Recent content by Shiuzu

  1. Shiuzu

    What is your New Year's Resolution?

    To post in the DCRP thread more.
  2. Shiuzu

    Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    The movie is bad and everybody involved should feel bad.
  3. Shiuzu

    The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    Think about it, pilot that's unnaturally good, he's the face of The Resistance, and dies in suspicious circumstances only to show up again with no real explanation of how it happened a la Dark Knight Rises.
  4. Shiuzu

    The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    Obviously Poe is the clone army, they just have back-ups of him stashed away somewhere and he did die on Jakku.
  5. Shiuzu

    The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    The difference between Rey and Luke is that throughout A New Hope and even Empire we see him struggle and the need to get bailed out of situations and grow his abilities. In the desert Obi-Wan needs to save Luke from the Tusken Raiders, then again in the bar, Han Solo has to save Luke from...
  6. Shiuzu

    The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    So, I enjoyed this movie, but upon reflection there's a couple gripe I've got.
  7. Shiuzu

    Footbah 2015-2016

    Are you legit a Pats fan?
  8. Shiuzu

    Love At First Sight

    Thanks for the feels-trip.
  9. Shiuzu

    Footbah 2015-2016

    I hate you.
  10. Shiuzu

    Footbah 2015-2016

    Whelp, nobody else seemed to be making a thread so I decided to do it and see if any of my fellow nerds are into some good ol' Football. The season started last Thursday with The Steelers and The Football Team That Shall Not Be Named, and then we got all the Football yesterday. I'm only a...
  11. Shiuzu

    Captain America: Civil War

    Get hype.
  12. Shiuzu

    Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Submitted without context.
  13. Shiuzu

    Fantastic Four (reboot)

    I can't even tell you how fucking hype the Slamtastic 4 Specials are getting me.
  14. Shiuzu

    Suicide Squad

  15. Shiuzu

    Suicide Squad

    I was listening to a podcast today that kind of talked about the Guardians, SS comparison as far as the, "Well they both look silly and are straying away from well known characters. The big takeaway from it was when one of them mentioned the differences being, the Guardians trailers showed us...