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  • Tbh, I'm pretty confused about where I am and everything. When I asked Rom he asked me to mention that. Once Rom gets on, I'll ask him how I should change my post and what he meant.
    And with the Jedi leaving the Alliance, the Tion Coalition now has two Jedi Knights as members of the Tion Army :D
    Be sure to tell Komad that the whole facility isn't to be built all at once. We start out with our small facility, as you said in phases, and pay him to build the place as we acquire the funds to expand. I don't want him going 'dur hur hur, 100,000,000 credits dur hur hur' or something :P
    Alright, I just re-read the thread, and I like your idea better. However, it would need to be suitable for planetary-based construction, since the R&D facility is on the ground. And since it is more of a research facility than a ship-building facility, for now all we need is slipways suitable for starfighters on to large heavy freighter-sized vessels, which can be expanded over time.
    We could do a flashback thread that takes place during the time skip, slowly expanding the R&D Facility as we go.
    Alright, Lavi's approved of a research facility on OHS3842-03, but says if we want more shipbuilding capabilities (our current being minimal shipwright capabilities like starfighters and freighters) we'll need to do more work for it.
    FYI, we may very well purchase Komad ships. The way I have planned, the Coalition Navy is composed of multiple fleets. The current and only being the Despot Fleet, named because it is completely composed of an ecclectic bunch of warships. The next will be the Daritha Fleet, made of our Indigenous Program ships, which will be our primary. Our third fleet, which is yet to have a name, will be a Fast Response/Defensive Fleet, which I'm thinking of having it made up of Komad ships.
    We will make Xim proud :D I'll talk with others about plans and ideas for the Coalition post-time skip, and see what they think.
    Yeah, I read you. We could get them to build stuff like the Xer-class Heavy Cruiser and Cron-class Frigates, but it would be good to have our own facility. ATM, I'm running the idea of a planetary-based shipyard by Lavi, which would be able to manufacture starfighters up to small corvettes, and that is a good idea. Perhaps I could get in touch with Kin-Wan and schedule a meeting between his char Aden Komad, and if you wouldn't mind, Krayd. Darmas is, as you know, swamped running the Coalition, and since you are the leader of the fleet, it be good if you met with him. Soon though, I'm going to have Darmas meet with Kylis and talk about the subject. Since he's a Captain in the GAN and his family owns a ship-designing company, he might know of a few ways to get our Navy off the ground.
    With this, we'll have to start small-end up, probably. That means we'll start cranking out Fox-class fighters and Victory-class bombers to start with, and judging by the size of the facility move up to things like the Trace-class Corvette and Ranroon-class Blockade Runner. Anything bigger, and we'll either have to expand our current facility, or find a way to get ourselves a real shipyard.

    One possibility is our contract with Komad Industries. They're a manufacturing company, and I believe they already have a shipyard facility. After the time skip, we may be able to license some of our ship designs to them, so they can manufacture them for us, we pay them (we'd be paying for it anyways with durasteel, computers, etc.), and we get our ships manufactured at a standardized quality and it'd probably be faster.
    You and I had the same thoughts about our own shipyard. I'll run the idea past Lavi and see which one sticks, and then we'll go for it.
    Hey, got a question of opinion for you. I'm considering making a terrorist/criminal/psycopath character, but I need help. I will either make them a man, one who is more on the psycotic side, and prefers to do things himself; or I will make the char a woman, one that is more cold and calculating and cynical, and one that prefers to manipulate people. Both will be similar, but will have stark differences. I'm indecisive, so I need some help choosing.
    Hey Auto, you planning some special RP with that HEXS Far Discovery ship? If so, I'd love it if you could PM me the details.
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