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  1. Serene

    Ask A Coven's Castle

    Per my OP template, thread is death enabled Serene stood onboard the Thistle Oasis in its hangar bay, gazing at a holographic display that showed her intended destination . The Comet class star yacht descended smoothly through the planet’s frigid atmosphere towards the relatively comfortable...
  2. Serene

    Ask [Belsavis] Disposing A Despot

    Darkness covered the snowy moutainous landscape. Lights from fortified positioned lit the rocky landscape in the distance as snow flurries blew across the expanse. The night sky was filled with stars and was peaceful. Four Sith had trekked in secret, avoiding patrols and arriving before the...
  3. Serene

    Ask [Belsavis] Gaol Goal

    Many years ago the Sith used to control Belsavis from Castle Gaol. A lot had happened since the world was claimed for the Order. The Sith Warden whom had occupied the castle had since gone missing. The Empire may have been aware of its existence or another group took control in the meantime...
  4. Serene

    Ask [Balosar] The Masquerade Escapade

    There was not a great deal of tourism to entice travelers on the industrial world of Balosar. One of the less disreputable establishments was the Kubrick Club. They hosted masquerade parties from time to time though the anonymity did not stop members of Fergriss Pharmaceuticals from being...