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  1. Nike

    Instinctive Force Abilities?

    ...What is with the raging Gungan hate going on lately? Anyways, yeah that's what I figured. However, say a character does end up pushing someone off a cliff because of a strong emotional reaction and discovers they have that ability. Would it be impossible for them to teach themselves how to...
  2. Nike

    Instinctive Force Abilities?

    Question: If a person knows that they are Force sensitive, but untrained, are there any abilities they could potentially teach themselves? Simple stuff, like a weak pull or push, sensing general emotions in people, things like that?
  3. Nike

    Word Association Game

  4. Nike

    "Unpopular" Star Wars Opinions.

    Lets be honest. As much as anyone bitches about the poor decisions Lucas made in the prequels, we would all lose our shit if we got the chance to sit and have coffee with him. At least, I would, majorly so.
  5. Nike

    Government Shutdown

    I love Humon! I get the majority of my world news from her
  6. Nike

    Username Color Changes

    Just gonna throw my two cents in and say the online list looks so much nicer and a lot less like the sites I rped on when I was thirteen :CHappy
  7. Nike

    Word Association Game

  8. Nike

    I'm sure we could work out something :D

    I'm sure we could work out something :D
  9. Nike

    Totally not cheating! Zara was adopted, too. I think thats what makes the Mandos so cool, the...

    Totally not cheating! Zara was adopted, too. I think thats what makes the Mandos so cool, the family is more than blood. If you have nowhere to go and are willing to live with honor, loyalty and courage, the Mandos will take you in.
  10. Nike

    Yeah, I remember that. Glad you came back, but I suppose we all do eventually XD I think so. Its...

    Yeah, I remember that. Glad you came back, but I suppose we all do eventually XD I think so. Its gonna be great character development for Zara, at least, and thats what fun for me.
  11. Nike

    Call it social hibernation >.> Life got overwhelming for a little while and I needed a break...

    Call it social hibernation >.> Life got overwhelming for a little while and I needed a break from people in general. Next time I'll warn ya'll before vanishing for a month and half (Which, wow, feels like a lot longer than that)
  12. Nike


  13. Nike

    Happy Birthday Sisk!

    Dude, you're old. I mean. Happy Birthday Sisk! Yay, you were born :3
  14. Nike

    Word Association Game

  15. Nike

    Word Association Game

    Great-Great-Grandmother Ninja'd Edit: Best Friend
  16. Nike

    William Shakespeare's Star Wars

    This. I am happy just knowing this exists. Also, you can buy it here. -goes to search for money between couch cushions-
  17. Nike

    I figured it out!

    Wait, is this suppose to be in runes, because I can read it :/ Unless, because Imma Mando, my brain instinctively translates it!
  18. Nike

    Aw. Poor you.

    Aw. Poor you.
  19. Nike

    Physical Affection

    Padme, I don't think its strange that you don't like being touched! My family is not very physically affectionate. We don't touch a lot. Like, my mom randomly giving me a hug would feel weird and make me wonder who died. I think that's shaped how I feel about touching in general. I don't mind...
  20. Nike

    Crazy Compliments

    Hatter is...biohatterous get it? cause of your avatar and...never mind. I'll leave now edit: >.> Cell is a ninja