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  • Well I have to say this... Hit List has the most awesome ending ever get too it and read it. Everything changes and now I am waiting for the next book.
    it's fine. I'm involved in it and I doubt Saint or Vayna would be opposed to one more. ^^
    If you wanna drop in on Eternally Thorned Cardinal, shoot a PM or visitor message to Vayna Akhara. The thread's waiting on Saint for the time being.
    I agree, she does get new men all the time but she is technically a succubi so men would be attracted to her. She is appealing to them and they do whatever it takes for her to sleep with them. Classic myth but with a slight twist in she is doing it without knowing it for the longest time. Also she has so many beasts in her that she is attracted to each strain like the were creatures are.

    I try and make a balance of characters, I like males and I like females. The males characters though tend to be like Edward where they are tough so I kind of limit them until I have a better idea beyond badass. Females I can vary and have unique.
    The selphi are highly force sensitive as most live near forever because of the force. And yeah when I get the race approved I will be making Richard. I will look forward to your character who has an awesome name.

    As for Edward I hope she doesn't do that too but from the looks of it no, although it is kind of funny that he already is a pansy if you look at his alter ego Ted. He goes to dance class with Becka and sits there with all the mothers. He is just that good an actor. She has at least one new man in Hit List another gold tiger
    The Olaf action in Hit List is good, sheds more light on him. You also see a side of Edward and learn some new things.[don't want to spoil] The Harlequin are still a threat although well after Bullet where there is a moment [you'll know it] Seems Anita is really changing. Edward more or less asks her to accompany him after Hit List with Peter on a job. So it would just be those three I imagine and well fun I think.
    I am going to try and make the ultimate Richard, but for the most part it will be hard because you have to go through a lot to get a race approved.
    If you make another fae for this site, I would like it. The other Selphi are elves act like humans. I want some excitement and well I am going to try and make a force power for Doyle similar to his green fire. Just something that eats away at everything but it might be overpowered.
    Well for the most part the selphi race are elves and fey already. I just took the Meredith Gentry look of hot and long hair and added to it. They also have the same logic about truths and lies. They don't lie but bend the truth so far.

    The star wars Richard yes he will pretty much be what Richard should have been a badass wolf man who just dominates.[I agree about the books] I was also going to make an Anita and Jean Claude eventually also. He would just be fun cause I wrote out how to make his voice into a power same with Ashers.

    The books are going towards a storyline again bu it is looking like the next one will be another Obsidian Buttefly where anita travels with Edward. [who I have also made as a star wars character] and well I haven't finished it but you do learn a lot more about Olaf in Hit List including certain details about what he actually does to his victims. Also well it looks like Belle Morte and the Dragon may be coming to America to help Anita and Jean Claude.
    Oh yeah, I want to turn the hands into powers, and the race yes. Mostly I have the same rules. Where they heal when they shift, can shift at anytime but have to feed and rest afterwards. The character I was going to make would be a mammoth sized Richard who would stand eight feet unshifted and in wolf man form be nearly 10 feet. The partial shift I have to work on and the control issues where they shift and can if they lose control.

    Yeah she is focusing on the anita Blake books which Hit List was good. Bullet I liked also because they got out of the forty plus page sex scenes. Now they have sex and story. It isn't like Blood Noir and Danse Mecabre.
    Thank you, I am working on a race to mirror lycanthropes from Anita Blake. And well I look forward to yours.

    Oh what did you think about Cel dying? And do you know when the next will be she said it wouldn't be the last. At least last time I rememebr
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