Search results

  1. Khalid Din

    Ask No better family bonding that Hutticide

    Serenno Khalid had to admit: Serenno was quite the pretty planet, the combination of nature and royal buildings making it quite appealing to a man that loved both getting lost in the forest and urban sightings...But travelling to this planet was not pleasure, but rather bussiness. After all...
  2. Khalid Din

    Ask Home sweet home

    It has been way too long since the last time he had come home, but a good way to get him to put his foot on the planet was with promises of a barbeque! The Din family barbeques were legendary, after all...But that was not only it. Truth is, he was worried about the whole Killik situation, and he...
  3. Khalid Din

    Ask Nar Shaddaa The boys are back in town

    Nar Shaddaa, shortly after the events of Super Hutt Ball The smuggler's moon was even more active and mischievous than usual tonight, in a planet where people stabbed and shot each other every single minute for a couple credits or less, every single one of the assholes that lived on Nar...
  4. Khalid Din

    Ask (Family) gathering the ungatherable

    It had been a couple weeks since the last time Khalid had visited his family back on Bandomeer, yet the young tiefling found himself in there once again. Of course, out of all the siblings that were doing something outside the planet, chances are Khalid was among the ones that came back for a...