her down in front of Masster Novan and the otherss!!" Loogo commanded as he slithered in a sprint to the laser cannons. As the Sundance Maiden grew closer to the group if overwhelmed Jedi, Loogo was seated in the gunners seat, aiming the cannons at the Sith and Imperials on the ground. Blasting them away with the cannons like they were ants being burned by a magnifying glass.

"Wooooo-hoooo!!" Loogo yelled to himself as he gunned down the sith.


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
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Unluckily for the Sith, the Master Jedi had already made note of the roaring engines that foretold the arrival of the speeders. Even more unluckily, the Sith that had already engaged the Corellian grabbed the driver of the speeder next to the new arrivals, throwing the commando off of the bike. Larik saw the lightsaber coming, the speeder behind it, and focused on the force as he allowed the lightsaber to slap off of his hand and bounce off. He would have followed with a force push, had the man not then be required to catapult himself away from the speeder that slammed into the spot he had just vacated.

The Force Jump that got Larik away from the explosion with landed him on top of an Imperial trooper. The man screamed as Larik grabbed his neck, twisting it to snap the man's neck. He couldn't afford the distraction of a trooper now focused on killing him, in addition to everything else that had targeted the man. Now farther away from the two Sith, however, he was neither between them nor within striking distance. They would have to move closer in order to reengage him.

"I AM SORRY!" the Jedi Master yelled to the newly arrived Sith over the din of battle, "BUT YOU WILL NEED TO TRY HARDER IF YOUR DESTINY IS TO KILL ME!" The Jedi Master felt his Padawan, Narrah Sunce, moving much closer. She was in danger, but it was nothing the skilled assassin turned Jedi could not handle. The voice of Jedi Knight Loogo Vsil, a newly knighted Jedi and ex-padawan of the Corellian, echoed in his ear as Larik regarded the sith.

The Jedi Master then smiled at the two of them, and before they could close the distance and engage the man, a TIE fighter slammed into the growth two hundred feet to Larik's left and their right. An explosion erupted, killing a few Alliance soldiers but even more Imperium, Sith, and Mandalorian. Blaster cannons erupted from the sky as an awfully familiar ship appeared, blasting the now hazy lines between Alliance and Imperium. In the mayham, as soon as Larik saw the TIE, he vanished. Implementing a combination of force stealth and force cloak, the man would be almost impossible to see- it was his specialty, and only the most accomplished Force users would be able to sense him. Even his Padawans, with their strong connections to the Force and intimate relations with their Master, would find no trace of him.

He moved quickly from his prior position, concentrating more on the application of the Force than where he was headed. Once Knight Vsil and Narrah were around, however, the man would drop his techniques and reengage the Sith.


cast from paradise
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2012
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The Jedi leapt out of the way, out of the path of the hurled speeder as it crashed into the street with sparking flame and shattering pieces from rising black pillar. Expected, yet still repugnant and unacceptable. Noster's gaze snapped to the Jedi now upon a trooper. He hitched his neck into a cracking swivel in unison with the unfortunate trooper's snapped neck, gritting his teeth with angst for the prolonged engagement. Noster wanted blood. The Jedi and he were here. There was nothing else, no holding back, no need to delay. He would slay the Jedi or force his nemesis' blade to strike true and end his uselessness. His beliefs, his desires - none of it was "right" unless he was alive to fulfill them. And if he was alive, then nothing would stop him from driving his point home.

Noster broadened his chest, arms muscled out to his sides, as he began to gradually stride towards the Jedi. Then a smile left him with nothing.


Noster's head snapped right and witnessed the aftermath of the crash, then snapped his head back to the nothingness where the Jedi was no longer and snarled with teeth rearing forth. He stood still in the chaos, retracting the rear beam of the saberstaff with a flick of the pinky; fist's fingers rubbing hatefully tighter about the firm steel.

Then, suddenly, from chorus' chaos came even louder distant booms that trembled the earth and fissured tiny fractures through the pavement as streaks of massive blue fireballs of energy arced through the air, crashing into obstacles and ships and buildings as they went, and careened into the Command Center's shields thunderously; thus starting the continuous storm that heralded the beginning of the end of that defense.

The long range cannons had reached their positions, in range yet far off comparatively.

After a moment's hesitation in awe, four Alliance soldiers then surrounded him. Noster waited in silence, playing at their even split second hesitation, before suddenly spinning in place - slapping two simultaneous blaster shots back at one soldier's chest before him, thus ducking two other shots, whilst telekinetically yanking one soldier's right foot to the right as the poor sod slammed into every other soldier along the way. The entire circle of four was on the ground in just over a second.

Noster broke into an aggressive walking pace neither toward nor away from the Command Center, striding towards and past one soldier, plucking him up with that left claw by the shoulder, and lifting him up like a duffle bag almost over the shoulder as the regaining soldiers shot and killed their own comrade hung upon Noster's back. Continuing, he walked towards what he felt to be as lesser Jedi for the hunt; biding his time until a more worthy opponent returned to the forefront.

"Come!" Noster nonchalantly barked at the Acolyte Darren to follow.

It was then that Noster saw the Sith Master from earlier in the distance, absolutely destroying the resistance in his vicinity. The varying levels of experience along the push of the front line were more than evident. So Noster stopped, seeing that area as pushing the Alliance back with exceeding skill. He swiveled left to face the near-distant Command Center once more and pointed his lightsaber out towards it.

"Drive them back here," he ordered with that red beam pointing for the center left of the massively wide street in chaos.

"Succeed and draw attention to yourself. I will hammer a second coming behind you."

With the give and take of the front line, the fluctuating win and loss of ground, Noster found their current approach lacking. However inevitable their success may be, due mostly in part to their superior numbers still pouring in, this push and release style was not gaining them sufficient speed and momentum. So if the Acolyte gave speed to the Imperials once more, and Noster then came in behind just when the line would give again - they could beat back the lazy play and keep the necessary forward momentum that they needed. Though Noster did not know Darren's previous orders, this would fall in line with whatever goals he already had. They could both get what they wanted. Noster was also his superior, a Crusader.


The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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"I am not the Order, Sith," Von replied to the Sith's snide comment, "And my beliefs regarding anything are no concern of yours, but my lightsaber is."

Suddenly she detected another presence, but this one was not malevolent. In fact, he seemed to emit an aura of camaraderie with her. That could only mean another Jedi. When he slid into place next to her, Von gave him a curt nod and said, "Glad you could join us."

In a quick stroke of trickery, as soon as Von said "us", she dashed forward at the Sith again, preparing to swing her lightsaber in a rising sweep that would travel from Yang's left foot to his right shoulder, but was halted by a sudden flash of light that illuminated the entire area.

Halting about halfway to the Acolyte, Von turned to see an artillery turbolaser blast strike the ten-story building next to them. She spun about and threw herself at Dero, twisting as she came, tackling him to the ground and rolling to land with her beneath. She transmitted an image into his mind of them joining together in meditation to deflect any blast material before she sent a powerful blast of Force Wave into the ground beneath them, digging a small foxhole-like crater in the ground to maximize their protection.

The building exploded in a brilliant explosion, sending massive flaming chunks of metal and duracrete through the air.

Von closed her eyes and willed a protective screen over the foxhole/crater's opening.

Skip to 1:05. Awwwwwwyeahhhhh...

Fantasy Liver

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SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2012
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Darren yelled ine rage as only a Sith can.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Darren screamed, as he started cutting down through Alliance soldiers, using his rage to try and cut a path to Larik.