Recent content by Vritoria Coruna

  1. Vritoria Coruna

    TKR: The March of Progress

    Again, the Empress surprised her, but, she didn't let it show, instead she kept her surprise hidden, to the best of her abilities. She was aware of the Drast legacy, everyone who paid attention when growing up and had been schooled was aware of the Drast legacy, Vritoria held little doubt that...
  2. Vritoria Coruna

    TKR: The March of Progress

    Vritoria wasn't sure whether or not she was supposed to be surprised or pleased to hear that the Empress herself not only knew her name but not only that, she also had had her name at her desk for a few days at least. At first she wasn't sure how to respond to the realisation that the Empress...
  3. Vritoria Coruna

    The Lusty Lekku: Sisters

    While the passing of her father had been a very unfortunate event, it had also cast quite a bit of light upon his former life, what he had been up to and his thoughts on certain events. Vritoria had to commend her father for keeping so many journals through out his life, from his sixteenth...
  4. Vritoria Coruna

    The Red Suns rises.

    Mission Parameters: Arrange for the pirate gang, the Red Suns, to strike against the Traitorous 'Old Empire'. Operatives: Vritoria Coruna, @Danee - Pierre Lindegaard, @Faster Than Light Sector: Mid Rim Location: Real Space, Ansion System. As the Audacious-class Corvette ISS Persecutor reverted...
  5. Vritoria Coruna

    TKR: The March of Progress

    These past seventy two hours had been a rather hectic couple of hours for Vritoria, recently her father had come down with an illness that had been ailing him for a few weeks and while she hadn't gotten the full name of the disease or how dangerous it had been, she had known it was a serious...