Recent content by Tristan Alexandrius

  1. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    "hmmm, good choice. would of been a waste of talent to go into politics" Tristan attempt at flattery was rooted in contextual evidence of the Jedi's strength and his own personal bias. Tristan could not stand politicians. In his opinion they caused more issues than they cured. Aristocratic and...
  2. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    Tristan didn't let the praise get his head to big, simply smiling and acknowledging his honestly mediocre throw. "It was alright, for my first time" Strength was never his strongest attribute despite what his chosen lightsaber discipline may suggest. He looked out onto the water admiring the...
  3. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    Tristan was taken aback by the amicable and bright nature of the young man. Instinctually he returned said kindness by shacking his hand firmly and introducing himself. In the corner of his eyes he could easily spot Zak,Wayson, the snarky girl and others becoming acquainted with and moving...
  4. Tristan Alexandrius

    Ask A Beautiful Day

    "Druk!" he had felt the tinge, calling on him to move and at a good pace but he couldn't. The Dark Side was truly a powerful entity, it had him for a moment, feeding on his deeper emotions. That was the seduction however, that was the trick. This was a small battle being waged though the...
  5. Tristan Alexandrius

    Ask A Beautiful Day

    He couldn't follow forever, that was clear. He had to make that clear move for introduction or he'd be following this man home. His rise from the bench was rivaled only by the speed he summoned to keep up with the armored man and the Sith woman. His robes whirled and flapped as the wind caught...
  6. Tristan Alexandrius

    Ask A Beautiful Day

    Brown eyes closed as numerous sounds around him faded to nothing. He was going to pinpoint the person from which the force so resonated from. This was much easier when a force user or force sensitive was surrounded by a sea of non-force sensitives. After a few seconds of focus he had him...about...
  7. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    responding to his new friend he said. "I think it shows them a softer side of the Order, supply moving refugee helpers. Not lasersword soldiers" Tristan was likewise amicable to the Jedi's warm welcome. "Hello, I'm Tristan and yeah we would love some help, faster we get this done faster we can...
  8. Tristan Alexandrius

    Ask A Beautiful Day

    This was one of two things. Both interesting. This force sensitive he sensed was the individual he was looking for...or we may have a friend or foe here. Force sensitives didn't commonly traffic this part of the Galaxy all that often which gave credence to the latter of those possibilities...
  9. Tristan Alexandrius

    Ask A Beautiful Day

    Glassy eyes stared down at a crudely crafted Dathomirian trinket in the palm of his hand. Glassy eyes were those of one in deep thought and memory, mixing pain with joy, sorrow with peace and resentment with hope. So was the dichotomy of Tristan when thinking of the past. Growing frustrated of...
  10. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    " Tristan..." he spoke tilting his head before responding, " I don't believe i do, but i appreciate it regardless" another volunteer, he could contextually deduce as he neared the end of the rickety and downright slightly poorly constructed bridge, laying the supplies down in a preestablished...
  11. Tristan Alexandrius

    Open Sun day, fun day! (Jedi social)

    Mundane....even for as important as this program was, Tristan still considered it mundane to some degree. In his view knights should be out on the battlefield. Spurring on the cause of peace. Tristan did not mean to sound conceded but it was his view, as was his master's that the goal of a Jedi...