Recent content by Max Veers

  1. Max Veers

    I Bless the Rains Down on Vjun

    "I hate Mandalori..." Max was cut off mid complaint as the multiple shots from the two attackers collided with him. "So...." he spat up blood as he looked down at his blaster pocketed chest "...predicatable." he chuckled to himself, wincing in pain as he did so. A further three shots hit the...
  2. Max Veers

    I Bless the Rains Down on Vjun

    Max was running, at some considerable pace when he heard the glass smash. In responce, he lobbed a CZ Riot Gas grenade in the direction of the house, obscuring his attackers view enough for Max to avoid some of the shots, the remainder however, colliding with him and sending him spirraling into...
  3. Max Veers

    I Bless the Rains Down on Vjun

    Max had been in the village for a few days, putting together, what he insisted, was his greatest scheme yet. The complexity and depth of the scheme was so unthinkably mindblowingly complexed, that he simply daren't rush it - and so, when the Mandalorians had arrived, he had been gazing out of...
  4. Max Veers

    Better Company

    "Splendid." Max allowed himself some small indulgence, as he took his seat in his personal box - recently vacated by its owner some three days hence, owing to an incident involving a 'night droid' and a pnuematic power axel. The details of the case had apparently caused the investigating officer...
  5. Max Veers

    Better Company

    Bona Fortuna was one of the most well respected opera houses on Nar Shaddaa, its glistening spire serving as a beacon of high society across the sector. For the past three centuries, it had performed every single night, uninterrupted by the ever turbulent political-criminal (for all to often did...