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  1. Aldo Raine

    Working for Charity

    Aldo's squad fell into formation as they systematically picked their way through the labyrinth-like office building. Ever door had to be opened, every room scanned cleared and marked. It was slow going and monotonous. The first few rooms are panic-inducing and then you become numb. Ten rooms in...
  2. Aldo Raine

    Observe & Report

    The Corellian's stoic gaze observed the planet resting before him. An organization calling themselves the Tear of Arkanis has placed extreme pressure on the sector's government, and that ruling body reached out to the Rebellion. Aldo had been dispatched to determine if this relationship is...
  3. Aldo Raine

    Smash and Grab

    Aldo repeated his question to Firen, but the little Kushiban, wasn't talking to him. The Corellian put the throttle to the floor and closed in on the Prisoner transport. He could see Hugo overhead dealing with the final gunspeeder, and knew there'd be nothing stopping him from getting to the...
  4. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    The Twi'lek, not to be outdone by the Corellian threw herself into the fray with a prowess that made the former CorSec officer take note. A wry smile spread across his face as the Imperials around them lost all hope. The pair made one last push to the final door standing before them and...
  5. Aldo Raine

    Working for Charity

    Aldo smiled to himself as Hugo agreed. Truthfully, the Corellian didn't trust anyone but himself and the commander to lead the two-pronged attack he was setting into place. From his cover behind the speeder truck, he hailed Cal, and his grizzled demo team. "Hope you boys are ready to go to...
  6. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    Aldo followed Greybok, but the Wookie's breakneck pace would have left him winded so he remained with Ner, Slippken and 99. They were able to keep the Wookie in sight as he moved through the facility with apparent intimate knowledge of its floor plan. They were far enough behind greybok to be...
  7. Aldo Raine

    Smash and Grab

    Aldo fired off two more shots at the gunnerless speeder before him, but changed his target when he saw a volley of fire arc toward Hugo. Lapoa howled with pain as he took a hit and the Corellian opened fire. He allowed the heat of the moment to get the best of him and his shots went wide. It got...
  8. Aldo Raine

    Smash and Grab

    Aldo gave Ion a proper salute as he left. Hugo was one of the Corellian's closest friends, and he had the utmost confidence in him, even if Plan B didn't go the way it was supposed to, it didn't matter. After all, Plan B was: Wing it. To Firen Aldo said, "I'm going to get close to the transport...
  9. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    Aldo inclined an appraising eyebrow at Twobee as he considered the droids question. With a quick glance at Greybok it was clear that the droid was, in fact, the only one with any sense. "Sorry, Twobee, duty calls." He replied following the massive heap of hair and rage before him. As they...
  10. Aldo Raine

    Smash and Grab

    Dice Thread A man, with fire in his eyes, creates a path for those lost. Aldo Raine lay prone peering over the edge of a cliff face on the planet of Makeb. His expression was as stoic as ever as he surveyed the landscape. Using a pair of macrobinoculars he scanned the surface of the cliff...
  11. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    The Reflex class starship was booking it back toward its ally and the Corellian's harden gaze was glued the starship. The pilot had proven they knew what they were doing but Aldo wouldn't let them out of his sights again. He felt the power of the Starbird surge forward as the ship closed the...
  12. Aldo Raine

    Working for Charity

    The Corellian's mind worked over the details of the current situation. Aldo was visibly caught off guard when Hugo gave his order. He wanted to argue, he wanted to take Ion's place in the vanguard of the operation, but Aldo could tell Hugo's mind was made up. The Corellian's brow furrowed as the...
  13. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    The battle was in full motion now as the two forces exchanged blows. Greybok's maneuver had been successful and now that the commander had tasted blood, Aldo doubted he'd let his quarry escape. Aldo's full attention remained on the ship ahead as it veered off out of his sights. The Rebel was...
  14. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    Aldo swore as his shot went wide of the nimble starship. The gunner tracked the ship until it moved beyond his sights and he was forced to break off. He centered his crosshairs and routinely scanned the empty space before him. His senses were alert as he awaited the inevitable turbulent dance of...
  15. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    Aldo felt the Starbird slow, his radar chortled and he watched as a pair of small dots slid in from their flank. The rebel's brow furrowed as he watched the blips close in on them. There was always a calm before the calamity, and he could sense the sudden tension between the two newcomers...
  16. Aldo Raine

    Working for Charity

    A man stands among his comrades, yet still he is alone. The sleeping city of Marck layout before the band of Rebels following the lead of the Alliance Commander himself. Their mission was straight forward: Get in, get the target, and get out. The only thing stopping them from doing that was...
  17. Aldo Raine

    Godspeed, Rebels

    A man discards his indecision to embrace purpose. Aldo rested his tired eyes in the palms of his hands, as he attempted to wipe the exhaustion from them. His nightmares had been harrowing and persistent the past few days, causing his dour disposition to sour into a surly one. In a feeble...
  18. Aldo Raine

    Rise of the Wookiees

    A rebel embraces his calling on the smuggler's moon. Hyperspace gave way too elongated starlines, which collapsed into the glittering starscape in front of Nar Shadda. Aldo unclipped his harness and stepped to the nearest porthole to take in the site. He'd eagerly joined Greybok when the...
  19. Aldo Raine

    Observe & Report

    Aldo appreciated his companions eagerness to get to work. As usual, the information provided by the Alliance was need to know meaning the agents coming in would have to do the leg work if they needed additional information. This rang true even more so for them since they were the reconnaissance...
  20. Aldo Raine

    Observe & Report

    As he entered the base he was greeted by a Togruta. He froze for the breath of a second and then recalled briefing doc he'd been given about the mission. The squad assigned for recon was comprised of three members, Alysanne Drast, Ariadne Ky, and himself. Aldo awkwardly gave her a tight smile...