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  • Does anyone have any experience with SW tabletop? I'm thinking of running a game of Edge of the Empire, wondering if anyone here has played.
    Once again looking in through the window and wondering if I'll ever be able to stay around for more than a few months at a time, lol.
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    Reactions: Herrith
    les miserables

    ...as you stay!
    Like the wind she comes but never stays.
    Hey buddy just so you know I wont do a auto attack that kills your character. That's not my intentions as we have both agreed to that. If you wish to post taking the hits or just want me to make a post to detail how the hit will probably be just let me know.
    Richie B.
    Richie B.
    Alright thanks, again sorry about all this. How much damage do you wish to take and what kind I don't want to like burn half your characters face when all you felt was needed was a shoulder wound. If you have no preference I will just make it minimum as possible.
    I'll send you a PM with what I was going to do so you can figure out the narrative yourself.
    Richie B.
    Richie B.
    Alright works for me
    Jake you can't use NPCs to protect yourself man. Just going to mention that.
    Richie B.
    Richie B.
    That's really my only issue that it doesn't make sense in the story if people run literally in front of a shooter. Especially as it's been made clear the path away from the two people fighting isn't blocked. But I can work with it just a bit stressed I guess with family and all
    I stated that the shots making it through was an oddity IIRC, but also I think that in the crazed panic of you opening fire in a densely crowded, low lit area it isn't that improbable that people would be in your line of fire. I also said that Tsurumah was specifically putting people between the two, and that people were attempting to give your character a wide berth.
    No worries though, if you think you can work with it then all the better. Otherwise hit me up on Skype whenever you see me etc. Happy turkey day!
    I'm just gonna poke you again for the duel thread. Just let us know if you aren't interested anymore.
    Hey! Sorry Jab. I didn't post for ages and assumed interest had just kinda petered out because I got busy with a ton of other projects (finishing a longterm project and a couple TT writeups I've been owing and getting behind schedule on because of work and such). I'll get to it today or tomorrow. Sorry for the hassle!
    Could the members of the Think Tank add me on Skype at "my.narcissus"? Or PM me your deets
    what is this think tank
    If you check out the announcements forum, you'll see that the Think Tank consists of the Admins, Faction Leaders and a handful of individuals chosen to represent the player base and help hash out exactly what the story will look like for Timeline 6.
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