Search results

  1. Val Varthra

    Ask A Full Accounting

    Yaga Minor. Val sometimes wondered why they had ever obeyed the Lords of the Sith. The secret shipyards on Exegol had been a strain to operate. It was difficult to move shipments of supplies through the chaos of the Unknown Regions, and even more difficult to bring ships and supplies out once...
  2. Val Varthra

    HoloNet News Imperial Government Announces Security-Enhancing Measures

    Val was not used to public relations. Until now, the ISB was an organization you felt rather than saw — and while she wanted that to remain the truth for the new iteration of the organization, she had to agree that some transparency served a purpose. Especially in the realm of PR. In that arena...
  3. Val Varthra

    Ask Naboo Panic at the Disco

    Naboo was perhaps the one world in the galaxy more beautiful than Chandrila. Before her academy days, Val had sometimes dreamed that someone — a man or a woman, it didn't matter to her in the slightest — would whisk her away from the stormy skies of Dromund Kaas and bring her here. Ironic, she...
  4. Val Varthra

    Ask Gathering Night

    Val's transport screamed into the atmosphere of Eiattu towards the palace where she was told Altair Din lived. More accurately, where he was king. The young man she had first met a short time ago on Eraidu had not given her a regal air at first; but his behavior was certainly that of a king...
  5. Val Varthra

    Ask Corporate Malpractice

    Bonadan was a bleak world for the birthplace of the Hydian Way. Bleaker even than Dromund Kaas, where storms blocked the planet's star all day every day. Val preferred worlds like Dantooine or Serenno. Worlds with green on them. But she didn't have the luxury of preference with this job. The...
  6. Val Varthra

    Ask Dantooine The New Order

    The Office of the Imperial Security Bureau was a misshapen, alien thing on Khoonda's skyline. It stuck out like a sore thumb, unlike any of the surrounding architecture. But that was purposeful. Every time the citizens of Dantooine looked up at the sky and saw it towering above all else, they...