Allu'rah Danan
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  • Oh yeah, I have those energy shield things... I never use them. Mostly cause I forget about them. So I usually just sell them. Currently spazzing plasma grenades
    Jimney Cricket. Trying to kill Bendak Starkiller as a scoundrel is the worst
    Yeah. He's on Once Upon a Time. He's a great actor. But I was watching it and was like "Hmm...he sounds familiar...thats nottt...*Internets* OH MY GOD IT IS"
    I think they would have adjusted Mission's age at least. Bastillia seems too stuck up to go both ways *Shrugs* Actually if I remember right, Juhani was originally scripted to be able to have a romance with Female Revan. But yes, definitely more characters.

    Fun fact. This is what Kaidan/Carth's voice actor looks like
    Hey, would you like Chitsah to be in a mission? I need up to two Hutt agents for this mission I want to do. I'll send you the link if interested.
    Usually it involves copious amounts of alcohol. And also. The fact she downed fire whiskey without batting an eyelash was a bit of an alarm.
    He's starting to add the numbers together. He's usually not that lucky, they're going home, his gut feelings going nutso.
    When I learned that KOTOR was coming to iOS I was very happy. But back then I still had my 2nd generation touch so I was a little disappointed that it wouldn't work on my iPod. But then I got the iPhone 5 and now I play KOTOR. This makes me very happy. And TA much more bearable.
    None particularly. Unless you count being normal as an oddity on Nar Shadaa.
    I'd imagine it being upscale. He likes shiny things. So something ultra modern and fancy.
    I own all three xP

    I just wanna jump to two. But. I want the neat things in three. Oh well
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