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  1. Varus Wren

    Putting Them Down

    They were finally able to head back to Mandalorian Space, real Mandalorian Space. He had been in the Core for what seemed like an eternity. He just wanted to go home. He let out a yawn as the ship rocked slightly as it entered hyperspace. He had just leaned back in his chair when the ship...
  2. Varus Wren

    What Goes Around

    Krowsnest - Afternoon Varus had been away for some time, he had done battle against the Sith, and had been on several other missions for his people but now he was finally home. He stood outside his home. It was snowing, like it often did here. He was busy cutting more wood for the fire, a...
  3. Varus Wren

    Pride and Prejudice

    Varus Wren was used to matriarchal societies as Clan Wren had always been one but Hapes took it to an extreme. Hopefully, the fact that their people were led by a woman would make the transition of power easier for those on the planet. Their conquest was inevitable, if they only just recognized...
  4. Varus Wren


    Quesh They had been dropped off and left in a rather dangerous swamp to walk the last handful of miles to the adrenal factory. Varus was glad for his armor as they had seen a myriad of bugs the size of banthas, even if this planet was almost unbearably humid and hot. He much preferred the...
  5. Varus Wren

    No Survivors

    Varus and Ravyn had found an ancient underground base that had been dormant for centuries most likely on Krowsnest. It would be the perfect base of operations. Before they can be sure it would remain a secret they would need to track down the remaining pirates that had discovered the base as...
  6. Varus Wren

    Into Darkness

    They had uncovered some type of access shaft that had been buried under the snow and dirt for who knows how long. It was only by a freak accident that the wampa had uncovered the door when it fell down the mountain. It would be too hard to find this exact spot if they had left and there wasn't...
  7. Varus Wren

    Journey's End Tavern

    Journey's End Tavern - Mandalore *No Death - Open the mainly Mandalorians and their allies - Probably not best to act a fool in a bar far of bounty hunters/warriors* Journey's End was, like the rest of Mandalorian Society, rough. It was no small feat to bring together some of the most...
  8. Varus Wren

    Up The Mountain

    Krowsnest It was growing late, but he never slept all that great the night before a hunt. The excitement still got to him after all this time. His wolf, Ciri, lay on the ground beside him. She was a large creature, ferocious in every way but now she seemed little more house dog curled up by the...
  9. Varus Wren

    Mandalorians in the Mist

    Kashyyk - Dueling Arena Varus had always had a respect for the Wookies of Kashyyk. In many ways, they were bred to be the perfect warriors. They were strong, fast, and intelligent. So when his clan had been invited to celebrate Life Day among them, he had been eager to attend. He had arrived...