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  • If you don't mind could you look over my new character for me? She's awaiting approval and I'd like some feedback :) Dis be her
    I'm not entirely sure myself, as even though I'm a DC fan, I don't know much about the Question. And sadly, it looks like the threads have died :(
    Buenos tardes, señor. ¿Cómo ha sido?
    translation:Good evening,sir. How have you been?
    Ah, okay. Well I finished To Kill a Mockingbird. Now to see what all the fuss is about Pride and Prejudice, namely about this Mr Darcy fellow. -_- Of course I'm as tired as all out so I'll do that tomorrow. *snores*
    Managed to crank out something for that thread finally...those bunnies are in hot water though >.> They won't know what hit them. They will endure my wrath :CStern

    Thank you :CHappy
    So I'm setting here listening to the 80s Rock station on Pandora (I'm in heaven XD ), drinking tea, munching crackers, and trying to crank something out for a thread. What is frustrating is my muse for replying to it seems to be MIA, yet I was struck by an idea for a character earlier this morning and my plot bunnies (those little traitors) have been entertaining it all day >.> the little monsters invited it over for tea and crumpets and whatever *mentally cursing a blue streak at the bunnies*

    >.> I had to rant to somebody and you were handy. I apologize
    I think I know someone who does...*insert the 'I see' emoticon that doesn't work* But I don't play those types of games. Don't have the time/energy/brain cells/computer for em :bitchez
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