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  1. Marr Thrar

    Ask Blaster Factor

    Blaster factor The contract... ---------------------------------------- Marr was glad, when he heard, that Newton would provide the Chromium for the weapon. Though the amount of testing and research needed for this weapon would be as exciting...
  2. Marr Thrar

    Ask Blaster Factor

    Blaster Factor The 2 in 1---------------------------------------- Marr is sipping his glas of cool glass of water, and listening to Newton. After Newton said, to do one thing at the time, Marr got a bit more nervous, believing he screwed up... After...
  3. Marr Thrar

    Ask Tatooine A gunslingers wish

    A gunslingers wish The unknown stranger... ---------------------------------------- Unknown to this world and what legend he was standing in front at, he accepted the offer to sit down and answered the Rodian's question: "Well, I was just here...
  4. Marr Thrar

    Ask Blaster Factor

    Blaster Factor Interesting meeting...---------------------------------------- A firm handshake coming from Newton Arden... which was a good sign... Marr hates loose and slimy handshakes... these businesses never get good... To the offer that he...
  5. Marr Thrar

    Ask Blaster Factor

    Blaster Factor outback opportunities ---------------------------------------- Marr was confused when he got approached by an employee of Blackwell Tech, who said that the CEO of this company would love to have a meeting with me for a...
  6. Marr Thrar

    Ask Tatooine A gunslingers wish

    A gunslingers wish Big Iron ---------------------------------------- Marr, almost steamed after entering the room. Looking around the saloon, he wasn't quite sure if he was in the right place. These lads meant business... at least when...
  7. Marr Thrar

    Ask Tatooine A gunslingers wish

    A gunslingers wish a large pile of rubble... ---------------------------------------- Entering the atmosphere of tatooine brought back some memories from Ord Mantell, both dusty and hot, yet Tatooine seemed to be a lot hotter than Ord...