Search results

  1. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Infinity Rose

    . Citadel House Ulgo members had congregated around the altar, a ceremony seemingly was undertaking as the priest out in front spoke in language too archaic for the common tongue to decipher. After House Organna had come under attack, Ulgo would have been likely next in succession. The Sith...
  2. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Long walk home

    . Dathomir, Local time: 1734 pm Vile Darkness had its limit, after all, beyond a certain point it became nothing but senseless cruelty. The sith was not known for his sympathy and had even demonstrated periods of murderous rage in the past. Though, he knew doing this would be the right...
  3. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Shiver me Timbers'

    . Ahh, the deserts of Tatooine. Had the sun not been bathing his ebony tainted marauder cloaks, Roman would actually find the warm climate a nice change of pace compared to their mission in Hoth. However, this was the second time he had accompanied the young crusader on her travels. The duo...
  4. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Blade or Nail?

    . In middle of nowhere, Hoth. Local time: 0923 AM Roman had accompanied the newly christened Sith Crusader on an interesting mission. They were to form some degree of partnership with the Dar'Mandas, exiled Deucalians; what better way than to prove Sith might in the snowy terrains of Hoth...
  5. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Dealings in Bad Faith

    . Roman stalked the edge of the rooftop, peering down below to see the street. It was dead quiet at this time of night, not a single soul wanted to be caught in the city's industrial district at these hours. Doing so put yourself at significant risk, considering all the ruffians and transients...
  6. Roman Antilles (TL8)

    Malicious Malos

    . Tomb of Darth Malos, Korriban, 13:23 local time The pilgrimage took longer than he had expected, though it was not without its own spoils of adventure. Migrating through the scorching deserts as the sun of Korriban melted on the back of his neck was difficult enough, but not clearly as...