Fantasy Liver
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  • Hey, do you want me to continue posting in the sullust spinoff thread? or should I wait for approval?
    Just Matt Now
    Just Matt Now
    Introduce who, Cur or Nefie?
    Fantasy Liver
    Fantasy Liver
    Introduce Nefie. Meaning the Council. Just maybe have your guy excuse himself and call the council I think.
    Just Matt Now
    Just Matt Now
    Hey, looks like the Council is reaching out to you in the thread...would you want to respond first? Think it would be more fitting.

    That moment when Hirani and Giran both get called young uns, but 18 year old BRAHE of all people is described as a grown ass man with a mature attitude. You should see how he acts off-duty. Hahahahaha
    • Haha
    Reactions: Sakie
    I haven't seen this yet post but I guarantee you Hirani will be livid lmao
    You're up in Along Came A Hunter
    • Like
    Reactions: Fantasy Liver
    Fantasy Liver
    Fantasy Liver
    Thanks - I was wondering. I thought it might be Ashton Romero who was up since that was the posting order but I guess he dropped? Anyway, thanks for the head's up - I'll post shortly.
    The Captain
    The Captain
    We haven't seen Ashton in weeks, so we're skipping him till further notice.
    hmu on discord or here; I'd like to talk to you about a potential RP regarding our characters :)
    Fantasy Liver
    Fantasy Liver
    Sure what did you have in mind?
    I'll drop you a PM momentarily.
    I'm sorry for the delay in the writing my post in our rebel mission thread. I'll get it up hopefully by tomorrow.
    Wrong class, same concepts being taught. Next time tell me if you're planning on posting in a thread I'm in xD. Regardless, let's roll with it. Post again after phoenix and welcome back, Fantasy!
    Nice first post in the Command Center battle. I'm looking forward to seeing you in action.
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